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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  can't you see my mind is a burning hell? || ledger [m]
    I'm the only one who will walk across a fire for you.
    it's only fear that makes you run, the demons that you're hiding from.
      She has made love before – she is a sexual creature, unashamed and unafraid of her sexuality, but nothing had ever swept the air from her lungs in quite the same way. Her breath is warm and quick against the surface of his skin, where beads of perspiration lay – sweet, and salty, but her wandering kisses are greedy and could not care less. Softly, her pale lips press against his neck, feeling his own thrumming pulse beneath and her mind is struggling beneath the heavy haze of satisfaction to understand how the anger, the anguish – how it had all come to this, to him pressed against her, entangled in a passionate embrace –

      She had lost herself in him.

      She had never given such control over any part of her before – she had always needed to take the lead, to maintain order and dominance, and yet for some reason, beneath his touch, her resolve had crumbled away. Even now, with his hungry mouth tracing the curve of her hip, the slope of her spine – breathing softly into her tangled ivory tresses, she is trembling. It is unlike her (she is rigid, scathing, biting – and yet somehow, her guard had fallen and he had seen none of it).

      His soft admission (I know) stirs her from her reverie, and the warmth of his lips pressed against her own – less urgent, but there is still a flickering flame, stoking the heat roiling within the pity of her belly. She does not pull away when he tugs her to the soft, moist soil with him, where particles of clay cling tightly to their dampened, sweat-slickened skin – and she does not say anything when he tangles himself with her; she is cradled by him as she had never been before. The raw vulnerability causes her heartbeat to quicken again, as emotion is welling within her (buried so deep, she had thought it lost – but she forces it down, stubbornly quelling it).

      A shiver traverses the length of her spine as his lips and teeth gently graze her golden skin, affectionately brushing against each ridged vertebra with deliberate tenderness. It is soothing, and her mind is soon quieted – lulled by the pale moonlight, the stillness of evenfall, and the soft, rhythmic pattern of his breathing. His kisses eventually move away from her spine, traveling along her slender neck, murmuring softly, If I hadn’t found you ..

      If she hadn’t found him.
      She had begun to wonder if she could feel anything at all, but now –

      Whatever happens after tonight, I just –

      ”Shh, shh,” she murmurs against the crest of his ear, delicately preening and untangling his flaxen tresses, dampened with sweat and clinging to his auburn skin. After tonight - she did not want to imagine it; not now. Not until morning light.

       His cheek is soon still against the slow rise and fall of her flank, nestled among the bright disarray of feathers that lay across her wing, and the golden flecks of her eyes search the plane of his strong, masculine features. The shine of his scarring, the tranquility settled where grief and self-loathing had once been - he cannot see her, now, with his eyelid closed, but there is a faint smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Gently, so gently, she presses a kiss to his cheek, before resting her own beside his, and falling into a deep, deep slumber – dreading the pale dawn  just beyond the horizon.
    when all your promises are gone, I'm the only one.

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