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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Will you catch me if I fall? [Maugrim]

    They had traveled in silence.  Nothing but the rustle of dried foilage at their hooves were heard.  Moving at a steady pace as she led him to her birthplace as he had wished... Or commanded more so.  The rough edged evergreen colt nipped at her heels.  Eager to see this ocean she had spoke of.  It was the only moment in which his eyes lit in a none aggressive manner.  She hoped it would be to him everything it was for her...

    Where she stood now, before the mass of untameable waters, she felt free.  The salty breeze whipped about her ebony mane as she faced into the wind.  She was not a pretty horse by any means... Her colors that of the cliffs that towered above the seas.  She had no special abilities or unique patterns.  She was just... Azazelle.  The ocean had a way of releasing her from her thoughts.  Allowing her to be whatever she wished as she looked out across it.  At times she imagined what it would be like to be apart of the water.  Or.... She used to think this way.  Everything had changed recently even though she wasn't exactly sure how.  How the water had risen and conformed to her.  She wondered then if the same would happen here...

    The colt had stepped forward as he investigated the alien sight.  That same spark in his eye.  She had only glanced at him with her last thoughts before he summoned her... You first... His wicked tone caught her off guard in her half daydream state.  Ebony tipped ears flicked to the sides as muzzle was brought sharply inward as if he had poked her in the nose.  Stepping forward off her sand dune and onto the white washed beaches.  Hooves sinking slightly into the sands under her weight.  Her eyes steadied on him as she walked past and towards the capping waves.  Stopping just within reach of them.  With each one crawling closer and closer.  Until the water was breaking upon her ebony legs.  She spoke in her usual kind tones "It will not harm you... If you are careful." She tried to sound assuring.  The ocean though was wild and could swallow even a grown horse without much effort...

    Looking back out into the endless horizon her focus was less on him and more on her.  She ached to feel the freedom in which it promised.  Dark eyes closed at the feeling of the ocean spray upon her hide.  One day... One day she would be one with the great waters.


    Will you catch me if I fall?


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    RE: Will you catch me if I fall? [Maugrim] - by Azazelle - 04-28-2017, 09:42 PM

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