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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  this is your kingdom, this is your crown; ruan, soldat

    with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean
    she's the angel of small death and the codeine scene


    Death is an ugly thing, like sharp barbs that try to snake through her veins, try to widen in the marrow of her bones. It is impossible for her to miss - she knows Woolf must feel it, too, wherever he is - as it saps their magic like a heavy, wet blanket. She should turn and disappear into the forest, should try to put distance between herself and the cause of such ugliness. It has killed her before, death en masse, it had been enough to split her soul from her body and sling-shot her into the afterlife. That was different than this, of course, that had been war, brutal and violent, this was something different. Something worse, perhaps. Death without purpose. 

    She splits abruptly from her dark grey companion, giving him no warning or reason before she slips off at a cautious run. She knows without a doubt that she is too late to intervene, death is already prickling at her skin and even she cannot reverse such things. But something else pulls her forward, a reluctant instinct she would rather ignore, except in the body of the wolf, instinct rules her.  

    The scene she comes upon is gruesome, and she is careful to remain invisible and untraceable to them as she tucks into the thickest undergrowth tangling beneath the trees. A mare, a stallion, a boy, and a very red, unrecognizable body. She can guess at what has happened by the way the adults taunt the boy, a thing that sends a ripple of hatred up the length of her spine. She bristles, immediately furious and knotted and teleports the child to her side, leaving a duplicate in his place. There is no gap between him disappearing and the duplicate appearing, no way to know or suspect that anything has been altered, that it is not still the boy they taunt instead of a soulless echo, a perfect, tangible illusion. It has the appearance of flesh and blood, is soft and warm where they touch it and even mimics the wide-eyed stare of the boy at her feet, disoriented by things he cannot possibly fathom. But it is empty and soulless and nothing more than a perfect physical clone. 

    Having shifted to stand over the true-boy, to warm him with the gem-bright purple of her wolf fur and guard him from the world while she works, she focuses her attention on satisfying the roan and the cremello with this boy-puppet at their feet. But they turn, already bored, and with one final threat they disappear into the forest again. The threat is enough to make her glance down at the boy though, the clench in her jaw telling of the vein of wariness snaking through her chest. Now what was she supposed to do with it? Him. Soldat, they had called him. She notices the blood on his skin, the wide-eyed way he watches her, and some instinct she never knew she had forces her down beside him. She curls, large enough to pull him into the curve of her canid body, and then cleans the blood from him with the soft of her long tongue. She starts at his face, careful of her teeth around those eyes, and then works her way across his neck and over his barrel, his legs, everywhere until he is clean and dry and warm. Safe, she admits begrudgingly to herself as she pulls him possessively closer to ease the knot of something treacherous in her gut.

    Her skin prickles and her hackles raise, a snarl on her lips before she realizes that the silhouette in the shadows is that of a deep grey and tawny wolf, of Ruan. There is no way to know how long he had been standing there, and her amethyst eyes narrow to venomous slits as she dares him to say anything about the scene he must surely have so many thoughts on. Instead she turns back to the boy, reaches into his mind with a gentle kind of grace she reserves for so few,  and finds the memories she wants. Everything before the moment she teleported him to her side is gone, all the faces and scents, every single detail but for one single whispered phrase. ‘Soldat, I love you.’ She would have taken that, too, for the questions it risks in the future, for the danger it could impose if he ever considered it too closely. But it is his, from his mother, and she cannot bring herself to strip him of it. 

    When she is finished, she frowns again, remembering their threat, their promise to come back for him. She rises, stretches, noses his forelock and frowns because it is an affectionate reflex that should not exist within her. Has never existed within her. Her eyes find Ruan’s and narrow slightly, her jaw tensing when she grinds her teeth together. There is such a knot of emotion tangling in her belly, more than just the possessive arrogance, and it muddies her thoughts in a way that twists her mouth in a hard frown. But then she looks at Ruan again, really looks at him, and the frown curves upward into a more familiar wicked smile. She shifts them abruptly, back to horse form, back to how they had been before except for one tiny detail. His color. He is no longer sooty black and spotted, but the same steel and pewter and tawny of the wolf he had been moments ago. She flinches though, winces when a large slash opens across the gleaming purple of her chest. It isn’t deep yet, more like a shallow slice, stinging and uncomfortable. But she knows it’ll be much deeper by the time she is done.

    Finished with Ruan, she turns from him, steps close to the small, dark boy and runs weary lips from the whorl of forelock between his ears to the base of his soft tail. Color seems to blossom from the brush of her touch, spilling down over his skin like warm water until the black is soft and faded, dimmed by a blanket of white and spotted in purple. He looks just like Ruan had, an identical replica because the color was not just inspired by the stallion, it was borrowed. Stolen? Given. He wouldn't need it anymore anyway now that he was the color of his deep gray wolf. Something to remember her by, she thinks with a satisfied smile as she turns her smug expression on him. “Let us see them try and track him down now.” She says sharply, shaking out her mane so it falls smoothly across her deep purple neck. But then the breeze shifts and carries his scent to her and she pauses, stiffening, blinking just a moment before that is gone too and she has replaced it with a mix of her own scent and Ruans. She's pushing her limits now though and she can feel the wound on her chest deepen and widen, can feel the damp warmth of blood beading like rubies at the edges. She sucks in a breath, just the quiet hiss of pain as she very carefully, very deliberately turns herself away from Ruan.

    It isn't that she finds him untrustworthy so much as it is that she doesn't want her limits known. This secret belongs to only herself and Woolf, no one else. So she turns her back on the mottled gray man and focuses her attention on coaxing Soldat to stand. They need to get moving, and quickly, before the pair from earlier change their minds and return. They haven't yet, she can tell by her magic which flows in spiderweb patterns out from her body letting her know what is nearby. Reaching down, she nudges him firmly (his shoulder, his belly, his hips) and then thinks better of it, softening to gentler nuzzles and lips that wander over the landscape of his small spotted form. It feels awkward to her, not even her own mother had done this for her - the twins had not allowed it, teleporting halfway across the kingdom as soon as she had birthed them - but she does it anyway because that is what she knows to be correct, what he needs. And, though she refuses to acknowledge this particular truth, what she wants.

    “Up now, little bear,” she whispers in a voice of velvet, nuzzling ears that seem so small and perfect perched atop his dark head, “come with me.” They go together, all three, back to the border of Taiga - and though she tries to conceal her exhaustion from Ruan, she knows this is why she stays with him still. Knows this is why she will stay in his home, in a kingdom as she had promised herself she would never be bound by. But when she looks down at the boy tucked against her legs, traces her lips absently down the length of his spine, lingering a moment over the shades of purple buried there, she knows something has changed. That her priorities feel different, altered around him. 

    Stranger is that she finds she doesn't mind.

    Something pings further out in the web of magic, a horse near the border, and her expression darkens as she touches Ruan’s neck and says, “There's someone just beyond those trees,” a pause as she watches him turn in the direction she indicated, a bemused smile ghosting her amethyst lips. “find us when you’re finished?” She is surprised by the note of need in her tone, but blames it on the wound in her chest and the weariness burdening her bones. She's never needed anyone. She doesn't need him now either, but this boy does. Her boy. She touches him again, guides him in the opposite direction, picking an overgrown tangle of the Taigan forest to hide them away in from prying eyes. Her boy? The thought tugs at her again, a burr pressed to her skin. But then he noses her flank and she feels his lips searching her belly for milk.

    Something inside her flares, a possessiveness thus far unmatched, and she uses the last of her fading magic to fill her bag with the milk he will need to keep him healthy. Mine, she thinks sharply, ferociously, feeling his lips close around her teat. My boy. He must be finished, full, but it is as if he can hear her thoughts when he pulls back to lift his small, dark face to her again. She takes a breath to say his name, but something holds her back, a wary instinct that draws lines of tension in the brilliant purple of her beautiful cheeks. “Little one,” she greets him instead, nuzzles his forehead and notices the milk beaded like pearls on his whiskered nose, “come here.” Her legs buckle beneath her and she settles wearily into the moss and fern, drawing him close to the curve of her belly. There is a strange knot in her belly as she watches him nestle close, rubs her lips down his spine and through the soft tufts of his mane. It's worry, perhaps, though she does not recognize it. Concern for this little boy, her little boy, and the wickedness of the world he's been born to. But he is hers, and she knows (even if she cannot understand why) that she will keep him, and he will be safe. 

    “Mine.” She tells him with a kiss, a whisper, a promise pressed to the soft of his forehead. “Mine.” 

    They wake sometime later to the throes of a forest come alive, to tree and root and undergrowth knit together in a wall just yards away that locks them in. She does not stand at first, only tightens her body defensively against the magic that seeps from the strange barrier, blocking Soldat from it until she is sure it is only a measure of defense and will not lash out at them. Only then does she rouse him with the sweep of her lips across his face, rising to stand between him and the magic out of some innate instinct she cannot define. It takes a moment for him to wake and steady, so she lips at the length of his spine, gentle and soothing to hide the uneasy impatience she can feel building like electricity beneath her skin. There is so much magic knit into this unnatural wall, so much power, and it calls to hers in a way that makes her flesh prickle and crawl. “Time to go.” She says finally, abruptly, steering him deeper into Taiga, away from this barrier and the way it feels like bugs scurrying across her skin. “Time to find daddy.” Despite herself, a bemused smile slips across those perfect amethyst lips.

    It takes only a few minutes to get to Ruan - she had located him easily enough with a strand of her somewhat rested magic drawing her to him like a thread - and when they draw to a halt beside the man, it is with Soldat tucked safely between them. “I assume you felt that?” She asks quietly, though there isn’t much of a question in her tone and she does not wait for an answer. “It’s a wall, fairly impenetrable, very magical.” Her jaw tightens again, teeth grinding together at the riot of her own magic thrashing beneath her skin. “I know it isn’t yours or we would have had so much more fun.” There is a hungry look that flashes quickly through those violet eyes as she runs her lips along the arch of Ruan’s neck and beneath his mane, a wildness that deepens as the magic inside her reacts to that which has been poured into sustaining the barrier. But a nose against her belly grounds her again, tempers the chaos in her soul as she shifts to smooth down Soldat’s forelock. Her breathing is ragged, her jaw tense, but her voice is steady when she says, “I think you have guests, Ruan.” Then to Soldat, “Stay with mommy and daddy, darling Rian.” She is certain she does not need to explain her decision to the man at her shoulder, certain he understands that the boy is safest if this is what he believes, what he knows. Certain, too, that he is not interested in knowing her fury should he argue. It would be believable enough to some if only for that fact that the boy looks so much like him (or, like he had - he now wore the colors of a grey wolf) and for the fact that he nursed from her belly and settled so comfortably against her legs. 

    Still, there is something wildly possessive that thrashes at the thought of bringing him anywhere near these guests, whoever they were, something that snarls at her to take him and hide. But the same possessiveness seems to have also taken a liking to the man at her side (she blames their time together, his amusing disregard for her obvious superiority) and she finds she is reluctant to leave him on his own. With a sigh so that he knows what an inconvenience this is, and touch to the soft grey of his neck that betrays her true feelings, she says, “Shall we go say hello?”



    The world was too bright, too bright, but then suddenly it wasn’t anymore. A body stood over him, warm and close and he tried to nose at it. Ohh, and so thick with fur, the skin beneath further away than what he’d first thought. It was standing so still, though, so he did the same as he lay there, only observed this new color above his head that didn’t match the soil under him nor the pitch of his long legs. Oh, legs! But his were not furry, and they itched with wet stuff he couldn’t see the color of over his deep, black coat.

    Eager to try the same position she had, his front leg twitched, but… something wasn’t quite right. Her leg, so slender, ended in pads and toes and sharp points. And something must have been wrong, because his had thick clumps stuck to the bottoms. He pulled his leg back and tried to stomp one off while he lay on his belly and hip. There wasn’t much room to really get a good thump though, not like this, and his childish impatience and curiosity had him nosing at her again. He wanted to do that too!

    But then she was down and curled around him, focused on him now instead of something else, and after the shiver of cold sweeping through him and was immediately soothed by that thick blanket of warm fur, he decided maybe she had some good ideas.

    Oh, and then a soft tongue, so warm, was gently lapping at his face and he relaxed completely, just enjoying that attention and care as it spread over the rest of him. He was so sleepy and content by the time that deliberate massage was finished, that he nearly toppled over when she pulled him closer and he was blissfully happy to nestle into her fur where he would have felt so safe and secure had he known fear at all. But she tensed, focusing on something else and not him again, and he peeked curiously to see what it was: another like them - like her - with a very different color save for the deep purple stripe down his big back that almost matched hers.

    PIercing blue eyes stared back at him, so sharp and watchful, and maybe for a very brief instant he might have known fear, except the dark lips on the very same face were soft and curved upward in one corner. He decided he rather liked that expression, so warm and inviting, and his face pulled to mirror it, his brown eyes lightening. Proud of himself and eager to share this accomplishment, he turned to the other, but she was also watching the blue-eyed one, and so smoothly the hard lines in her face melted into a different sort of smile - a little wicked. So, naturally he tried that one on too, his little brows tugging downward and his grin showing a flash of pink gums where teeth would one day be.

    He turned it to the male for his reaction, only to see fur become thick hair of the same color and soooo much bigger. Staring agape and wide-eyed, his gaze slid to see the purple woman in the same body too, but her coat was so much smoother than the male’s, and she was looking at him again. So he beamed that expression he’d learned, a big grin as she looked down at him, touched his hair and dragged her muzzle along his body. Oh, and her feet were like his now! So maybe this was supposed to happen, this body-switching thing. Maybe he could learn that too, like this smile on his face.

    His brown eyes returned again to the grey male as she progressed her affections further down his body, noticed that the two adults had traded expressions and now his was hard, what might have been annoyance or irritation if he’d known such an emotion to name it. Those blue eyes glanced down at himself then met his little brown ones again. Had he done something wrong? But no, that face softened, almost sadly, replaced with a grateful sort of soft smile, and nodded silently at his purple guardian.

    ”Let us see them try and track him down now,” her voice cut into the silence just before she stiffened. Then relaxed again. She reached down and pushed at him - his shoulder, belly, hip - and his young muscles tensed to counter the movement, having learned how it shifted him when she’d tucked him to her side. But then she softened, so much gentler, and he watched her curiously as she swept sweet touches over his speckled body. Each little brush of her lips sent energizing shivers across his skin, reminding him how badly he’d wanted to stand up too, and he jolted into clumsy movement.

    ”Up now, little bear,” she said so much quieter this time, tickling his ears with her velvety muzzle, ”come with me.”

    He shook his dark head out and gummed at her leg in playful retaliation, peering up at her with light brown eyes and using it to steady him enough to get to his feet. Settling into her side, he managed to walk alongside her - them - with a surprising amount of grace. About as much, in fact, as a baby elephant on stilts maneuvering across the cluttered forest floor.

    She touched him again, and he grinned up at her, all smiles and pink gums. ”There’s someone just beyond those trees,” she told the grey, ”find us when you’re finished?” Then she turned and guided them a different direction, the vegetation taller and grabby and nearly covering him even when he was standing as tall as he could. There was an ache and clawing in his belly that made him nose at her, tapping and nudging instinctively until he found something to latch to and suckled, dragging in more warmth and smooth quiet that soon settled that rumbling burn inside him.

    When he was full, he pulled back and flashed that grin at her, becoming more and more familiar with that fun expression. She called for him, brushing across his forehead and settling on the ground, tucking his little body against her again. He didn’t fight it though, was quickly learning the tugging and the pushing things, snuggled right up into her and watched her.

    ”Mine,” she kissed into his forehead. ”Mine.” He didn’t know what that meant, but the strong tone of her voice felt nice, so meaningful, and he lipped at her shoulder quietly before quickly falling asleep in the blanket of her embrace.

    He woke with a start to a brush across his face, grumbling quietly and blinking through the dark sleepiness of his heavy eyelids. No way, nuh-uh, and he curled back up, tucking his head into her body so it was nice and dark again.

    Then it was bright again, so irritatingly bright, and he glared - an expression he’d learned from her - at her quickly rising shape. She ignored his mood and his look, touching him gently with those soft sweeps that always seemed to soothe him even just a little. He sighed. And stood. ”Time to go,” she told him, leading him away from there bestest, warmest spot ever. ”Time to find daddy.”

    They found him quickly, the man they’d left behind with the brilliant blue eyes. His little face was already grinning up at him, sandwiched between them like big, warm walls, and pulled even closer for a moment into that thick, grey coat. When the man pulled away, he had a new emotion in his eyes, one he didn’t have a name for, and he peeked back at Mom for help in understanding it. But they were quickly lost in boring conversation, and he looked ahead instead, or to the left, or to the right; pretty much everywhere because there were so many new things to see!

    Something about Mom changed though, somehow. It prickled like sharp claws down his side and he looked at her, trying to find why as his body naturally tried to avoid it and press further into the grey - Ruan, she’d just called him. He didn’t see anything different, so he tested it and nosed at her belly a little. Her attention came down to him and she spoke again. ”Stay with mommy and daddy, darling Rian.” And he nodded, not really understanding but feeling like acknowledgement was expected, and followed quietly between them.

    the taigan
    He listened carefully to Aten’s response, glad to hear he’d enjoyed his travels and learned so much. His main focus now was on the answer to his last question, though, blue eyes leveled on him. But Aten hadn’t had the opportunity to speak to Nayl, nor could he find her after the fight though he’d tried to connect with the people there. Ruan nodded, taking in his reply without expression. He wasn’t displeased, only silent.

    The gold stallion offered to revisit Nerine after they checked on their home, and Ruan smiled. ”We’ll see. Let’s find them and check on home first.” His heart was saying something different, but he didn’t speak his thoughts on it as they both turned to complete their tasks.

    He didn’t make it very far though before the ground shook and his magic ignited, instantly expanding within him and brightening his eyes. He cried out from the sudden force of it then grit his teeth and tried to contain it, knew what it was like to have it loose and chaotic, but this didn’t feel like that time when he’d been broken in a way. This time felt stronger, more meaningful, a deep well purposefully unleashed. A call to action. A battlecry.

    The familiar armor of ice tried to form around him, but he halted it, held it inside him where it would remain until properly required. Even still, an involuntary flare shot to the sky, swirling and flaking ice particles into the air and down. A different sort of call to action. Come to me. The reflection glittered in his eyes as he stared at it, stern brows knit tightly together.

    He felt them settle beside him, was aware who it was before she stood there, and bent to pull the boy - his exact miniature - into a brief hug, staring down at him and wishing - almost wishing - But, no. Not truly his boy, though he looked exactly as Ruan had but hours before. Not his, but protected by Ruan’s color, his scent. His gaze returned to the sky in silence.

    ”I assume you felt that?” she asked quietly, and he ignored her, because she already knew the answer. She continued, not waiting for a response anyway. ”It’s a wall, fairly impenetrable, very magical. I know it isn’t yours or we would have had so much more fun.” He let the banter pass without comment this time, deeply considering the information she gave, his hard stare flickering, softening, as her lips swept along his neck and beneath his hair. She was distracted by the boy and his skin twitched where she’d touched.

    A wall. The Taiga never had a wall. Theoretically, he could have surrounded its borders with his own magic, but why the hell would he? The Taigans turn away anyone that didn’t suit their home, couldn’t accept and join the lifestyle of shape-shifters and wild souls, loyal hearts. What the hell purpose did a wall serve but to act as a cage for those within? Those meant to be free. And his magic pressed against him again, stretched and searched for escape.

    ”I think you have guests, Ruan.” He took a deep breath and nodded. It seemed so, and his ice was rushing wildly and pushing to be released in Taiga’s defense. ”Stay with mommy and daddy, darling Rian.” Ruan swallowed hard at that, breathed through it. Not his boy. His boy was gone. No more children. Not his boy. Only kept safe by claiming him, and he would. Until it was time he return to his true family.

    She sighed heavily, reaching to touch his neck again and unwittingly attracting his ice to the contact, chilling his skin drastically. ”Shall we go say hello?” He nodded again, still suppressing his raging power as he began to lead them to the heart of the Taiga, his steps steady and determined. Confident and sure in his natural Dominance.

    ”Something like that.”

    And the ground began to shake.


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