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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  I'm a rebel just for kicks now - Karaugh - Private

    He had been on his best behavior for so long; he had almost forgotten the animal he truly was. 

    Levi had molded himself in his father's image only to become a lackluster copy - a counterfeit.  He had tried so hard, too hard, for such meager results. Each day he had bridled himself, quenched his fire, and tried to forget the anger which set him apart. The precarious son would never pass as Offspring.

    But his Father, his God, couldn't see him here.

    He had cowed her, using his flames when necessary, until they reached a cave which he knew was deep and narrow. His year exploring the islands had shown him many wonders. With his flames, he could travel to places too dark for most to explore.

    "Bat's like caves, don't they?" He hisses more than speaks his first words to the buckskin woman, before summoning a wall of flame to chase her the final steps into her prison.

    "Keep walking," he growls. The air is damp, and as they travel down into the earth it grows cool. Finally, they reach an alcove, a pocket cavern along the main corridor and the mottled stallion uses whatever force or magic necessary to convince his captive that is where they are going. The entryway is narrow and low, but it opens up into a small caver just large enough to comfortably accommodate the two of them. He places his broad form squarely in front of the only escape.

    "This is going to be home, just for a little while." If he were above ground he would have smiled, but here under the earth, he doesn't bother. He doesn't need to charm her.  

    For the first time, now that they are settled and safe, he takes a moment to truly observe her. The curve of her pregnant belly glistens in the orange light and the arch of her neck tempt him closer. But it is her eyes which truly capture him. As he watches the reflected flames dance in her dark eyes he feels his energy returning, vitality coursing red and hot through his veins. 
    Raging. Demanding.

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

    @[Neo] Soo, I skipped ahead a little so we could move it along. let me know if anything needs to be changed.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    Standing within the eye of his flaming vortex her eyes had faintly made out the figure.  Lacking better detail other than his mismatched eyes burning into hers from the other side.  She held her impish grin all the same.  Do with her as you like, were the words that left the cream-winged mare.  Departing soon after her command was given, leaving the pair staring through the fire wall at each other...

    Words were seated on her tongue but thru the roar of flame he'd not truly catch the tone of her voice so she remained quiet.  Not wasting any time he began to move the cage she had been confined to.  Rushing her to formation of jagged stone.  The opening was familiar to her in a way of preference.  Not that she had explored this particular cavern but he was right, she did love caves.  

    A burst of fire came up from behind her.  The sudden heat pushing her forwards quickly until the clip-clop of hooves were heard echoing off the stone walls.  Ebony laced ears pressed to her skull as he followed closely behind.  Too close.  Tail pinned tightly to her buttocks as the darkness consumed them.  Not bothering to switch her vision as everything but him would remain dark.  Location though was easy for the bat-shifter as a steady tick left her throat.  Returning to her ears with a map as clear as a painting.  She sees a small opening down the length of the tunnel. An escape perhaps... 

    Her lips curl into a grin but it soon fades as further information show it's just a small pocket.  Nearing the opening a small flame appears in front of her, just beyond the mouth of the stone room.  She stops, eyes narrowing upon the flame.  Turning to her right and entering the cove.  

    She circles around quickly - as there isn't much room for any other action - to face the stallion that lead her here.  The small flame now flickered at the opening like a small torch.  Lighting the room enough that she watches his eyes slide along her curved body.  Ebony lips again sport a seductive grin at the words he speaks.  His voice so deep and demanding.  The broadness of his chest so tempting.  Pulsating blood thru his warm body so delicious.

    Almost being able to taste the sweet nectar he harbored, the thought descended her upper fangs.  Trying to hold back her cravings for now at least she speaks, "And what will I do here, Levi?  What will my purpose be...?" She steps forward.  Muzzle extending to whisper the words to his warm flesh. 
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    @[Levi]  she uses echolocation a bit. No wings. Just fangies lol.
    Take a bite
    If you dare
    The mare avoids his flames, she follows the path he lays for her, yet she mocks him - she is his captive, and she dares to smirk. She refuses to feed him the resignation and submission he hungers for, which he had assumed he would be granted by a captive. She eyes him as if she had nowhere else she would rather be, and his blood boils. 

    Her muzzle is suddenly too close to his fever-warmed skin, it is too much in their tight confines. As the words leave her mouth the stallion sharply raises his heavy skull with force. He hopes to catch her face in the action, knocking the simpering grin away for good. Seduction was not the name of this game. 

    He had forgotten how good it felt to not give a fuck. 

    Levi doesn't bother to answer her questions the way she wishes him to, to indulge her lust for tantalizing language - It's seemed like she already understands which direction this is going... even if she wasn't going about it the way he had envisioned. Maybe he hadn't been clear. 

    "You aren't going to touch me unless I say so." Dark ears are pinned along his crest and his language is cool, but the heat rolling off his body in waves and the hammering of his heart probably gives away the fact that this is something completely new to him. 

    To reinforce his point the thin rope of flame which had been used to capture her earlier reappears alongside of and infront of him, ready to be used to confine her if necessary. He wanted to be sure he was understood - that anything whiched happed here would be on his terms. 
    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    With her lips so close to his body she can feel the heat radiating off him.  His temper fueled just as hot as his skin.  His mottled face jerks upwards.  Catching along her own golden cheek and scalding it slightly.  Ebony laced ears pin just as his had - slender limbs retract her feminine frame from his front quarters.

    Turning sharply away from him then circling around.  Auburn eyes watching his slightest movements as she turns to face him again.  Cold words finding her pressed ears.  Her sights narrow on him as she pines over the situation.  Submission wasn't in her nature but she could play the part to satisfy.  Ebony tassels twitch in agitation as she collects her thoughts.  Noticing the unsettled way he shifts his weight.  The pulse of his blood organ rings in her ears.  He was undoubtedly nervous.  It takes her only a moment to figure out why...

    "Fine.  I won't touch you," her crown remains high as her own cold tone is given.  View shifts to the flames rising at his sides.  The glow of their reflection burned into their optical depths.  They wrap around the front of him, requiring her to step back against the stone wall of the tavern.  Hindquarters firmly pressed against the wall confirm to her that there was no place for her to go.  Even shifting into her alter form would give her no escape.  Bats were quick but not fire proof.  

    Uncertainty plagues her thoughts.  This was second nature to her, seduction.  It always came easily but it typically was two sided even if it seemed to be one.  Her eyes shy from his as her crown turns slightly to the right.  A slight sting remains at her jaw from his heated flesh.  She turns her body in the same direction her head had moved.  Bringing her body now parallel to the wall.  Removing herself even more from the heat of his flames.  Her rounded barrel pressing firmly against stone with each inhale and exhale.  She waits, with no more sound than the patter of her own heart...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    Take a bite
    If you dare

    The mare's cold tone pleases him. 
    Uncertainty flashes across his captives dark eyes as she attempts to put space between their bodies, this is exactly what he was looking for, and the flames dissipate. 

    "Better,"  he says through smiling lips. 

    As the room darkens, his pounding heart slows and a sort of satisfaction settles over him. Levi takes a step forward, after she settles herself against the wall, allowing his mismatched gaze run the full length of her body. The flames from his mane and tail have dimmed but still color the cavern amber. She is within reach now, if he were to stretch out his muzzle he could touch her cool skin - but he doesn't, not yet. 

    This is not his beautiful Rapture or the nymph Kolera, and that is what makes her perfect for his needs. She is nothing other than female to him.  He hadn't trusted himself to explore this, this act which had evaded him for five years, with the young mares who had shown interest in him. That would have involved soft words, wooing, seduction - caresses given and returned. That's not who he wanted to be. 

    This woman, twice his age, wielding fangs and bloodlust, (he had seen the way she seemed to taste him through the air) she smells of sex and is careless with her own life. He wonders exactly what she had planned for herself and Dahmer before Ellyse had interrupted them.
    Not that any of that mattered anymore, she was his now. 

    He had pushed her away and now he seeks to draw her back, to test his power, to see how many times he can bend her back and forth before she breaks - or he breaks.  "Come here," he whispers into the hot air to the mare who cowers against the wall, for now, there are none others.

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    As heat and lighting dim to just a flicker of color on the stone walls, her eyes remain forwards.  Even as he creeps nearer.  As she senses his wants and needs thick in the stagnant air.  His approving word causes her ears to press tighter against her skull.  An agitated twitch of her ebony tail at her hindquarters.  This game he was playing was a dangerous one.  His apparent inexperience in choosing a proper suiter to his wants.  She wasn't one to just lay down and take it after all...

    Come here...

    Venom words laced in the sweet honey that is temptation.  Auburn eyes leave the cavern scenery to view his face.  A command of some sort but he waits for her move.  With her view now turns her crown.  A single ear fixes upon him in interest but caution as this may be some cruel trick.  He stands too near for her to turn to face him so she remains parallel to the wall. 

    Craning her neck in his direction, her fangs glistening in the scarce lighting.  Eyes narrow on him to assess the situation.  A smirk coming across her lips as she sees the hint of lust in his eyes.  Lust of so many things; sex, danger, power.  Eyes trail from his pied face to the ridge of flame along his crest.  The broadness of his chest and bulk of his body that overpowered hers.  She was outmatched in all aspects of this game.  "Why should I, Levi? You're not playing nice with me..." Cool words with a hint of interest leave her blackened lips.  Turning her head back to look forward coyly.  Crown proudly held high, ears upright. 
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    Take a bite
    If you dare

    She gave when he paused, but now she pushes back with her own meager defiance. Only, this time, he finds her quip doesn't grate against him the way her forwardness had.
    He wasn't looking for tears and trembling - what is his looking for is all there, pressed against the wall and waiting for him.

    "Hmm..." he purrs from somewhere deep within his throat as the buckskin looks away from his body. He liked the way she admired his broad chest and shoulders, the way her eyes darted across all the different parts of him. "You have been playing very well."

    He swats his hocks with his tail of flame and the light in the cavern flashes brighter - a veiled threat or just an impulse satisfied, she didn't need to be able to distinguish between the two. 

    It only takes a step to cover the distance between them, and he gives in. Coming up behind her he reaches out and teeth meet skin for the first time. Taking the flesh along her hip bone between his teeth he gently pulls, shifting her weight back, and bringing her copper rump against his chest. 

    With the contact his adrenaline surges, his heart hammers anew, and his head feels light. Levi releases his mouthful only to trail his muzzle over her the crest of her haunches to fall along the other side. He had more to say, he had planned on toying with her until she had pressed herself against him. He had been looking forward to denying her.

    But now, oh now, she could be under him in a moment and all his plans change. 

    Fire and power be damned, he is nothing more than a stallion with an itch now that what has been denied his so long is nearly his. No more.

    With a grunt, his maw reaches forward and he firmly claims her withers with his blunt teeth. Rising up like a monster from the sea, he fits his hips to hers and his front legs cling tightly behind her swollen belly. 

    It doesnt takes long for him to crack and his heat expell, and with a rumble from his great chest he lets his weight fall over her, his belly pressing along the curve of her spine before her slides off to stand on his own four legs. 
    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    As she stares intentionally at the muddy walls of her prison, the outer most edges of her view reveal his figure.  Stepping no more than one pace towards her.  A greedy grin painted across his lips as he plays.  Running his blunt teeth along her golden flesh.  Tasting her.  Marking her his.  She allows him to do so with no more than flex of her spine and shift of her weight.  She has been in such positions before but typically she held the reins.  Allowing herself to run her lips down the length of their bodies.  Tempt them to the brink of no return.  Levi though seem to relish in the control he held over her.  Knowing his fire outmatched her, she had no choice but to allow him this.  His game.

    The world turns still so when he is gripping her flesh and bone - heaving his large body on top of her - she stands firmly under him.  Pressing her hindquarters into his loins.  Ebony traced ears pin tightly to her skull as she brings her muzzle to her breast.  The tight arch of her nape showing beads of sweat trailing down her coat. The burden of his weight plus her child's was almost enough to cause her knees to buckle.  She manages to remain standing for the duration of his mount.  His grip slips from her hips and brings him to stand on his own again.  Swiftly she pulls away from him and spins around to face him.  Aurburn eyes reflect the flicker of his flames as they narrow on to him.  She draws nearer - cheek to cheek - listening to the hammer of his heart.  To taste the blood pumping through his veins was too tempting to pass up.  So as he is panting for breath after such ecstasy she marks him an easy target.  A hushed whisper is shared between them, "I don't play well with others." 

    Her move was smooth.  Not lunged like she had at Castiles throat, but more like the hand of a lover being slid up the length of ones thigh.  Finding her favorite spot with ease and his height to her advantage she slips under him.  Fangs sinking into either side of his jugular.  They grip tactically, allowing her to force the fluid from his veins and into her lips.  It is sweet with the taste of adrenaline still thick in his blood.  He may struggle but she holds on as long as she is able.  Before his skin gets too hot or his flames are called on to save him.  He may have made her his, but now he was also made hers...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    Take a bite
    If you dare

    She presses into him, her round curves filling the hollow below his barrel and that's the end of it. He tells himself he couldn't care less what she thinks of him but instinctually he seeks her approval, and he constructs this action to men more than it probably does. 

    Unsteadily, he finds the earth. Every nerve across his body seems to glow - it isn't love, but it's close. 

    As her gentle caress slides along the swell of his neck, he is soft and responsive, giving into the pressure with closed eyes. His lips part as the pressure grows until there is the pop off her fangs dividing his hide, he doesn't flinch - he knew they weren't just for show. Where there should be pain there is only sensation, and it adds deliciously to the tingling in his head. 

    A tamed beast - for now.

    Saliva, blood or both run down his neck, but he lets her drink. She wouldn't see the light of day until Ellyse said otherwise, and she had to eat. He reasons that he is feeding her out of necessity, but there is something more than that as he adjusts his neck to send her more of what she craves.

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

    Ok, this is pretty short because I wanted to know what she was doing before I had him pull away XD
    He's a big guy - I figured he could lose a lot of blood before he got too woozy, but if she does go too far he will obviously stop her before he passes out or anything.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    It comes easily.  With each heavy beat of his quickened heart rate, she draws the nutrient rich fluid from his veins.  It had been days since she last fed.  Usually in her alter form - in the dead of night - on unsuspecting equines that were engaged in other worlds behind their shuttered lids is how she fed. This though was a treat.  To feed upon a willing host.  Sated by pleasures of the flesh.  Finding his willingness a tad endearing.  Being of a hefty weight she figures he can supply her with her fill and not risk unconsciousness.  Relieving her hunger and gaining strength.  She needed strength for what was to come in the night...

    Satisfaction overcomes her as she draws the crimson liquid one last time.  Loosening her grip, her fangs retract from his skin.  Ebony lips linger still as blood seeps from the lacerations.  Almost tenderly she begins to lick the remaining fluid from his coat.  Auburn eyes slide to view his face, seeking approval of the gesture.  He seems to still be in some relaxed state of ecstasy, so she continues.  

    Once the area is free of red liquid and his wounds have closed, she moves to other areas of exploration.  Being positioned parallel with his body and facing the same direction, she calls upon her limbs to move her backwards.  With wings shifted away, it is just her golden sheen that illuminates under the glow of his flamed crest and tail.  Blackened upper lip drags along his mottled coat.  Tracing the form of muscle under his thick hide.  Starting at her feeding place along the base of his muscular neck, then venturing towards his chest and shoulders.  Following the length of the bone down to the start of his barrel.  Each step taken back moves her lips along her chosen path.  Eyes ever watching his reaction.  If anything hostile should erupt she could easily remove herself from his side. 

    Here she decides to shake it up and instead of her lip caressing his flesh she peels them back to expose her canines.  Very lightly but purposely, she drags them across his barrel.  Each rib creates a dip for them to dig ever so slightly into.  The sensation of danger and pleasure combining into a mess of emotion.  They drag slowly until she reaches the soft spot just before the hip.  Here she trades her teeth for soft kisses.  Each one placed with slight pressure, starting at the top and working towards the bottom.  She takes her time.  Wanting to feel the twitch of his muscle under her lips.  

    Now at the section of flesh - after the girth of his barrel and the start of his hind limb - she waits.  Removing her lips just enough from his skin that all he feels is her warm breath panting against his most vulnerable parts. Eyes seeking out the glow of his own occults.  Voice seductively low, "Is this nice Levi..." A grin delicately curls the edges of her lips. 
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    @[Levi] >:[)
    Take a bite
    If you dare

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