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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    If a thought was the truth; Maugrim, any
    god make me pay
    like the devil i am
    It didn’t take her long to succumb to the darkness as he gripped her tight with his water, and for a moment he watches her face soften, the fear leaving her gentle features as she now breathes peacefully within his grasp. He revels the moment, a fingertip of murky ocean water brushing carefully her green forelock from her sleeping face - she is lovely, and he cannot imagine letting her leave his presence. She is a prize, a treasure from the deep, a jewel brought before him as a gift from his loving ocean - and he will not part with it. 


    The bright waters of Ischia are what she awakes to, and though he is melded within the transparent waters and unseen, he grins mischievously as she calls out his name. He is, however, unsettled by the fact she calls for another, his invisible brow furrowing. The name is unfamiliar, but it is just his luck - how long will he have with his water treasure before another comes along to try and take her from him? No matter - he will enjoy the time he has with her now, and if needed, Hod can join his collection as well.

    He begins to manifest himself, a wavering form at the bottom of the sunlit-strewn ocean - not his favorite place, but she is here, so he finds himself bringing his collectibles to this location instead of the darker, deeper parts of his ocean - where she can enjoy them as well. “Water lily, shhh,” he garbles, his now-familiar grip tightening around her. “Are we home?” He asks, though he doesn’t care for an answer and he also doesn’t care to wait. He creates her wings for her, unruly recreations of what she naturally has been gifted, and sets his attention on moving them for her, so that instead of a terrible riptide taking her to where he needed her, she would float beside him willingly (almost) as if it had been her choice.

    Maugrim floats beside her, a firm and solid being now, with seaweed in his mane and tail and the slight hint of barnacles beginning to grow on crest, right behind his ears. He is easier to see in the brightness of Ischia instead of the murky brine of the river, or the dark trench he had shown her - his evergreen patches are strewn with opalescence of lavender, a beautiful sight to behold save for the terrifying grin on his pale and cracked lips. The shark that she had seen upon her awakening now trolls slowly behind them, unaware of her predicament. Brightly colored fish swim by them, picking at the corals with tiny crunching, their scales glittering in the warm sunlight that filters through the surface that is slowly getting closer and closer to their heads. 

    After what seems like hours, the malevolent beast presses his pale lips to her throat, humming against her water-logged skin happily, before disappearing into nothingness. His crude attempt at recreating her wings falls away, though his grip is still on her most presently - his disappearance would not mean her freedom. He is in the water, always, and if she ever wanted to leave Ischia, he would be waiting for her within the deep.

    The shallows of the lagoon gave him a small space to disappear into, and as he watches a familiar figure approach, he immediately turns his liquefied form into a solid one, his tobiano coat slick with algae and salt, rising above the waters just in time to hear the venom in Deathwish’s voice - his body shivers in delight. “Don’t kill her,” he muses sternly, well aware of Deathwish’s grip now upon Nyxa. He watches his water lily from beneath a dark gaze, staring down at her as he joins his partner, his cracked lips pressing tightly in a kiss on her slender neck. 

    “I have brought us a gift. Her name is Lily. I found her at the bottom of the river, all alone. She’s ours now.”

    His voice is unwavering and emotionless, blinking slowly as he christens the water-filly with a name, never having asked (or cared) for her real one. 
    m a u g r i m.

    @[Deathwish] @[Nyxa] Hope this is okay!! Let me know if there's something you don't like and I can change it! <3

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    RE: If a thought was the truth; Maugrim, any - by Maugrim - 12-30-2017, 12:45 PM

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