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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Don't get too close [OPEN]

    Don't get too close

    Weak... Pathetic... Useless... These were the thoughts spinning a web of discontent in his mind as he drifted through lands aimlessly.  His ebony coat catching what little warmth the sun had to offer the living.  Silver strings upon his neck and hindquarters tossed gently about as he moved.  Not young enough to have to cling to his mothers side for comfort.  No... comfort had been ripped from his soul.  A carefree childhood had been stolen from him by none other than his own father.  To his father it was for his own good.  To train him, strengthen him so that the world would not consume him.  Spitting him out broken and mangled.  Just as the wounded prey laid in Pangea.  Waiting for him to end their pain and suffering...

    An escape was seeked as he made his way to a land he had heard of in passing.  A new land for the young to gather.  A sanctuary of peace.  He must see this land with his own eyes, eyes paint many shades of ocean blue.  High stocking ivory legs carry his small frame to the kingdom.  Small head carried high on alert, ebony ears twisting about to capture the slightest of sounds.  Sea blue eyes scanning over the terrain with caution and curiousity.  Father may be watching him...

    Coming into view was a large pool of water.  It was not the endless sea that bordered Pangea.  No... He could see the other side.  It was contained and mostly still.  Bordered by evergreens and brightly colored maples.  The surface, a mirrored reflection of the sky and trees.  He had stopped to enjoy the view... Enjoy... That was new.  He had never enjoyed anything before this moment.  A smile tried to break upon his ivory lips.  His head turned to see more...

    A faint glow surrounded a shadowy form.  His eyes narrowed to try to make out the details of the figure.  Golden sun had reached the western horizon blinding him slightly.  The mysteriousness of the figure caused his stomach to tighten.  His heart jumped in his chest as his ears flattened.  Hindquarters swung to the side as he faced the creature head on.  A fluttered snort of warning was let out as he mustered up the courage to speak, "Hello! Who's there?" His head lowered to try to shield the sun from his eyes.  Adjusting up and down until he could make out the other better...

    Slowly it came into focus.  A single ear flicked forward in curious interest upon seeing another of his kind.. his age...  Blue eyes shifted cautiously as if waiting for something horrible to happen.  Silver tassels twitched about his hind.  Waiting....  


    Since Krys is bowing out I'm opening this post up to anyone.  Also since Imperial no longer has a home Sad
    Mother is actually considering leaving him here.

    How has he already reached an age to be weaned? To no longer require mother for survival? When he looks back over his shoulder, he sees his life flicker and disappear after a single blink. It happened so fast – too fast – but he isn’t quite so immature as to whine and worry. He has actually occupied himself lately, wandering the grassy hills and inching toward the reservoir. It ripples uneasily in front of his eyes, crooning for him to step in, but he hesitates. His hooves are nestled on the bank, the water groping for them. Swim, he tells himself, but he’s relieved to hear a distraction and to look away from his own reflection.

    The voice halts him, stops him of breath for a heartbeat, and he glances up curiously with his mismatched eyes. ”Hello,” he says to no one in particular as he searches for someone, anyone. His nostrils flutter and his heart patters. This is a refuge for children; he is safe, right? In anticipation, his wings unfurl, but they prove useless as he glances over to the nearby shore of the lake and sees the other boy. The distance separating them dissipates with a casual walk, nonchalant in his greeting. ”Hello there,” in case the boy had not heard him the first time, ”I’m Castile.”


    Don't get too close

    His greeting was echoed back but from another's vocals.  Looking upon the other in curious caution as an approach was made.  He stood firmly planted upon the grassy knoll.  His ears swiveled catching a name as the other spoke, a colt of his age and similar hue.  A smile had yet to cross his lips.  Deciding there wasn't much for danger his then taunt muscles relaxed as he offered his own name, "Imperial, from Pangea... Or was from.  The lands have sank as I'm sure everyone is aware." His tone matter of fact.  He hadn't cared either way if the kingdom was no more... Good riddens. Though it left him and his family homeless but they would make do he was sure.  His brow lift as he questioned the colt before him, "Do you live here?"  

    The land was much different that Pangea but in a good way.  He figured on scouting out a few places for them to consider.  He was unaware of his father's plotting.  His family wasn't on well terms and his mother had been due soon.  Maybe he should go find her.  Surely she would be near the ocean... "Castile, do you know which lands border the most sea?  I think my family may have gone there... My mother."


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