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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am not afraid... I was born to do this.
    It was as though Nayl blinked and all of Sylva was here (almost), populating the shoreline with voices of worry and outrage. Their forest is gone, trampled and overtaken by hungry strangers. Djinni, ever quick, offered the Sylvans refuge here before the forest could steal them against their will. Now they are here, however, wondering what purpose they would serve and questioning whether they will stay. Nayl has seen them mostly in passing, sparing glances as she tended to other matters and pondered the subsequent steps that Nerine will take.

    Restless, Nayl allows tendrils of her magic to reach far into the earth. Sand rolls next to her like the tides of the ocean, applying minimal energy as to not bring as much disruption. It lives alongside her, grasping onto her energy until she releases the tether. For a moment, everything is motionless. Her autumn eyes blink contemplatively as she stands at the base of the ragged trail climbing the cliffside. A slow breath expands her lungs as a salty breeze kisses her skin. For an odd reason, she hesitates. When she peers up the tumultuous path her mind begins to reel and she wonders what is the best route, what direction her home should be leading, what they all should be doing.

    She heavily swallows past the lump in her throat. Since when has anything like this swelled her tongue and made her second guess all she has done?

    The beating of her heart increases momentarily before she begins her ascent and calls them all to her – Sylvans and Nerinians alike – while settling near the edge of the cliff with the ocean’s roar at her backside. ”I’ve brought you all here to discuss Nerine,” she waits as they assemble with curious eyes finding her with a setting sun outlining her slim body. ”Recently, Djinni has brought some of Sylva’s inhabitants here as their new home should they choose to stay. Sylva has since been overtaken – though it was without fight – which leaves Nerine in question.” They have always been a strong and passionate group of women. ”First, I would like to hear feedback as to the ranks and if they should be altered in any way. We have numbers, but I want everyone to serve a purpose as to avoid boredom and stagnation. I want to know what direction you want to see Nerine go, to hear what improvements you may have brewing in your minds.” Her face, although still ever beautiful and youthful, is stoic with eyes lit by an inner flame.

    ”Additionally, should we have another attempt at a gladiator battle? A winner and runner-up would be based on attacks received and given. The opportunity would provide experience in fighting for those wishing it.” It had been entertaining previously, however, she didn’t provide an answer as to who the victor was. ”I want to hear opinions.”

    queen of nerine
    daughter of covet & myrina

    I suppose you can answer this either IC or OOC. Nayl is just looking for some ideas and suggestions for Nerine. We will pretend this is taking place before her venture to Tephra to see Offspring.
    There was a call that came to his ears that let him and others know that they should assemble. Ardashir followed the crowd that started to gather. He looked them over some of them he knew others he wondered where they had come from. A few days ago the young stallion had been thinking that his home was all but abandoned, but now standing among the throng he was very wrong. He scanned the crowd a bit more and scented some of them, not all present smelled like Nerine. Well, that was interesting.

    Nayl started to speak to all that had come and Ardashir snapped his head to attention as the queen spoke. Oh, how wrong he had been in the past days when he thought nothing happened around here. Sylva was not really a new word to the youth. He had spoken to another member from that place just a couple days ago. So, some of these faces are from that place eh? Nayl spoke on and made id sound as if the new faces here had been forced out of their old home. She also wanted ideas on how to go forward. Nayl brought up a gladiatorial type of challenge mentioning that it would lead to learning fighting experience. Ard thought about it and he could use some experience in that aspect of life.

    She asked for opinions and the message he was asked to deliver came to his mind, “ Nayl my queen I was asked to relay a message from an ambassador of Sylva. You and your ambassadors are invited to a soiree taking place the first week of autumn. With all animosity of years past forgotten.” Ard bowed his head some and then backed into the crowd once more. He had kept his promise and given the message to his queen.
    The blue in an ocean of grey..
    The three women bunch on the windy horizon, following the call like hounds to a scent but stopping just short of joining in. The first is the bony white mare, her pale coat covered in rusted freckles to match her rust colored withers. Her big sulfur and ink eyes wide and unblinking while she peers down at the questioning Queen and her summoned group. All the women, mother and daughters alike, have noticed the newcomers but never bothered to ask. The bay girl, wings of obsidian scales that glisten in the dim autumnal light, she steps forward next to her mother. She is two years this coming spring and small still for her age and heritage. Oleandar is a woman of tall, lithe form, careful and clenched in every movement she makes unless she’s hovering over a favorite flower. The golden girl is nervous in such a setting as this, a gathering of sorts. They are not her preferred scenario and so the moth-girl stays behind both her younger sister and their mother, just watching, listening.

    City, who normally is quite useless in these affairs, is struck with an impulse. Her tail flicks and she says nothing to her two grown children as she descends the crest of the hill. She passes another on her way down, they do not make eye contact but he doesn’t smell of Nerine. A messenger, she predicts. At a sweeping, lazy trot she makes her way to Nayl’s side, ignoring the rest as she usually does to everyone. “An army is more important than fighting each other.” She snorts and bends an ear onto the Queen beside her, the freckled mare’s voice is like cold stone but it melts so nicely into the chilly changing air of fall. “We should build one, train them. We can then worry about resources, espionage, and our civilians.” She says it without grace or traces softness to her tone. She stares ahead at first but with the conclusion her suggestion her abysmal eyes slide to meet Nayl’s. At this closeness it is easy to see the stained fur where her bloody tears flow from time to time. Her heart is steady now and only the evidence remains in small rivulets of dried rust-color trailing in several directions down her cheeks.

    Her mother was a General in the Chamber’s army for several years and City had loved to watch her train, defend and patrol their home. She was very young, but never left her side for so many years and indeed saw very much. Call it nostalgia or even just a battle-born old lady barking her bullshit opinion, but she leaves it at that. She doesn’t leave Nayl’s shoulder but falls silent, almost completely forgetting about her daughter who watch from the hills behind.

    grumpy shows up to something finally. her mutant kids (@[OLEANDAR] & @[wrena]) watch from afar ;P she is suggesting that they build up a  legit army with ranks and then build their own dysfunctional utopia lol
    Orion is willing to do gladiator battles but maybe limit the battle to two or three ponies so it doesn't get so overwhelming.  Or we could pair them off in mock battles to gain stat increases.  Just takes a while for results Smile
    -Semi Active-
    Starlin thinks City's idea is cool, Djinni doesn't care about anything but thinks what Nayl decides will obviously be perfect.
    i'll wait for inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
    She had been standing with her hooves buried deep in the black sand of the beach, leaning against the wind and letting it tear at the two toned hair with gnarled fingers with lids sliding closed to hide the deep mercury of her eyes as she breathed in the salt and brine of Nerine. It gave her life as it washed over her pelt and cleaned her bright. The sounds her mother's call penetrates the quiet solitude and Isobell is turning instinctively with black granules flinging in a spray that temporarily dots out the hazy sun of autumn.

    Mother stands tall and beautiful against the gray of the sea sky and Isobell smiles as she falls near her. Isobell is always amazed at her mother's beauty and her strong will. Ears are tuned forward as she listens to the opinions of the Nerinian residents.

    The suggestion for a mock battle is made and Isobell unconsciously stomps her fore hoof in agreement. Surely Father would be there, listening, and sure he would say something. Isobell liked the idea (strangely enough) to test her strengths and limits. She looks to her mother with a wiry smirk.

    A self-tested battle would be good.

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