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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quests Question ^^
    Hello there darlings!

    So, I am very interested in hosting my own quest in the near future, but I'm a little confused about the protocols and specifics of doing so. Below I've gathered a couple of my questions, but if there is already a thread/guide for designing quests, please direct me to it!
    • When we pm/email Cassi, do we need to have the entire quest fully fleshed out with all the details and rules for each stage we'd like to do? Or can we just have a general outline?
    • From what I've seen of past quests, many of them have several chapters or stages. Is this a requirement, or would I be able to do something smaller with an appropriately smaller prize?
    • In regards to prizes and/or defects, do we (the designers) get to choose them with impunity or do staff have more of a say in everything?
    • Could I design a novel trait as a prize or does it have to be an existing one?
    • Finally, would someone be able to point out to me the quests that were designed by other members so I can get a better idea of my limitations?

    Hi hi

    It's varies greatly.  I email officials or Cassi with an idea and approximate timeline.  Then I follow up with a more defined idea.  They often give input and clarifications.  Prizes are usually based on quest type, # of winners, level of difficulty.  Everything regarding prizes is outlined prior to posting quest.  Up to 2 space trait is often typical.  I'm hosting my second right now that has only one stage(Valentine's Quest).  My last was BQ Xmas quest which was 3 chapters.  Some are short, some are long.  I personally have found it enjoyable to host Smile

    When in doubt contact the Officials profile or Cassi too
    -Semi Active-
    Ah, ok. That's all very helpful, thanks Neo!
    When we pm/email Cassi, do we need to have the entire quest fully fleshed out with all the details and rules for each stage we'd like to do? Or can we just have a general outline?
    - Either one. It doesn't have to be fully written, but you can't just say "I'd like to host a quest," there's gotta be an idea behind it.

    From what I've seen of past quests, many of them have several chapters or stages. Is this a requirement, or would I be able to do something smaller with an appropriately smaller prize?
    - it can be as many or as few stages as you want. One stage quests typically have smaller prizes.

    In regards to prizes and/or defects, do we (the designers) get to choose them with impunity or do staff have more of a say in everything?
    - you choose them, but I ask that your prize/defect list is run past me or another officer first Smile

    Could I design a novel trait as a prize or does it have to be an existing one?
    Absolutely, but like above, run it past an official first.

    Finally, would someone be able to point out to me the quests that were designed by other members so I can get a better idea of my limitations?
    Just look at the mountain or the old quest board Smile
    @[Cassi] Thanks for the help! The last clarifying question I have is the about the last one. I asked about the quests designed by other members because I wasn't sure how to tell the difference between the staff and member quests.

    I have been meandering through the archives and mountains for a while and am unsure because a lot of the quests have specific accounts that post them, but it isn't clear whether that account is led by a member or staff.

    Again thanks for all the help and the fast responses!
    Almost all quests are hosted by other players Smile if a quest is hosted by a fairy, it's staff. And the one hosted by Carnage is me, lol. But really, there's not much difference between the two. If you have questions about a specific quest, feel free to PM me Smile

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