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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine; khari, anybody
    “Daddy?” I’m never gonna get tired of hearing that sweet little voice call me Daddy. Not in a million years, not if all my iron turns to rust and I’m a great big brick red heap of crusty old metal garbage. She’d still win me over with that shy smile of hers and those big brown eyes and the softness of her voice.

    “Yeah, angel eyes?”
    “Daddy, Khari told me a story about a pretty lake, that’s all clear like crystal and you can see all the way down to the bottom, even in the deepest parts in the middle! I wanna see it, Daddy, with my eyes, not just in pretty pictures in my head. Can we go? Can we, please?”
    God, I’m a sucker for those eyes. “Okay, baby girl. But somebody else is living there now, so we’re gonna have to ask. They might not want strangers just wandering on in and running around on their pretty lake, huh?” She nods and kisses me on the chin and races off to fetch her brother, of course, because if he told her about the lake, naturally he has to come with to see it again, right?
    “Khari, Khari, we’re going on a field trip, Daddy said! C’mon, let’s go see the pretty lake!”
    ‘Course, her brother’s just as much a sucker for that smile as I am, and the three of us make our way on across the water to go visit what we’d once thought would be our home. I would stop and invite her big sister too, but it’d be good for the twins to spend some time apart. I’ll hunt her down and invite her out, just the two of us (or three if Kali tags along) next. Another trip to the lake, or maybe a visit to the river. That’d be fun too.
    “Right then, off we go, you two.” Kali dances back and forth between me and Kharon, wide eyed and full of youthful enthusiasm. God, she’s adorable. And of course she wants to show off to her big brother all the tricks she learned the other day when I took her out on the water. Hopping and jumping and surfing along the waves, my little girl picked up on it all damn fast. So she scampers about on the water, laughing and frolicking and of course we join in, because how the hell could we not? Still, sooner or later we make it back to land, a hell of a lot closer to the Lake now that the plains have been swallowed back up by the sea.
    “Aww, but I like the water part,” Kali pouts, her lower lip sticking out a little bit as she reluctantly steps back onto dry land.
    “I know, baby, but there’ll be lots more later. A whole big lake to play on if whoever lives there now doesn’t mind, and then we get to play on the water again on the way home.” Which, thank fuck, is enough to cheer her right on up, put a little prance back into her step, and get her moving again. I grin at Kharon, and the three of us make our way back to what could have been home in a different life. What was, instead, just a happy little family vacation we took to avoid the fallout of my dad’s invasion of our home.
    “Hello?” Kali calls out softly, because my angel eyes is a quick learner and remembers the things I say. Like wait at the border, and ask for permission to enter like a good guest. “Is anybody home? I heard you have a real nice lake, and if you don’t mind, I’d really like to see it.”
    I smile just as soft as her voice, and nuzzle her shoulder gently. “Gotta be louder, baby girl, or nobody’s gonna hear you. It’s okay, you can use your voice as big as you wanna. It’s a pretty voice, and you’ve got every right to be heard.” Fuck, that’s a squishy happy mushy look on her face, and it melts my damn heart. She rubs her face against my hard iron chest, and I melt a little bit more. Hell. Stole the heart right out of my chest, this one did. They all do, but damn. “Go on, angel eyes, try again.” I’ve got you.
    “Hello? Is anybody there?” she calls, nice and loud.
    “Atta girl,” I say, with a kiss to her forehead. “Loud and proud. Now we wait, all patient-like, for somebody to come and say hi back.” I give her a little nudge, and she hops on over to Kharon to cuddle up with him while we wait for the welcoming committee.
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    All is right.

    Sakir has found Beqanna, and therefore has resumed his duties as mediator. He is, perhaps, the sole reason that Amet and Iset do not lunge for each others' throats whenever the siblings bicker. On top of Sakir's return, they have also found a place to call their own - a place that does not look or smell or sound anything like the Dunes once did. It is a place that does not serve as a reminder of their past, and for that, Amet is thankful. It is the one good thing that he has done for his siblings since he ran away from the Dunes without them, and for that reason, he makes sure to always hold on tight.

    Iset doesn't play the part of diplomat as well as Amet does, but the dragon king doesn't expect his sister to involve herself in the politics of their land. He doesn't want her to have to, because it's his responsibility to make sure that she and her twin brother are safe and sound in their new home. So when a pleasantly sweet voice calls out through the crisp air of Hyaline, our bronze and gold dragon-scaled stallion tosses his narrow head into the air and immediately heads for the border.

    He has learned in this past year that he quite enjoys visitors to the lake. There is no other place in Beqanna that offers the vibrant combination of wisteria, red maples, and cherry trees, and that doesn't include the view of the crystalline lake. The young Akhal-Teke stallion enjoys sharing his home with those who have no ill intent towards his family.

    He emerges from between the wisteria boughs, golden scales glimmering in the summer sun as his amber eyes find the trio, all lavender and painted and shiny and winged. Amet can't help but be awestruck by their brilliance, and despite his desire to be the mature diplomat, the young golden stallion greets them with a, "Wow!"

    It takes him a moment, but Amet finds himself and offers a warm smile, his ears pushed in the direction of the visitors. "Welcome to Hyaline," he dips his head, "My name is Amet." It hits him, then, that perhaps they had heard what he and Iset were trying to do with this land, how they were trying to turn it into a sanctuary and training grounds for young minds. He tilts his head quizzically and offers them a quiet whicker, "What can I do for you?"

    All it took was that smile, really. It was all it ever took for anyone. So he followed her to Father in casual strides, his longer legs not quite keeping up, but close enough as she skittered back to Dad. Kharon was pretty quiet, as he had been since the Talk. Subdued, maybe. It wasn't the first time he'd been away from his twin, but he knew... Somehow it was different. Somehow it was more real now, the distance, ever since Dad explained that it wasn't okay to be quite as attached as he was. A day away, then. He could do that, right? It was only a few hours, maybe. And he had Kali with him.

    "Right then, off we go, you two," Father said, and their sweet girl bounced happily between the two of them.

    He was still quiet as she danced and played on the water, her gorgeous little body lighting up the entire world with her joy. Even after his near drowning, he longed to join her, chase after her and play with her. But he didn't. Only stayed deliberately at Father's side. He was careful not to watch her. Was careful not to look at her. He didn't even sink into her mind as he loved to, let his presence wrap around and hold her so close, and the emptiness hurt. So empty, so alone. But there was always a smile for her, a ready touch or hug.

    Still quiet. But his eyes were everywhere, to the sides, in the distance, back behind the way they came. Everywhere. It was as though his gaze couldn't help but search for her, the missing piece. His body couldn't help but feel so naked and bare without her pressed to his side. Like being chained in infinite darkness, when he was born to be under the sun. That vital thing stolen away, and he couldn't see anymore. That darkness was loud against his skin, the emptiness. Could he ever get used to this? Dad said it would be hard. He was right.

    Everything hurt and he wanted to bury himself in Kali's mind for comfort, wanted to feel and escape this loneliness. But he didn't want her to see him this way, to know he was weak and confused. He was her big brother. He was supposed to always be strong and sure.

    Kali called out to the people of this place that had once been their home for a time, and his eyes had something else to do besides avoid her or look for something that wasn't there.

    Metallic. Like Father. Kharon was instantly envious that anyone would look as shining and shimmering as his dad, yet his own son was as dull as the mother he came from save for the iron medallion hung about his neck. A gift, and the only metallic sheen he would ever have. But he wasn't dull, really. No child of his father's was anything short of extravagant and beautiful. Elegant, attractive. Just look at Kerberos; it was in their blood.


    His envy slid away and he beamed at the strangely scaled boy, delighted that he found them to be as attractive as Kharon had always believed they were. Well, of course, he knew his family was gorgeous. Just look at his dad. But it was incredibly pleasing to have that validated by a stranger, and that Kharon was included in it.

    Amet, he introduced himself, welcoming them to this place they once lived. Hyaline, it was called now, but still as beautiful as ever.

    Kharon's eyes lost focus for a moment, lost somewhere deep in his thoughts. No, not his thoughts, though it probably looked that way. But Amet's. And then his own as he puzzled it out. But he didn't really understand it. He shrugged inwardly, the whole thing hardly a blink of time, and passed it on to Father's mind instead. He'd probably know what it meant more than Kharon would.

    They.. train kids or something.

    He waited for his dad to introduce them, throwing his name at the end with a polite incline of his head, "Kharon," then allowing Father to continue as he stood by his side.
    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    Khari was quieter than usual, and it was quieter in her head than it usually was when her Khari was near. But Kali didn’t let his quiet mood bring her down, no sir! She still scampered and played on the waves, even if he didn’t scamper and play with her. And maybe when they got home she could cuddle him? Cuddles were good for sad, right? Ohhh maybe she could even talk him into a ‘venture, just the two of them. That could be great fun, it could!

    Resolved to have a good time on their ‘venture with Daddy, she smiled and snuggled up against her Khari just for a moment, and then played on the water ‘til Daddy told her it was time to not be on the water for a little while. And even though that made her feel all tickly in her belly and wobbly in her legs after so much time on the waves, she still followed him to the border and cooperated all nice-like. Called out, and waited for an answer from somebody who lived where she’d almost lived, if life had gone differently.

    But that was a thought for another time. It wasn’t long before someone answered her call. Oh, and he was quite handsome! Kali’s eyes widened with delight as the stranger who lived at the lake slid out from between some pretty, drapey trees all covered in lavender flowers. Lavender like her hair, and like her Khari, and like her daddy! Ohhh, pretty! But also, the boy, he was shiny like Daddy, but different. Not their lavender and white, not her soft grey, but his own shiny gold and bronze, like the sun was shining from his skin almost.

    And he was properly awed by how pretty the three of them were, too, so he had to be smart. Normally Kali would hide behind her daddy or her big brother when a stranger approached, but this one’s wide-eyed wonder and his shiny--oh wait, were those scales? Instead of hiding like usual, Kali bounced forward, a happy prance in her step, to get a closer look at the boy’s shiny scaly skin.

    “Kali.” Aww. Scrunching up her face, Kali stopped and looked back at her daddy, at his raised brows and his pointed stare, and at the tiny smirk playing at one corner of his mouth. Man. Waiting was hard. But they did have to see to the formalities, apparently. Like asking if they could come in. So she wrinkled her nose and sighed, and hopped over to Khari’s side to snuggle up against him and rub her face on his shoulder.

    Daddy nodded, and then smiled at the shiny scaled boy, Amet. “It’s nice to meet you, Amet. My name is Kerberos, and I rule Ischia along with my friend Reilly and my children’s mother Lacey. This fine young man here is my son Kharon. That lovely little imp,” he went on with a nod to Kali, “is my daughter, Kali. We...hmm, visited here briefly not too long ago, before Kali was born. Kharon told her stories about the crystal clear lake, and I believe our Kali here has a question for you.”

    Oh! Yeah! Kali grinned and turned back to her new friend Amet. “Yeah! I got lotsa questions. I like your scales, they’re really pretty and shiny, and look like fire and sunshine live in your skin. Can I touch them? Oh, but other question for all of us. Can we maybe see your lake? Khari told me all about it, but I wanna see for myself. Not that I don’t believe him, of course I do, he’s my big brother and he’d never lie to me, but my eyes wanna breathe it in. Would you mind? Can we come see? Ohhh maybe you could show it to us?”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

    @[Amet] (Iii'm just gonna trade off between writing Kali and Kerberos, so your turn, if that's okay?)
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    The lavender trio holds Amet's gaze effortlessly and his grin widens as he watches them interact. A slight twinge alights in his narrow chest and it takes the young stallion a moment to realize what it is -- jealousy. His only father figure had been Him, the ruthless, nameless, violent stallion that had taken his frustrations out on Amet, Iset, and sometimes Sakir, until they had all escaped from the Dunes in their childhood. They had never known what it was like to bond with their real father, or to even bond with an adult at all. Their mother, Shalla, hadn't been much better. It was her silence that had been the most painful.

    He keeps his warm grin as the visitors introduce themselves, his golden ears fluttering forward as Kerberos explains their trip to Hyaline today. Amet's amber eyes fall on the excited filly as she starts towards him and then balks at her father's words. The young king can sympathize with the even younger filly, considering he is still trying to figure out when to be a diplomat and when to be a kid. He flashes a wink at her before turning his bright eyes back to the metallic Kerberos.

    Ischia. Nayl had mentioned the island territory to him briefly, but Amet knows little less about it. He makes a note to ask the purple stallion later on about his home, but for now turns his attention back to Kali, who has been given permission to ask what they came to ask.

    He laughs good-naturedly at the filly's enthusiasm, his own golden head lowered to her level and his mouth wide with amusement. "Of course you can touch them!" he offers to her and turns his head slightly to the side so that she can teach the bronzed and gilded scales on his lean neck. "Fire and sunshine? I think I love them even more now," he offers to the lavender girl. His scales are still new to him. Not even a year has passed since the Fairy had granted them to him, but the young Amet loves them for the simple fact that they are a part of his Beqanna life, and that they have nothing to do with the Dunes.

    "Yes, let's go to the lake," he laughs pleasantly after she has inspected his dragon scales. Pivoting on his hindquarters, the golden Amet looks back over his shoulder and to Kali. "Would you like to lead the way with me? It's just straight through here," he indicates the low-hanging wisteria boughs before moving the entangled purple curtain out of the way with his muzzle. "Maybe you can tell me about Ischia on our way there? I've never been to your island," he admits hospitably as they venture towards the lake.

    let my eyes be the rhythm, let my mind be your freedom

    He... wasn't used to being invisible. But he so quickly became that way. Though, he supposed that tended to happen with Kali around. She was gorgeous, and impossibly enchanting with those big, earnest eyes and bubbling excitement. He wondered if this was how Mother felt. With her drab, plain color and dead eyes. Fading to the background where she thought she didn't even matter anymore.

    His gut soured. He said nothing as he followed them in silence, trying to tune out their thoughts. An impossible feat. Kali was happy and excited, loving every minute of this adventure. Dad was smug and proud, of course, enjoying his girl that gravitated the attention to her as well as he did. And, naturally, this scaled Amet was fascinated with Kali.

    He stayed quiet. Hating the jealousy. Not that their attention was on Kali, of course not. Why wouldn't it be? They'd have to be blind and deaf not to be hanging to her every word as he did. But he was definitely jealous that her attention was not on him. He'd always been the greatest thing to her, the best. Her favorite. But he would never compare to the metallic shine of his father or this other boy, would never have mesmerizing scales to reach out and touch.

    Maybe he was as plain as Mother and just didn't realize it.
    He'd only ever known the island, really.

    He thought maybe he'd rather be back there now, actually. At least Kylin was there. But he was already here, and he followed them dutifully through this place that had briefly been home before Kali had been born. Where he and his twin had walked and raced across the water. Maybe she was missing him too.

    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    I'm gonna set this world on fire
    Invisible... HA! She was hard to miss with her outspoken charm... Wading in the clear waters of the kingdoms gem she couldn't help but intercept thoughts and voices as they approached.  There were many personalities nearing as she shuffled thru the mess entering her cranium.  A strong voice spoke of kingdoms then that of a sweet child's. A quieter one following, though his mind was turning.   Then there was the familiar tones of Amet, the golden dragon king.  Onyx ears thrusted forwards as her ruby tail flung water across her flame kissed hide.  Watching them stroll casually across the land she noted the common hue of the three.  Assumption made that they were related, only a blind idiot would think otherwise..

    She had no interest in politics or kingdoms so her focused shifted to the straggler lost in his thoughts.  His soft bubblegum color made her snicker.  His thoughts were bored and she was far from boring.  Figuring since her bathing was now interrupted she decided to exit the cool waters to make an appearance.  Onyx eyes examined his feathered wings tucked to his sides.  She had yet to meet anyone with such abilities.  A grin painted on her ruby lips as she closed the distance between them.  Her thoughts tangling into his mind, I have to disagree. You seem quite interesting to me... And I know interesting.  Her grin grew quickly as an onyx eye winked.  A slight tilt to her two toned profile..

    You look bored as shit... Care to join me by the water while they... chat? She couldn't give a proper tour of the kingdom since her stay has been rather short.  But she could show him a good time, if he wanted one... 

    She had to... Cuz I have no control :|. Her thoughts are only Khari's Wink
    And just like that, Kali wins over another one. Not that she ever has to try too hard. She’s a cute, charming little thing with bright eyes and an eager smile, and I’m going to be fending the boys off with a stick when she’s a little older. Oooh, or a bat. Hmm, nice big iron bat. I like that idea.

    Anyhow, Amet laughs and lowers his head to Kali’s height, and she grins and lips at his scales, those pretty brown eyes she got from her momma all wide and delighted. “Ohhhh they’re hard like shiny, sparkly stones kinda! But sleek and smooth too, like a snake. Cooool! What’s it feel like to have scales like that? Is it harder to feel when people touch you, or when the wind is blowing across your skin all soft and tickly and sweet? Do you shed like snakes do sometimes? Ohhhh is it ichy? I bet shedding is itchy!”

    Kali scampers along beside Amet, bouncy with excitement as she helps lead the way to the lake. “Yeah! Ohhh you should come see Ischia, it’s real pretty! It’s all green and warm and wet, and surrounded by ocean! We’ve got pretty beaches, and lots of space to run around, and there’s little islands too that feel like secret places to sneak away and play. Ohhh and we’ve got parrots, they’re these chattery rainbowy birdies that live in the trees and make sorta squawky songs and do this chittery crawky thing, and they come in all sortsa colors, it’s really neat! You should definitely come see, for sure.”

    I head toward Kharon, who looks a little put out that his sister’s so caught up in making a new friend. I huffed out a breath against his skin, lipping at his mane a bit and bumping my shoulder against him. “C’mon, kiddo. She’s gonna be so excited to race across the water with you.” Sometimes we’ve got to share her, bud. Part of her growing up, she’s gonna make new friends. Ugh, it’ll probably only be a year or so before some of those friends are more than just friendly, too, won’t it? Shit, they grow up too damn fast.

    Nodding after Kali and her brand new friend, I cast Kharon a rueful grin and start after them. Guess I'd better get used to it now, huh? “You coming?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

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