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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest]
    Heavy lays the crown; it always has, always will doubly so for those that bear it alone. Most who accept it don’t know exactly what it entails. They believe they can change things instantly. When the strain comes, and oh it will come, they shatter under the weight; broken from trying to force change that doesn’t want to happen. Was that what Fennick had felt? Had he felt a failure as a king, father, lover? Is that why he disappeared from Beqanna with their children?

    As dreadful as her life has been, she knows she wouldn’t change a thing. Not for anything, those few years of bliss made an eternity of misery and solitude worth it. No one is around, for the first time since accepting the burden she is alone; the queen can breathe, maybe even think. Walter reminded her of what it feels like to have the support, the bond, of another; the feeling scratches, gnawing away at her until she must consider thoughts she had long before locked away, sealed and the key thrown out. Even if it was just make-believe, for one night she felt… normal. Such an odd word, when has she ever been completely normal? <i>Fennick, you idiot!</i> venom seeps through the words puncturing her little mind drift. Yes, dear Fennick made her feel as normal as normal goes for a drifter’s soul. Hestia can’t help but wonder how it is that she came to be here without love, without family, utterly alone in a world she doesn’t know. It matters not, she can’t take another, not when there is a possibility that he is still out there. Immortality, what a curse it is. Many drift in and out of her life, some faintly remembered in a blur of time. In a blink of an eye they are all gone, leaving her with nothing. She blinks away the sting by looking to the sea for any form of consolation. <b>I wish you were here with me Fennick</b>, the whispered words are carried far from her taking her request across the ocean. When they are lost to her ears something begins glimmering in the distance, steadily coming closer dipping in and out of the waves. Silver reflect against the moonlight with each dip.

    It comes, more elegant in its aura than any creature has a right to be. Silvery fish eyes pierce through the black mare’s heart seeking the wish she spoke.  The woman stands before Hestia with water running off her body almost as if it comes out of her. The white iridescent membranes clinging to her skin sprouting from her shoulders, elbows, fingers toes, and ears. Coral wraps around her head in a crown formation, and the gills slash across either side of the creature’s neck. Maybe she looks beautiful in her own kingdom under the water, but here on land, she looks abhorrent and unnatural in the worst ways. Her hair is filmy white, with the ribbing of fins lying against her spine. She parts her mouth revealing two sets of teeth, with prominent fangs. <i>I will allow you to speak to your deceased loved one until the tide takes him from you once more.</i> The mares heart jolts, who could this thing be referring to. Then she sees <i>HIM</i> rising out of the waves, magnificent as ever with his mane hanging lush and fetlocks feathering around his hooves. Terrifying and beautiful, his wings spread from his shoulders large and filled with the strength of a king. She licks her lips unable to breath. He stands there before her in all his glory consuming her body and soul just as he had the first time she had seen him.

    She feels so small and delicate when near him, but he always, always knew what to say to make her relax. Her gentle giant; always so terrible and menacing until he opened his mouth. Hesitantly, afraid he’ll disappear, she takes a step closer to him. <b>Fennick</b>, its barely audible. The tears come unbidden spilling into the ocean as she takes one step after another; bringing herself closer to the lover who stole her very being and her immortality along with it. <b>What happened?</b>, she lets out her breathe when she is standing next to him pressing herself against him, taking in his earthy scent. A mix of pine, and Valley, and… home. Yes he is… was her home. What need is there for words when all they need is one another? He is her anchor, it’s him and him alone that could make her settle into one place; taking her mind from the politics, wars, and affairs of the world. With him she was content in letting others do the work. <b>Can you speak?</b> He shakes his head as her lips traverse the map of his body as it had years ago when she learned what it meant to truly be a female. Two hearts melding for the first time, hesitant in the face of the unknown. Creating new life and understanding what it means to become one. First for her, first for him, nervous and shy it was a quiet night beautiful in its purity.

    <b>Fennick</b>… <i><b>Hestia</b></i>… <b>I don’t kn</b>… <i><b>shhh my love</b></i>…
    <i>Warmth shudders up her spine as he discovers places she hadn’t even considered possible. The heat building, and building until electricity sends her into a world she could never have comprehended before.</i>

    She takes a moment breathing him in, feeling his wings cocoon her, keeping her safe from the world outside of theirs, the memory taking her back to times when things were simple. For this one moment she is back in the Valley without a care in the world, their children… Its this thought that has her pulling away from him. <b>Were you murdered?</b> she doesn’t want to ask, doesn’t want to know. But she must, their children, what if they are dead too. He shakes his head looking to the waves in shame. Suspicion spikes, <b>are they alive?</b> there is no need to name who, there is no one else she could be asking about. His nod sends a flood of relief through her. The children are alive, Kryten, Iona, they are out there… somewhere. Something isn’t right though, he is not looking at her. His guilt is so apparent… how could he know the children are alive… unless… <b>You left them?!</b> He doesn’t indicate anything, refusing to look at her, no nod, no words, no violent shake of his great head. It speaks louder than if he had done anything, icy revulsion seeps through her body. Shattering her soul, out of all the things she had imagined, <i>this</i>, was the one she refused to believe. He abandoned their children, he was not murdered, he left of his own volition. Her lover, her better half; betrayed, she takes steps away from him. Backing out of the waves leaving him unable to chase after her. He looks to her now, desperate for their moments together, his wings drifting off her body even as he tries to keep the touch lingering as long as she is close enough. The connection they shared is severed in the moment of loathing. His eyes, those eyes she lost herself in so many times before. They beg her to come back to him, and she almost does, but her lower lip begins to quiver, the pain written on her face. Divided between her love for him, and her love for her children. <b>You left them… how could you?! They were just babies</b>. The words are whispered, broken, and creating a gap between them that grows larger with each syllable she says.

    The silence is deadly, she thought she had been without a soul. Hated, and despised herself for years over travesties she had committed. She had blamed herself for leaving their kingdom and family vulnerable. Thought how many times that if she had only stayed in the kingdom that day. How many times had she doubted herself, second guessed every decision she had ever made. He had given her hope that she could be better. Yet the most tragic horror in her life was not committed by herself; instead the one she had given her immortality for. After years spent searching, she had started to blame Fennick a little as well as herself after all he was <i>king</i>. If he had just waited… the seed had been planted, and as each year passed without word, Hestia found herself nurturing that bitter seed. Now it blooms transforming into vines that strangle her soul, its thorns re-opening the scabs that he had healed, quelling any desire she had for a fairytale reunion. No, a fairytale ending would be impossible, if she could ever admit it, then she would know that it had never been possible to begin with. Each moment that he refuses to look at her has the vines winding its way around her heart tighter, choking out all the good he had done in her life. She remembers what it was like before he had come into her life. Power, respect, strength, sisterhood, wisdom and eternity to keep the Amazons on the right path… <b>you are the reason the Amazon’s despise men!</b> Even quiet, the words hold all the malice she had ever held back out of her conviction that diplomacy, words, hope could win in the end. Innocently she had thought him to be different. Thought him worthy, determined to show the warrior women that love could be a beautiful thing. That men could be more than just a means for progeny. Now, the scales fall from her eyes, and she sees. She understands the core of every Amazonian queen that ever existed.

    Most had thought her different from other Amazonian women; she had been balanced; with the mindset of true equality; hoping to bridge the gap between genders. Now she watches as her love burns to ash before her eyes. People wonder how villains are created? This, right here, right now; this is the birthplace of darkness. What had been a joyful reunion of purity and bliss a moment ago; becomes something much different. Much more sinister; Hestia’s jaw sets, her head elevates itself. No more would she be considered ‘kept’. What words to say? They never needed words before, why should they now? He can’t look at her, and she can’t bring back the warm spark that once burned so bright for him. Are there any words that can do anything after something like this? While a memory of the warmth still glimmers, she says the words that had been burning in her mind since she had died <b>Thank you</b>. He’d shown her more of the world in those few years, than she had learned in an eternity on her own.

    How ironic; her death made her realize her love for him, and his death made her realize how perverse a joke that love really was. He gave her love, he took her love. They found happiness, and at least she still finds herself capable of gratitude of that. Green eyes glare daggers at the broken beast trapped by the waves of Nerine.  Shackled to the sandy floor, he has no power over her, other than what she gives him. Now she knows that, where previously she felt small and delicate. Now she feels a strength taking its place. No longer is she his little consort, she is her own queen. The sea nymph, in all its terrible glory comes back standing there waiting for the last moments of the gift to pass. The smallest part of her still wants to run to him, cry, kiss, and dive under the waves to disappear from this place and forget the heart break. The little girl full of hope still clings to the remnants of what had been. Hestia knows better than to snuff that child out, but she does tuck it away, safe in some dark corner where it can not get in the way.

    Images of her children, growing up without loving parents, lost in this world, keep her rooted in her resolve. <b>I loved you Fennick, but you left my children <i>defenseless</i>… the male that did that, that male is not the Fennick I loved. I don't know who you are, but you are not my Fennick.</b> She would find her children, they are not dead. There is still hope for them. She looks to Fennick, the waves just moments away from taking him from her forever. <b>Thank you, at least now I know</b>, she states to the nymph, goddess, whatever it is. It slowly nods its head acknowledging her words. Maybe a small piece of her words is directed to Fennick as well, she can let go of him now. No more need to worry or heap on the guilt. No more need to shy away from finding companionship, power, or responsibility. He gave her the love she never understood, children she never thought she wanted, and the brokenness to comprehend the need for the Amazonian kingdom. Their love, while it had been true, pure and beautiful found its end. It played the role it was meant to, and as always Beqanna gives, and Beqanna takes. Always knowing exactly what it is that will make them into something more. The water pulls back in the tide; while he came glorious and proud he leaves her disintegrating into sea foam that leaves with the tide. She doesn’t say anything, she spills no more tears, she just looks to where the remnants of the stallion’s sea foam linger with a quiet smile on her face. <b>I’ll find you my children, I swear it</b>.
    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

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    Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest] - by The Erotes - 02-01-2018, 11:02 AM
    RE: Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest] - by Hestia - 02-13-2018, 08:30 PM

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