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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    burning in the dark for a long time; krigare
    the incense that sun on prairie offers to sky
    Spark keeps herself out of the sea’s lapping reach as he plunges by her like a raging bull; his feet gouge the shore and throw up foam and sand alike, as he splashes in the surf. She smiles at the sight of him, big and brawny but happy. How could something as unforgiving and dark as the sea make someone like him so ecstatic to cavort around in it? She guessed it must be like how she felt to be beneath an open sky on the plains, tail streaming behind her as she ran with the devil breathing at her back through grass that was high enough to tickle her belly. Spark found herself smiling at the memories that played behind her eyes even as she watched him until he drew up short and tried to avoid the crustaceans.
    “They can be,” she adds with a chuckle; his muttering was overheard but hard to ignore. “Did you have a bad encounter with one elsewhere?” Spark is curious about his aversion to crabs, preferring to ignore the fact that he makes a bold statement about the sea being his favorite thing here thus far. Can she blame him? No, few could stomach the falling ash and the heat that rose off the igneous rock that thrust itself up from the heart of Tephra, gape-mouthed at the top and frothing with magma. Every fiery gurgle stirred the new embers in her heart, made her fond of the fire that was hers to summon forth which she did less and less in his presence.
    Something about him calmed her as much as her presence calmed him.
    She threw her head back to laugh again, “I hardly think the volcano is mysterious. That designation seems more appropriate for the sea don’t you think?”

    He allowed the water to lap at his hooves for a few minutes, deciding finally to back away from the seas grasp. His legs grew dark with the water that reached for him slowly, before pulling away once more. The crabs , once realizing they wouldnt get a rise out of him, scurried under the sand. As he watched them , Spark began to speak to him again.

    "Lets just say I didnt have many friends when I was younger." 

    Krigare smiled, digging his hooves into the warm sand. His voice was tight, but the memories no longer pulled his strings as they once had. Gulls called above them as they flew over the stretch of blue that rolled quietly before them. 

    Dark ears flattened in surprise as the birds swooped into the ocean, appearing once more with fish. Once the creatures were satisfied with their meal they left once more. Leaving the two equines with the sea and a hanging question.

    "The sea is like ..well like the sea. You can see straight to the bottom if you wanted too. Beings call it home, they exist there much like we exist here."

    He tossed his head back towards the volcano, though his forest eyes stayed dead set on the expanse before them.

    "The volcano however..... The volcano is layers upon layers of rock. Its only resident the magma within. Its certainly mysterious to me."

    Me'  He said this because he felt that if Spark wanted to march straight into that Volcano it wouldnt harm her. She would simply flourish in it much like the fish did in the sea. She was the fire that burned in the heart of the black mountain. The heat could not be foreign to the pale mare like it was to Krigare. 

    His coal tail flicked lamely at his legs. Bored with his own voice, he became quiet after this. He glanced at her briefly before looking back out to the ocean. 

    "Do you like the ocean, Spark?"

    The question was pure. He just wished to know more about this mare. He knew her name, and where she lived. But he knew nothing about her. He planned to ask questions until she asked him to stop, and if she wished to ask about him. She could. He would answer honestly.
    [Image: krigare_by_voltum-dbctewi.png]
    Her eyes track the flight of a gull that landed nearby then took off, circled the air above their heads and squawked in disappointment before flying off. Spark expected no less, it was a scavenger and could scavenge nothing from them or their bones (bones that stayed in their skins and kept them upright). It left her eyes looking out towards the horizon and for a moment, there was hope there but it turned grim and dark and disappeared altogether as if it had never been.

    “Why not?” she asks him, giving him a curious look before the sea compelled her eyes to turn back to it. There was something mesmerizing in the rise and fall of the waves, or perhaps the sheer anathema she felt towards it for water douses fire and they are not friends of one another. True, the sea felt good as it licked at her hooves but at the same time, she backed up enough to stand firm in the sand as if it anchored her that much closer to the internal fire in the earth, by which some shred of was shared in her. She found it hard to believe he had few friends growing up; her childhood with Spear had been peppered with friendships, a couple of which had lasted long into their adult years.

    He talks of the sea as if it is a friend, or a lover.
    She realizes that must be how she talks of the volcano sometimes, like a friend or a lover. More like a lover, all warm and inviting, and even hot with passion at times… like Giver had never been, just warm and loving but never had he covered her like he did that one that makes the corner of her lip lift up in a sneer that is as gone as quick as it had come. She felt the fire crowd her flesh and pushed it back. Not yet, she thinks, not yet.

    “I suppose you are right… when you say it like that, it does make the volcano seem mysterious.” She smiles at him, but is a bit surprised by his own question. Spark ought to have expected it at some point in the conversation, since she was the one happily asking him question after question. Fair was fair, after all. But did she like the sea? She couldn’t be sure, she didn’t spend half as time as her twin brother did just staring at it but it seemed like he had other reasons to like the sea more and more these days than she did.

    “I don’t know…. I like to look at it, but I have this unflagging sense that it is dangerous to me. Probably because of the fact I can turn into a horse of fire. They’re natural enemies, you know.” Of course he knows! He is smart enough to recognize that water and fire are foes not friends, but she still felt like she needed to stress the importance of it. It made her move a little closer to him, glance up to his green green eyes then back towards the sea as if it had all the answers she was looking for, and then some.

    ooc: too lazy for html right now lol <3

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