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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'm breathing in the smoke of my mental illness's cigarette // Andulvar


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    I've been flying, stretching out my admittedly thin muscles, testing the winds that blow stormily in the autumn sky. In my short life, I've never been one for staying places long - always on the run, though from what I cannot tell you. From that sinking, sucking feeling, that voice that says: you're running out of time.

    The meadow stretches out below me, and I figure that it's as good a place to land as any. My stomach gurgles, I am hungry, and that grass is very green. Yet as I am landing, my golden wings tucking easily into my skinny, bony hide, I know that I will not take even a single bite.

    Something to do with romancing death, I suppose.

    Sighing and ignoring my stomach's noisy complaints, I begin walking towards where I know a stream runs. The wind is chilly in this late autumn afternoon, and the weak sunlight does little to warm my shiver patchwork skin, but I don't mind. Better to be bone cold than drenched in sweat, in life, in energy.

    The shivers suit me anyway.

    My reflection is bleary in the running water, but when I have drank my fill, I study myself anyway. Faintly glowing root-like horn, scrawny ribs, wings that hide them. I've grown since my birth eight months ago, and it shows, at least in my height. And my purple eyes - well, those never truly seemed young.

    Such a strange new world to have stumbled upon. Askavi destroyed itself in the war, though it was apparent from the land’s discovery that it would never be a welcoming home. The struggle for survival was immediate and the great battles over what little resources present was the only way of life possible.

    Perhaps it is relief that consumes me in this unfamiliar territory but I cannot say for certain. My stride is slow and I do all I can to not look a fool with the abundance of grass. It is not something I am used to seeing, starvation was common in my former plagued home. I dip my head as I continue to trudge forward and grab a nibble at the tall greenery.

    A running water winds beside me and upstream there is a figure. I pause for a  moment before I get too close where engagement must occur. Lowering my lips into the cold water as I peer sideways to study it with the hope of being nonchalant. Lanky, long. Most likely young with the lack of being filled out. I sigh as I decide to continue up the stream.

    ”Hello,” it sounds too forced and I can’t help it. Pleasantries aren’t something I’ve done for awhile. Isolation had taken me hostage for too long. For a moment I don’t even recognize the horse voice as it leaves me. ”Forgive me for intruding.”  

    Giving a bleak smile I lift my head and meet the colt’s purple eyes. ”I was wondering if you might tell me where we are?”
    notes: he is rough right now i apologize @Trekori 


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    He clearly isn't from here, if the way his eyes dart and his mouth barely nibbles the grass is any indication. But there's more to the black stallion than that: the wings, massive and impressive compared to my scrawny feathers: the horns, like lightning strikes frozen to his skull. My own a twisted, gnarled thing, and faintly glowing.

    I am studying him out of the corner of my eye, just as he does me.

    A warm gush of excitement runs along my nerves, from my head to my stomach to the ends of my legs, when the stranger lifts his head and approaches. I haven't had many interactions, at least not in some time. And this male, he is larger than most I have met, with a smell that none others carry. It's enthralling.

    My purple eyes lift to meet his steadfastly as he speaks.

    "This is Beqanna," I saw without emotion, studying his bleary smile, the way he looks travel worn and tired. Perhaps I will sound young to such a stallion, with years drawn in the lines around his eyes and the look of suffering in the curve of his spine. "You obviously aren't from here."

    I step forward, shuffle my wings around my scrawny ribs, tilt my head to study him further. There's just something about him - I can't quite name it. Yet.

    "I'm Trekori. Kori for short..."

    I remain fixated on the skinny body, the way it shivers in the breeze. I can’t recall if I was ever all skin and bone or if I have always been somewhat large and muscled. At any rate, we have uncanny similarities. His wings seem out of proportion with his body but that will likely change, he will grow into them or in my case they will outgrow him. My jagged twin horns and his own eerie one.

    ”This is Beqanna, you obviously aren’t from here.” I hold in what could be a snort. It’s apparent I am not from here. I am the torn product of famine and war who has found a land where there seems to be too many fertile lands. Perhaps I stick out like a sore thumb, but I also called that upon myself the moment I asked where I was.

    ”Good observation,” the words tumble out of my mouth quietly before I can stop them. As he steps forward I inhale sharply, raising my head above his ever-so slightly. ”I’m Trekori. Kori for short…”

    Ice-blue eyes look down to his violet ones. ”I am Andulvar, though if we are going by nicknames now you may call me Var. I come from a place once called Askavi, though now it may as well be called the land of dirt.”

    The way the wind gives chills to the boy concerns me in a way I can’t explain. It places a weird feeling in my gut. It reminds me of home. The children who would almost blow away should even the faintest breeze hit them. It is almost without thinking that I step forward to his face and untuck my large feathered wings and curve them to shield Kori’s sides slightly.

    ”You are all skin and bone, child. Have you no  common sense or appetite?” I click my tongue in disapproval. I can’t help myself. It makes no sense to me that in such a verdant place there would be those who are so scrawny coming from my home.
    @[Trekori] var is so conflicted


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    For someone who comes from a land where famine reigned, this stallion is quite muscular. Not that I'm admiring or anything, just thinking to myself, and well, maybe admiring a little too. I do happen to be a tiny, malnourished colt - it's not my fault I need someone to look up to. Then again, I do have a loving father, but he's not here right now.

    I don't know what I'm saying, but it isn't - it's not - I'm shutting up now.

    Good observation.
    "Thanks," I mutter.

    The black raises his head above mine as I step forward, and a part of me resents him; both for being larger and stronger than I am, but also for being douchey enough to emphasize that difference with posturing like he does. But I let it slide a moment later when Var (as he instructs me to call him) begins talking, distracted by the interesting things he has to say.

    I'm opening my mouth to ask him more about this dirt-land he comes from (didn't know they made such fine specimens over in Dirtland), when suddenly he is way too close to me. The whites of my eyes show and I prance a couple steps on the spot, snorting irately. "Uhm, what're you --" But I don't get to ask him what he's doing, because next thing I know, he's scolding me for being so skinny.

    I stare up at him like he's absolutely bonkers for a solid ten seconds before I can even fathom replying.

    "They make them friendly in Dirtland, don't they?" I quip, a hard edge to my voice, but my body has already settled beneath the adult's wing, though I hate myself for enjoying the warmth. I snort again derisively. "And I just have a high metabolism is all, get off my case why dont'cha?" Like I'm going to admit to a complete stranger that I probably have an eating disorder or something stupid.

    Adults don't care about that kinda melodramatic teenager stuff.

    I sigh, resigning myself to the fact that SOMEHOW, just by being THIRSTY, I've adopted a second dad. Trekk will be thrilled. Still, I find myself leaning into Andulvar's side, hoping he doesn't pull away not that I'm so warm for once. My purple eyes blink, a little dazed from this interaction as a whole.

    "Anyway. Are you looking for a home again? Cause I am too."

    @[Andulvar] this is the best character development Kori has had thus far - this is my first wordsplosion with him!! yay!
    ”Uhm, what’re you-“ My eyes nearly roll back into my skull  in annoyance as he protests my protection. ”They make them friendly in Dirtland, don’t they?” The confused look little Kori gives only feeds my frustration but I suppress it as he makes the snide comment about making us ‘dirtlanders’ friendly. Despite his protests he settles up against me for warmth and finally the snort I’ve held in for so long escapes me along with an amused smile. Though it is quick to leave my face as fast as it appeared.

    ”The children in Dirtland didn’t have the luxury of being nice and plump like you do here in Banana or whatever you call it.” I snap, I can't help it. My voice is stern and final, my unhappiness clear. The child then makes some excuse about having a high metabolism. Right, even I could see through that lie. ”No matter. We will get you fed and fatten you up eventually, boy. Don’t you want to grow sturdy?”

    I’m not sure what I have decided, but I do not feel like I can leave this poor little Kori alone. He seems like he needs someone, guidance. Perhaps he has a family but they do not seem near him now. I lean my head down to softly for comfort as the winged boy sighs. ”Anyway. Are you looking for a home again? Cause I am too.”

    With a sigh I realize what to do. I will foster the child, if that’s what he desires. An unlikely pair we’d make. I never thought I would have a colt trailing me around, or anyone for that matter. Never interested me. However, this is a new place and new beginnings often mean that we must change.

    ”Well then I suppose we must find a home together if that is what you wish. Do you have any ideas of where to start? You seem more familiar with this region than I am.”

    I can’t pin my finger on it. Though it seems as if we almost need each other in an odd way.  
    @[Trekori] boom VAR DAD

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