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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  G A M E O V E R [Karaugh death/Kaurma birth, Solace]
    Rising from bruised knees, she looks to her surroundings.  The ominous darkness that had hung thick over her had all but faded.  She had heard an exchange of commands but lacked in remembering any details.  Amber eyes see nothing among the mists that waver around her.  Instinct tells her to swap her vision to seek heat but her attempt is feeble.  Fuck it's the only word that can describe her situation.  He took everything she had become and stripped it from her.  

    A weakening intake of air nearly causes her to choke.  A dry cough expels from her chest but causes a demanding stirring inside her.  Fuck! Another curse echoes in her cranium, just as an internal hoof jabs her ribs again.  How could it have grown so quickly? Had she blacked out for months at a time or was this really happening.  It had been only a mere few hours since the black behemoth had held her in his clutches.  Groping her and bestowing her a fucking gift! 

    She wishes her wings to appear and take her to her caves, but they never materialize.  Confirmation that she was no longer in possession of such magic.  Amber eyes rover over the forest to decide what to do next.  Does she hide away in the depths of the dank forests of Taiga or attempt to walk the trek home to Sylva?  

    Her mind is hardly made up, when out of her peripheral vision she sees her body.  A once gleaming gold coat is dull as mud.  Her flesh hangs loose over her brittle bones.  She is a mere fragment of what she had been.  Used, abused and left to rot alone.  She doesn't see the irony apparent before her.  Not immediately.  When she does her eyes widen in sheer terror.  The hallowed sockets that is her face lift as she udders a singular word, "Kaurma!"

    As if that word could initiate a chain reaction, her body erupts.  Pain is her only feeling as her insides turn out.  A shrill cry echoes within the dense fog surrounding her.  Never one to know fear, she knew it now.  As her world was crumbling around her.  She struggles to remain standing.  Each contraction bringing her to her knees.  Ramming them back into the muddy soil and pine needles.  

    When she finally gives in, her frail body topples over.  Emaciated(from what she did not know) was the nail in the coffin for her.  Never would she rise again.  But at the end of every dark turn is the tiniest ray of light.  A child, the color of Karaughs born form, lay perfectly nestled amongst the haze.  Nearly perfect, it would seem.  Her amber eyes look to her mother's body, gasping for her last breath.  There was peace in that final moment mother and daughter shared the same world.  A loaming set of red eyes glowed within the mists...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
    HTML by Call

    With permission from Cassi, residual magic causes Kaurmas health transference to steal her mother's life.  Giving her enough health to rapidly grow in utero and survive alone until she is adopted.  Ouija is simply gaurding her to make sure no creature kills her.  Karaughs life ends but a new one begins in her wake. 

    @[Solace] has been asked to come find her.  If she decides not to then she is open for adoption. RIP Karaugh, but it's highly unlikely >:[)
    Take a bite
    If you dare

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    RE: G A M E O V E R [Karaugh] - by Karaugh - 01-19-2018, 07:35 AM

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