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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    as if a glass could contain the sea || amorette
    like the sun swallowed up by the earth
    He was oblivious - or was he truly? He thinks back to the last time he had felt anger swell in his chest, and immediately it had been Kolera and Kryptic’s faces that blossom into his mind. His face sours, remembering the quick anger that filled him and the spite that rushed from his lips - they had returned, and possibly Karaugh had followed them, bringing the demon woman back into Tephra, where his newly born daughter wanders as well as other kingdom residents. He had not been graceful (not like he normally is) in that moment when he had reflected on it, but he had told himself it had been with caution and concern that his remarks were made - not out of malice. But now he is forced to reflect again, to retrace his steps to that moment once more, and to look at himself in a way he refused to do so before. Out of ignorance he pretended that he had not offended her, that it had been his Overseer duty to proceed with caution and an overprotectiveness that she misinterpreted as cruel.

    And now he looks even more the fool as she stands before him - almost dumbfounded at the way he brushes her off, as if he knew nothing of which she spoke of.

    Not often does someone see the winged stallion at a loss (he cannot remember the last time he messed up, or was less than perfect), and he still refuses to meet her gaze. Even when the fire that resides within her spills out from her lips, smoldering and intense as it meets the air.

    Because why else would you insinuate that I brought that wretched vampyric bitch back into Tephra?

    He flinches back as if her words had marked him, breaking skin free from bone and muscle. He snorts sharply, eyes still staring off into the distance with a narrowed gaze. She is angry - fuming, even. And though he does not show it, he can feel the surge of defensiveness within him, begging for himself to explain why he had spoken that way to her, and to give her a reason as to why he had done so. But he has no reason - Karaugh had been his first real issue in Tephra that he had to deal with as Overseer, thus leaving him with a weakness for questioning more instead of trusting quickly, like he normally does.

    “I am not the same man I once was, Amorette.” Now he turns to look at her, his eyes resilient beneath her glare. “Sometimes I am Warrick, but sometimes I am the Overseer.” He pauses. She must understand the difference - the man on the volcano is a different man than the one who is sworn to take care of each resident within their home. “I am quicker to question loyalties than I used to be. I have to - if I am not, I am afraid I will risk the safety of others merely because I am too gentle, too soft.”

    His voice has changed. He had begun with the solid rumble of that when he addresses the crowd, but as he finishes, he is sullen and delicate, brow furrowing as his eyes fall downcast in ponderous thought. “One mistake - just one - and I will be at fault for whatever happens.” He is speaking more to himself now, his thoughts now spoken out loud. “I cannot afford a mistake because of naivety.

    It’s not an excuse, though.”

    Warrick’s eyes lift, and he looks at her with a gaze that pleads for understanding. “I am sorry I let my worry overcome what I already know is true - you are infinitely loyal, not only to Tephra, but to me as well. Not just to the Overseer, but Warrick.” His voice is contrite, laced with remorse and penitence. The anger is gone, and though the softness of his voice is familiar, something darker hangs at the edges of his eyes and the sharp features of his face.


    @[Amorette] omggggggg

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    RE: as if a glass could contain the sea || amorette - by Warrick - 02-17-2018, 10:00 AM

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