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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Im headed straight for the castle - Any
    Hot, angry tears burned the corners of her crystal eyes. She was outmatched and she knew it. The overbearing stallion's tone had changed, from mocking curiosity to outright anger. From the look in his eyes, she knew that he would not be above bloodying her to get his way, regardless of her condition. And then there was that psychotic cousin of his, with her creeping ways and penchant for death. Of all the families for her to cross paths with, this just may have been the worst option. 

    Continuing to walk through his rumbling words, she is forced to a halt when once more, he is before her. Her cheeks are damp with tears she didn't realize had decided to fall, hateful tears. She had never been one much inclined to crying, but with the advent of this child, and all the hurtling emotions it generated, this confrontation was simply too much. She hated that her emotions were so raw and evident. It gave him an edge she couldn't afford to give. Dragging in a shaky breath, the faceted mare lifted her head once more in defiance. 

    "You're wrong. My first mistake was agreeing to go anywhere with a man like you. It's brought me nothing but trouble and a child I suspect you would have put in me whether or not I was willing. I guess it's just lucky I wanted you at that moment." She spoke through the choking lump in her throat, trembling with unspent adrenaline. Standing as though rooted to the earth, gentle strokes of air play with the tips of her mane comfortingly. What choices did she have, really? Would she truly rather risk the lives of herself and her child than to cooperate and go back to that now loathsome island? Would cooperation make a difference, or would the punishment for running away be just as severe as not going back at all? 

    Her head was beginning to drop in slow submission when the thudding staccato of hooves in deep mulch draws her attention. From the midst of the golden forest surges another stallion, matching Klaudius in stature, but bearing a cloak of deepest black. Her feet carry her backwards several paces in reflex to his menacing entrance, wings clamped protectively about her swollen bodice. But his fierce attitude did not seem to be aimed at her. By the snarled words that followed, she could see he recognized Klaudius, and didn't like what he saw. 

    Wind caught in the bright woman's chest as she looked between the two aggressors. The outcome of this standoff could mean the difference between freedom and captivity for her. She dared not run, couldn't even if she wanted to. The barest whimper cut from her lips as a stress-induced contraction rippled through her abdomen. Dear gods, it was far too soon for that! 

    @[Dahmer] @[Klaudius] @[Ellyse]

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    RE: Im headed straight for the castle - Any - by Dahmer - 01-08-2018, 07:40 PM
    RE: Im headed straight for the castle - Any - by Sabra - 01-09-2018, 01:43 PM

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