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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    protesting in your paper crown, you love to feel offended
    Rolling in the hills of South Carolina, there lived a fair beauty. Her body was charred despite the embers that still glowed at her feet. She was a small thing who enjoyed the woods. Birds, deer, foxes. They all loved her like Snow White. She often burst into songs...some irish and some hebrew others were wordless and simply hummed like the purr of a large cat. She once told me a story of how she enjoyed traveling but she did not like the cold. The snow and ice froze her. She often prefered to travel to the deep south and see her family in Mexico.

    In 2016, when the sun set dotted the sky pink in the late evening, Listeria Monocytogenes reared it's ugly head and we had to recall all the pretty things. My fair beauty was one of them. She was whisked away and hidden in Asheville. My poor love! My poor darling! Bittersweet on my swollen tongue! Give me those wings and tear them off so we may escape the mirror glass cage! Oh my sweetness, my princess, my love, my precious little chickpea. How I yearn to take you away!

    1 horse from 1 kingdom in 3 days

    If success, you will come stay with me by the sea for 1 Beqanna year.
    Blocking Sabra from Sylva

    Asheville is a town in North Carolina that is only 45min away from Sylva, NC. 

    Sabra is Hebrew, but there's a song by an Irish guy about a girl named Sabra.

    There was a recall on Sabra hummus in 2016

    Sabra has sunset colored mane and tail

    Sabrà Dios, is Mexico city

    In Sylva NC they have the American Museum of the House Cat (purr of a large cat).

    Wings- Sabra's expressed trait in database
    Nope <3
    Sylva has one more block.  Per my Xmas gift.  Please hold
    Using my extra block from Xmas gift to block Merida from Sylva http://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17464

    Asheville is a town in North Carolina that is only 45min away from Sylva, NC. 

    In Sylva NC they have the American Museum of the House Cat (purr of a large cat).

    There was a recall on Sabra hummus in 2016

    Wings- Sabra's expressed trait in database

    body was charred, despite the embers that still glowed at her feet- Merida is black with red mane/tail and markings(stockings)

    foxes- Merida has fox shifting

    princess- Merida is a disney princess in the movie Brave

    Merida is also a city in Mexico
    Lol great job! Would have got me if I didn't have that Xmas gift XD
    -Semi Active-
    glad to have put it to use haha!

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