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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    survival was my only hope, success my only revenge [Maugrim]

    » Innocence is always unsuspicious «

    Sputtering I lurched back into consciousness, salt water bubbling from my throat and out my open mouth onto the sandy ground beneath me. As I slowly came aware of my surroundings, I realized I was on a beach in some other place in Beqanna. The water was clear and calm-- a sign we were on the opposite side from Nerine which most likely meant he had taken me to Ischia. I pondered a thousand questions in that first moment however one kept coming to mind. Why Ischia?

    The fall sun was lower in the sky than it had been weeks prior as the winter solstice slowly worked its way closer as the days ticked by, but the water bordered lands were buffered from extreme dips in weather so fall and winter were only marked by slightly shorter days that were only a few degrees cooler, with more rain--usually. I realized that once the water evaporated I would be rather warm as Nerine’s inland was cooler than this place. This place that the seaweed and pearlescent stallion had brought me. It was then that sounds finally seemed to reach my still foggy brain, and a rough “get up” was heard from behind. I looked over to see him, Seaweed-- I had dubbed him. He paced, eyes crazed and wild. They seemed to roll around in their sockets as if they were loose and free, not connected and held through tissue and ligament. “Seaweed” tossed about and stomped his feet, and animal caged by flesh and (if I could read minds) and a restraint from taking my breath from my beating heart.

    I pulled myself up, stumbling a bit as he continued his frenzied movements. My usually russet coat was a darker ore brown hue and I held myself ready, as ready as a half-drowned foggy-minded petite mare could. My muscles were tense, even if they were still recovering from the ocean thrashing earlier. I look at the two-toned beast (let's be real he wasn’t a gentleman that’s for sure), trying to decide what way to play this out to my best advantage. I was too weak to run away from him. I didn’t stand a chance swimming away-- he could become water. And I definitely couldn’t beat him in a battle-- at least not this close to the water while I was still fatigued. So that left a game of wit, It seemed unlikely to help me but it was the only choice. So I took it. I raise my head, and look him in the eye (as best I could with his manic mannerisms) I allow a smirk to cross my lips but an annoyance to take my eyes. ” What the hell! Not quite what I meant when I said to do something, Seaweed. But I’m sure Isobell learned her lesson by now, so take me back...or point me in the right direction and I will go alone.” I shake the sand from my coat but keep an eye on the beasty. I cared not to know his actual name now-- in fact, I hoped his little nickname annoyed him slightly-- my little revenge.

    But I don’t move, I don’t want to get close to him. I don’t want to be pulled back into the water and I don’t want to make this worse. So I wait...I know I can handle most anything, so better to plan and react than make a move and regret it--for now.


    Kimber x Nymphetamine


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    RE: survival was my only hope, success my only revenge [Maugrim] - by Vessel - 12-30-2017, 09:54 PM

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