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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All things are possible; Ilka
    Once again the world is changing about them, though this time the tremors are silent, nearly invisible. Were it not for the wash of power that suddenly flooded his veins, he might never even have known. Might have continued living his contented, blithe existence, never the wiser to the vagaries of the world outside his happy bubble.

    But in an instant, things have changed. Again.

    He hadn’t meant to be gone longer than a few hours. But then, he hadn’t expected anything to change while he was gone either. But it’s not her. He is the one that changed. Or perhaps not changed, but made whole (made broken) once more. When the world finally rights itself again, when the shadows stop writhing about him (as though welcoming him home, dragging him back to a world he would rather forget), far more time has passed than he had anticipated.

    But of course he returns. He always does (he always would). She is his entire world, the only thing that had kept him afloat when their world had changed so dramatically, becoming entirely unrecognizable. When his life had fallen to pieces around him so long ago now, she had been the one to return him from the brink. And though his heart is heavy and his soul heavier, he returns to her now, the weight of change heavy upon his shoulders and dark upon his visage.

    It shouldn’t matter anymore, this gift (this curse) he had been given. He had thought those issues resolved. After all, nothing could be so dark if his children, pure and innocent as they had been born, had received such abilities. (Sometimes though, sometimes he wonders if he had cursed his children. He wonders, in the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind, if his sins had been so heavy his children must bear them too. It is fallacy, he knows, but the mind can be a cruel and dangerous beast.)

    He is home now though. His dark, burnished eyes find her. Ilka. He drinks her in, the love he feels for her swelling inside his chest, momentarily displacing the ache of dark memory. His gaze roves every perfect inch of her, the delicate features he has long ago committed to memory, the curve of her neck and the elegant slope of her back. For a moment, just a moment, pure, wicked possession glints alongside the softer emotions in his eyes. And then he closes them, breathing deeply as he battles the dark beast that has settled into his breast once more.

    “Ilka.” He breathes her name, wanting nothing more in that moment than to crush her close. To let her battle his demons for him, in that way only she knows how. But he doesn’t. Instead he remains still, his muscles tense, a faint harshness to his steady breaths. Finally he says simply, brokenly, “It’s back.”
    All things are possible,
    even the best of things.

    @[jenger] so apparently Shah is taking this return of traits thing hard D: D: But he's feeling super sappy and needy sooooo :|

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