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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Show them the joy and the pain and the ending (Stillwater)
    show them the joy and the pain and the ending

    This was a meeting long in coming. But the time had finally come, and there is no escaping it now. Not when she is the one doing the hunting.

    As luck would have it, the particular stallion she is seeking seems to remain largely in Sylva. She has absolutely no qualms about intruding uninvited into the land. Even had she not known Djinni and even had the land not been so closely affiliated with Nerine, her family lives here. And that is all the invitation she needs.

    Unfortunately for the black stallion she currently seeks, her visit is not for pleasant purposes. Of course, given his abundance of lovers, he should be used to such visits. That she knows he isn't is beside the point. Still, it could only make this encounter more amusing. For her, at least, though likely not for him.

    Slipping through the varied trunks of Silva's immense forest, she barely notices the riotous colors blooming permanently above her head. Though beautifully glorious in its own right, she is far too distracted at the moment to have much thought for the landscape. No, she is much more interested in the equine aspect of this land.

    Fortunately for her, he is not difficult to find. Even were it not for the peculiar sight that allows her find just about anyone just about anywhere, he would have been easy enough to locate. As it happens, he is very well known in these parts.

    And that is part of the reason she is here. Perhaps he should have stayed a little less well known, especially where it concerns members of her family.

    Slipping easily alongside him, she fixes him with a gimlet eye, that blue gaze cool and carefully shrouded. “Stillwater,” she greets after a laden pause. She does not bother with the typical introductions, despite the fact that they have never before met. She knows him, and that is really all that matters at the moment. “We have much to discuss, you and I.”

    i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts

    He would swear that he sensed her, though he had no magic to aid in it.
    And when he turned his head--

    He immediately regretted it.

    His handsome face hardened and he looked away again. Luster. Luster. Not Luster. More of her family. But why'd she have to share the colors. Why couldn't it be Luster at last. Why would it never be Luster. Because he sent her away. Except that was for the best. He didn't want Luster here. He'd... probably fail her. Would probably kill her. And, it wasn't in his nature, but he didn't want to.

    She slid to his side and waited. He kept his gaze firmly on the ripple of water before them, wishing he could sink into it. He didn't know her and he hated her already. Hated her for who she reminded him of. Even hated her voice when she spoke his name. He could almost pretend it was Luster. But they were much different, he could see that already. She was nothing like Luster. But that was a good thing, wasn't it?

    "We have much to discuss, you and I."

    Oh? he responded casually, deliberately bland. His body was relaxed, and yet every bit of his insides were churning. He should just kill her. But she probably really was related to Luster. Except... she also smelled of Nerine. Salt and sea and sun. A message from Nayl? he asked lightly, dark blue gaze still settled on the water, face impassive. He knew it wouldn't be; not a message, not from Nayl. Nayl took care of things on her own, especially where he was concerned.

    He had a strange thought then. He was glad Ivar wasn't here.
    Just in case he would have to kill her.

    He stood stoic and still, an elegant obsidian statue. His only interest was on the water, in the water. He would see what she wanted with him, what sort of political nonsense was required of him this time, and then he'd go below where he belonged.
    show them the joy and the pain and the ending

    She would have to be blind not to know of the strong resemblance she shares with her siblings. That blue and white is distinctive, a perfect melding of her parents. With the exception of her twin, every single one of them shares that recognizable trait.

    For her though, it makes it all the easier. She does not care, not even a bit, that the sight of her might hurt. That the memories she invokes might ache, might cause the sharp sting of loss and regret. He deserves it, every moment of that heartache. She would visit it upon him tenfold had she the ability.

    Perhaps she could not do so in the literal sense, but she does have the ability to visit upon him visions that might twist the knife. Still, she’s not quite there. Not yet, at least. She would try discussion first. Heaven’s knew he could use it, given the way he has been carrying on.

    His initial assumption causes her lips to twist in amusement, though her pale gaze does not share in it. She is fairly certain he had only said it is a stopgap anyway, a means to derail the conversation. She has seen enough of his exploits to know that he understands Nayl better than that. Certainly she has no qualms about pointing it out. “You know as well as I that Nayl would never send another to see to her personal business.”

    She pauses for a moment then, a sly glint flashing across her gaze as she considers him further. “Since you mention it though, I am rather curious. I once watched Nayl destroy a particular cave. It seems to have had some meaning.”

    She doesn’t actually ask, mostly because she already knows the answer. Still, she wonders what information he might see fit to provide. He had involved himself into quite the love affair it seems. And with all the wrong women.

    i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts
    "You know as well as I that Nayl would never send another to see to her personal business."

    Yeah, he did know that. He definitely knew that. He much preferred that Nayl was how she was, that she would come to him on her own. Alone. He loved when they were alone. She was almost more free with herself that way. Almost allows him to touch her, though he never fully tried. Not completely. Only taunted himself with the agonizing nearness, that exotic scent of hers, the wonder of what she really felt like. What she tasted like.

    "Since you mention it though, I am rather curious. I once watched Nayl destroy a particular cave. It seems to have had some meaning."

    He reflected on that, his face still impassive. She'd smashed his cave? Buried it under the sea. That must be what this one meant, to bring it up to him. Why would she destroy his cave? He hadn't lived there in years. He'd been trapped here in Sylva, couldn't return to it if he'd wanted to. And he had wanted to. Even after he and Nayl parted ways so at odds that one time, nearly hating each other perhaps. Or something similar. Hating how they affected each other.

    Ah, that must be when she sunk it to the depths of the ocean. A slow smile drew across his lips and he chuckled softly. His dark, blue-gray gaze slid to her again, eyes bright with amusement. Nayl loved him. Not anymore, of course. Unfortunate, that. But she must have loved him before to be driven to such measures. Had to ensure he wouldn't be returning home, did she? Oh, he definitely enjoyed that.

    That's fairly amusing, he gave honestly. Always honestly. So you've come to entertain me then? He flowed seamlessly to her side with a smooth side-step, lining his body to hers and already enjoying the heat she gave off, his eyes tracking where their shoulders met. She was enticing, wasn't she? Must run in the family. His mouth gravitated towards her, wanting to feel that graceful neck under his lips, but he paused before touching. His breath rolled over her, mmm and she smelled good. He could already tell she wouldn't be interested in his sort of entertainment.

    But maybe that's what made this so fun.

    So, entertain me, little spitfire.
    Come play with the monster.
    come down to the black sea swimming with me
    go down with me, fall with me, lets make it worth it
    show them the joy and the pain and the ending

    For a long time, she simply watches him, letting his words fade into obscurity. She is a poor entertainer, nor does she have any intention of doing so.

    There is something entirely different about seeing someone for oneself rather than through the eyes of another. One thing very few know is that everyone sees the world just a bit differently. Perspectives are altered, distorted, depending on just who one might choose as their vehicle for sight. While she has seen him through plenty of other’s eyes, there is something that can only be gained by looking at an object through one’s own sight.

    So she studies him, eyes cool and blue, giving no insight as to her thoughts.

    He is amused by Nayl’s destructive tendencies, and that is telling. Perhaps more than he had intended. She makes no reaction when he whispers alongside her, so very close but not quite touching. As though he hopes to garner a reaction from her.

    As she considers him, she wonders what they all see in him. Why this plethora of women is so consistently drawn to him and his charms. She, frankly, fails to see it. Perhaps she would ask her sister. If Luster is even speaking to her, that is. She is somewhat certain her sister does not like her much at the moment, not that it would stop her from offering her protection, regardless of whether or not it was wanted.

    Finally, after what must have seemed like an untenable wait, she sighs softly before stepping cleanly away from Stillwater. “I have no interest in those sorts of entertainments, especially from one who would only pretend I am another.” The words are clipped and cool, hiding the amusement she holds deep in her breast.

    Two could play at that.

    “I am certain you already know why I am here,” she continues, a steely edge entering her smooth voice. “But if for some reason you would like to pretend ignorance, let me inform you.”

    The words are not even out of her mouth before her features are shifting, melting into that of her sister’s. Then, between one blink and the next, she is herself again. So very similar and yet distinctly different.

    i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts

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