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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  G A M E O V E R [Karaugh death/Kaurma birth, Solace]

    The wolf that is usually only accompanied by others of another dimension, does not travel alone on this day.  Beside his quickening lope is the winged ruler of Hyaline.  Much of their travels from the kingdom is spent in silent wonder.  Neither really knowing what they will find here.  Led only by the word of a ghost.

    The distance between the two terrains takes nearly a day and a half.  The sun was sinking to rest and give way to the nights sky, when the giant redwood forest comes into view. He is nearly smiling at the sight.  He was finally home. 

    Their path is led by the spirit of Kaiode.  Of what he knew, Kaiode was Solace's brother.  He had passed young and was leading them to save his sister.  From what and why, they would soon find out.

    As they entered the woods he could smell the scent of a dead animal.  His heart sinks at the thought that they are too late, but the apparition keeps beckoning them to follow.  Slowing to a quick walk, he continues to lead the way through thick brush and bramble's.  "This way... We are almost there,"  he states to his travel companion.  Amethyst eyes scanning the shadows for what was making that smell.

    As they break through another mash of branches and thorns, he spots a small shadow looking straight at them.  Kaiode at it's side.  He stops in surprise and assesses the situation.  Beyond the pair he sees a mass on the ground.  With a twitch of his leather nose he pin points that as the cause of the smell.  Looking to Solace he confirms what she may already know, "We are here... Maybe it is best I stay behind.  I don't want to scare her." A smile sweeps across his angular jaw as he sits on his hind hunches.  Purple tail sweeping from one side to the next. 

    C Y R U S

    The Spirit Wolf

    I won't tag you again XD

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: G A M E O V E R [Karaugh] - by Karaugh - 01-19-2018, 07:35 AM
    RE: G A M E O V E R [Karaugh death/Kaurma birth, Solace] - by Cyrus - 01-19-2018, 10:17 PM

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