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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I Was Lightning Before the Thunder [Deathwish, Krone, or whoever]

    N y x a

    I'm sinking to the bottom of my everything

    Well, at least Klaudius is game to search for water in near-total-darkness. Other horses might’ve brushed off her weird inquiry and turned to more interesting topics of conversation, but he seems pretty content to pass the time doing whatever while the storm built up outside.

    “Why not?!” She laughs, her smile lost in the shadows. Her nose guides her further in, twisting through a tight corner that brushes her shoulder much like Klaudius had done earlier. It’s hard to tell which way they’re going, even when her eyes adjust she still bumps against the uneven footing, but Nyxa is determined to find this hidden pool. She’d passed this cave hundreds of times, drifted in and out without much care before, but the idea that she’d missed a secret passageway - some underground spring - is too much for her curious mind to bear.

    “Do you often hideout in caves around the Island?” Nyxa queries, trying to make small talk. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t seen him around; too busy being a hermit like herself.

    Her leading foot comes down on a slope and Nyxa cries out suddenly in shock as she loses her footing, scrambling to stop herself. In the process her hind feet go wild, body sliding sideways to slam against the side of the cavern. The stone floor is slick with algae; no doubt grown from the years of water dripping slowly off massive stalactites. The fluffy mare hisses -she’d  scraped her hip and pulled a muscle, an easy feat for a klutz like herself. “I’m alright.” She calls out, before Klaudius can ask her. Her breathing evens out, goes quiet … and then a splintering sound echoes through the cavern, right before a snap and shattering crash.

    “Klaudius …” Nyxa whispers coldly. Then another splinter can be heard, followed quickly by the shattering of a few more rocks. “Klaudius I think they’re falling -” The growing girl pants, backing up until she bumps against him.

    A stalactite to her left splinters, breaking free to lance her in the shoulder as it falls earthward. With a cry of fresh pain, Nyxa wheels around and yells, “Run, go!”

    @[Klaudius] oh noeeeeee save her lmao

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    RE: I Was Lightning Before the Thunder [Deathwish, Krone, or whoever] - by Nyxa - 01-29-2018, 04:06 PM

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