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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest]
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Courgette|Dancing+Script" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.Erotes_container {position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 330px;padding: 15px;background: #01010C url('https://pm1.narvii.com/6556/f7674c241fec2b1b463abc760d7afb63f50acfb9_hq.jpg')no-repeat center top;box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000; border-radius: 10em 10em 0em 0em}.Erotes_container p {margin: 0;}.Erotes_image {height: 550px;visibility: hidden;}.Erotes_message {text-align: justify;font: 18px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 5px 2px;color: #c95;background-color: #000;border-top: 2px solid #640;border-bottom: 2px solid #640;}.Erotes_name {text-align: left;font: 40px 'Dancing Script', cursive;color: #000;padding: 0px 15px;text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #fda43c;}.Erotes_quote {text-align: center;font: 14px 'Courgette', cursive;color: #e4a991;padding: 0;}</style><center><div class="Erotes_container"><img class="Erotes_image" src="https://pm1.narvii.com/6556/f7674c241fec2b1b463abc760d7afb63f50acfb9_hq.jpg"><p class="Erotes_name">The Erotes</p><p class="Erotes_message">You are among the living and yet the dead are not far from reach.  You just cannot see them or hear them, but every now and again you feel them.  Whether it is within the beating of your own heart or in the scenery around you.  You know, somewhere, they are there.  

    They are the dew on the grass.  A shimmer of light within the darkness.  The hum of a song upon the wind.  

    They are your strength when you are weak.  A beacon of hope. A smile wrapped within your memories.  

    Still they have left this world and with it, left you to live out your days.  They may have departed tragically or perhaps they ran out of sand in their hourglass.  Swept away in a blink of an eye. One moment they are here and the next, gone. They drifted away before you could give a proper goodbye(is there ever one though).  Before you could tell them every secret you held dear, every sin you had yet to confess.  This wears on you.  And maybe you had spoke it then(as they shifted from one form to the next), and you only wished to know if they had heard.  What you wouldn't give to know.  To tell them again, face to face.  To touch their skin.  To embrace them one last time...

    Well wish it and it shall be.

    -The Erotes are kind, mythical beings of old.  They hold the powers of love and affection, happiness, desire even.  They want nothing more than to see their mortals happy.  So you wish it and they appear.  They come in many forms but with only one purpose.  To reunite you with a single loved one from the other side.  This can be anyone you hold within your heart.  A mother, a child, a brother… a lover.  


    Your lost loved one will materialize before you in perfect form.  Just as you remembered them, but they will be flawless, without sickness or injury.  Any defect they carried has been lifted.  You will see they are happy.  You can feel them as well and they can hear every word you speak(not to say they hadn't heard it before).  The conditions are; they cannot speak back, they cannot move and you have limited time.  So make every moment count.-

    *You can place your character wherever you want them to be.  Maybe they are walking along a beach, staring into the abyss of a starry night.  Maybe they are lost within their own minds thinking of the past.
    *You wish to see again a passed loved one.  It can be another BQ character that has passed, a character from their backstory or make something up.
    *Your character comes across a deity of The Erotes.  Describe what they look like briefly.  They grant you your wish.  The loved one appears just as described above.  
    *Make every moment count because at the end your loved one returns to dust.  As does the deity, vanishing to leave you to your thoughts.
    *From there your character can interpret the interaction however they like.  Do they become at ease from a heavied weight lifted? Do they go mad crazy? Do they attempt to hang onto the past in denial? Do they simply weep? Whatever you want! This will be your epic love story ending.  Whether it be tragic or comforting that is up to you.

    *Two entries per player (cannot be same character)
    *No word limit
    *Obviously the loved one must be dead.  If their death was never stated in character that is fine, but they can't magically be alive tomorrow.  It can be a character you believe is dead.
    *There is but only one epic tale of love.  Prize- TBD
    *Cannot be edited so post wisely
    *The rules are simple but if you manage to break them, there may be a personal message from The Erotes to your character. >:]
    *Entries close Feb 14th at 11:59PM cst

    Questions, PM The Erotes.  This is the one and ONLY chapter.</p><p class="Erotes_quote"></p></div></center>

    Messages In This Thread
    Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest] - by The Erotes - 02-01-2018, 11:02 AM

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