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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Look What You Made Me Do [Open]
    There had been a calling to the battlegrounds and curiousity had driven her from her safe existence amongst the volcanic rocks.  Kryptic had wandered off each morning before the daylight broke across the kingdom.  She didn't wonder where he went.  It didn't concern her.  He would be safe here.  So just as he had went on his way that day, so did she.  Traveling to the deserted lands to answer the call.

    As luck would have it, Levi was in attendance as well.  Not as a student, but a teacher.  A smirk cast across her black lips as she took part in his challenge, leaping rails of fire and dancing with hot spears.  She had completed the task with grace and as she waited for the others to finish, she grew impatient.  Watching the pied stags backside alit with the flicker of flame from where black locks had been.  They swirled in tendrils around his hocks and her heart pattered ever more quickly.  Sienna eyes trailed from hock to hip to sway of back.  A yearning bite to her lower lip as they viewed his broad shoulders as he thrust spears of fire at the next participant.  When they flexed ever so slightly she experienced a faint loss of breath.  Finally though, the last contender made their rounds and they were released to be on their own ways.

    Her stride was brisk and when the channel along the island was in view, she happily sunk into the cool depths of the waters.  The combination of summer heat and lust was almost unbearable.  Cool lapping of aqua at her sides did wonders to wash it all away, for now.

    Once to the other side, she exits the stream.  Much to her relief the burning heat within her subsides and she skirts around the western edge of the territory.  It hadn't been an area she had explored before so temptation persuades her to venture to new area.  Curious to what sights it would bring her... 
    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.

    Feel free to throw whoever at her.  She's in a troublemaking mood XD

    He doesn't call for her, he doesn't need to - with fall quickly approaching her scent is heady and it draws him across the grasslands of him home.

    He had been gone for months, roaming the common lands and the battleground. Something inside of him had resisted returning to Tephra and he hadn't fought it - he had needed the time away after his time with Ceara. He should have returned home with Kolera from the training fields (explored the meaning of her looks along the way) but the unrest had not let him. Home had always been a complicated word for him. 

    He wonders if this is Kolera's home now too as he follows the trail she has left for him, unaware of how often she thinks of him or in the ways has occupied her thoughts. Their last meeting in Tephra had been nearly hostile and while the emotions of that day have long been overshadowed by other things, he still wishes to make amends with his oldest friend possible.

    Maybe he was finally growing up. 

    When he spots her, he gives a low call and waits for her to turn towards him. If she would rather never talk to him again it would be easy for her to slip away  - but the memory of her on the battlefield had often revisited him, and he hopes that what he thought he saw there was more than his imagination. 

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

    Her movements are long and sweeping.  Extending her ivory dipped limbs into a lengthy two-beat stride, she covers a great distance.  The dark locks against her nape and hindquarters catch the created breeze of her pace.  Dancing along her sienna hide with the grace of a Spanish dancer.  It had been so long since she had just enjoyed time lapsing around her.  Too long since she let her magic flow freely.  Stroking each blade of emerald and bloom of flora with fresh paint of her artist palette.  Hibiscus buds burst open as she passed in a rainbow array of colors.  Anyone who knew her talents may have known she had passed by just recently.  Another tell tale sign would be the aroma of fall hanging thick in the air.  Attracting the interest of suitors far and wide.

    So it is fitting when she hears his call.  As deep and crisp as the lines of his aproned face.  Ebony ears flick to catch the entirety of the message coming up behind her.  Hooves planting within the grasses, but she does not turn around.  Black lips curl to reveal a sly grin.  The slightest turn of her dished profile making it visible to the stallion.  

    Pausing briefly, she waits until he is motioning forwards to meet her.  His towering frame growing nearer.  The heat of his flames kissing the edges of her hips.  That's when she springs forward and to the right.  Slipping into the tropical confines of the forest edge.  Broad leaves dripping condensation across her back as she manuvers deeper under it's protective canopy.  An inviting whicker was all that left the temptest maw.  She was in control here.  This was her challenge, should he choose to accept it.   
    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.

    @[Levi] <3

    Tapered ears flick in his directions and although she does not turn towards him, her posture changes as she becomes aware of his call and halts. His mismatched eyes trace her frame as she stands with her gaze averted, the haze of the season had never weighed so heavily upon him. His eyes return to her face just in time he catch the sly grin which taunts him from her dark lips. Closing the distance between them he brings his mass along her side, their skin remains untouching yet somehow still reverberating with electricity as the sliver of space between them becomes excruciatingly apparent to him. 

    "Kolera, I..." she springs away from him without a word, the taunting look on her face only intensifying. His ears flatten momentarily before the dark stallion lunges into the dense, virid tinted shade. Through the haze of hibiscus perfume and smoke, he follows her, not allowing his mind to elaborate on the way her dark lips had called to him without saying a word. 

    She is in sight as he puts on another burst of speed, where she weaves and dodges he pushes with brute force to clear the ferns and saplings from his path. He would play her game, he can only hope she will play his.

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.
    There were no words that needed to be shared.  She didn't care where he went, what he did and who he did it with.  He wanted freedom...fine, have it.  Made no difference to her.  She was a big girl and quite capable to take care of herself.  But damn these hormones! 

    Leaping into the underbrush, her fine frame had little resistance from the vines and ferns.  It was quite easy to slip through any tangle she could happen into.  A giggle let's out as her eyes roll back to find him plowing through the forest like an elephant.  The tropical birds fled from their perches in the canopy, as the trees shook them loose as he passed beneath them.  This was her element, not his.

    Sienna eyes return to the landscape in front of her.  She was on unfamiliar territory but she could see a break in the trees up ahead.  There looked to be a rock formation surrounded by a bed of smalls white petaled flowers.  With a whip of her ebony tassels, she sprung towards the clearing.

    As the forest ended and her eyes looked up to find an azure sky, she spun around to face the fire wielder with a laugh.  Tossing her dished crown high, a grin painted on her black lips.  "You should be more quiet... I think the entire island could hear you," she jives. He is quick to exit the unruly jungle and as he steps into the clearing she prances around him.  Black dipped muzzle brought tightly to her breast, allowing a delicate arch to her neck.  

    Coming full circle around him, she stops just within his reach.  Eyes trailing the length of his cheek bone where she had given him a kiss at the training event.  "Sooo... How'd I do?" She pries, though he may be lost on what to. 
    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.


    As Kolera tosses her delicate face carelessly skyward, he jumps forward with an agility surprising for his build, pressing a nip to the soft place between her way and throat latch before she can dance away again. "Are you afraid someone will catch us?" He taunts as she circles him, intrigued by this side of his friend he had never experienced before. 

    She ends her jaunt by his side and he does not hesitate to close the gap between them. Behind him, bruised white flowers littler the ground sending up a sweet fragrance which never reaches his consciousness. Despite their beauty, his surroundings are overshadowed by Koleras sly grins and the movements of her mahogany form. He doesn's have to push thoughts of Karaugh from his mind, Kolera has his full attention now.

    A year ago her same actions would have been met with pinned ears and a hard frown, but Karaugh had broken past his reservations during their time below the earth. He had thought that what they had done would remain isolated, secret - but nothing could be further from the truth.

    His sins had been lain naked before a gathering crowd.
    He had been awoken, and there was no one left to disappoint.

    "You do well at everything," he answers vaguely as his muzzle explores the lines of her neck. His sides fill with air as he draws her scent over his tongue, unashamed of his impulses in this private place she has found for them. The flames lash along the crest of his thick neck, his forelock twists back and away into the tangle of fire, and he quiets the whispered demands of the flames in his chest. 

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

    There are secrets and then there is privacy.  The difference is simply need to know, and no one(especially not Kryptic nor Warrick) needed to know their doings.  

    Her intentions begin quite innocently.  Luring her long time friend into the depths of the jungle for simply fun entertainment.  She was naive to the ways of the season and what might evolve here.  Though she can't claim she hadn't thought about it once...or twice.  Now that they are here in the privacy of the jungle, she becomes confident.  Parading herself proudly about.  That is until she is standing before him.  Sienna eyes drawing along the sharp lines of a man she almost doesn't recognize.  When had everything changed?  When had a girl and boy become a woman and a man?  The thoughts fill her mind as his words fill her ears.  You do well at everything... Suddenly she is unsure if that is true.  She hasn't done everything...

    The gentle caress of mottled lips along her neck cause a swift inhale of breath.  Her bright eyes shy downwards as she is certain she is blushing.  Every muscle within her quivers as his lips continue brushing along her flesh.  The heat from his breath as notable as the flames flickering along his crest.  Her only movement is the soft twitch of her ebony tail as he wonders further... 
    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.


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