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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm breathing in the smoke of my mental illness's cigarette // ANY/Leilan


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    I've been flying, stretching out my admittedly thin muscles, testing the winds that blow stormily in the autumn sky. In my short life, I've never been one for staying places long - always on the run, though from what I cannot tell you. From that sinking, sucking feeling, that voice that says: you're running out of time.

    The meadow stretches out below me, and I figure that it's as good a place to land as any. My stomach gurgles, I am hungry, and that grass is very green. Yet as I am landing, my golden wings tucking easily into my skinny, bony hide, I know that I will not take even a single bite.

    Something to do with romancing death, I suppose.

    Sighing and ignoring my stomach's noisy complaints, I begin walking towards where I know a stream runs. The wind is chilly and the weak sunlight does little to warm my shiver patchwork skin, but I don't mind. Better to be bone cold than drenched in sweat, in life, in energy. The shivers suit me.

    As he follows the stream and sniffs the air, suddenly he sees.

    He's back.

    He hasn't been in Beqanna for a good five years, that is; maybe all of his life. He's born here, or, that is, not exactly in the Meadow of course. Still, he remembers the field with it's sparse trees, and he remembers the smell of autumn from just before leaving.

    He's been wandering, you see. And gotten lost.

    Elsewhere, he found a second home. It would never be as good as the first, but he made friends to play with, other colts his age to roam the lands with, to compete for girls' attentions, all in all: Leilan-heaven. Now, he finds himself back again, wholes in his memories clotting though - he's not quite sure how this travelling worked. He does know something else: thirst.

    And so, his nose finds him a stream rather quickly, and pushing forward, he leaps up a lot of the fresh water without pausing. He's a strong young stallion, who'd hurt him anyway?
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    There's someone already at my little creek by the time I come across it.

    He is silver and bay, a combination that my scouring purple eyes admire, though in truth I am not seeking company today. I am too cold, too hungry. But I am also thirsty, and at this point, it is too late for me to turn around and find a different place to quench my thirst. I clench my wings to my small ribs - I am nearly a yearling now, but undersized. Still, there is a gleam to my golden patches - and to the deep pools of my eyes.

    "Pardon me," I murmur as I come up next to him, feeling the size difference between us painfully. Yes, I am young, but still. This stallion looks strong, virile, like he could knock me out in a single kick. But I put some energy into my wings, and make the glow of my root-like horn stronger - readying myself for the worst to come.

    I lift my nose from the cool creek, water dripping from my tapered lips. I squint at the stranger, really seeing him for the first time. There's something about the roaning of his bay coat, about the way his head and eyes are shaped...

    "I'm Trekori, son of Noori and Trekk. Do I know you?"

    Another approaches - possibly they also want a drink. When the scent enters his nostrils, he understands that this colt may be familiar; but the youth could be anything ranging from another brother - God help his parents, they’d better not - to a cousin’s cousin, from whatever Leilan can detect. However, he’s family - apparently.

    He debates scaring the younger one off, but what good would it do? Besides, he’s polite about it sharingthe creek if not overly so. To be honest, Leilan does feel like maybe the gold-and-white colt could use some teasing and pranks to harden himself in life. So he lifts his head to take in the young male’s appearance. ”And if I didn’t excuse you, what would your next move be? Shine a pretty light about?” he wonders. His eyes betray he is not serious, but otherwise he is not revealing his kidding. Joking is a serious matter to Leilan.

    It is only after this that the youth reveals his name, together with his heritage. Ah, Noori my sweet sister... buthe does want to know more. ”Doubt it. Say, this Trekk, is he an okay guy you think?” he asks. He does not reveal his own name just yet; he’s not sure if Noori even knows all her siblings and if so, what stories could be going around about him. Wrynn may have told them all such awful things about her twin brother who always liked to pull her mane when she was in deep discussions with invisible foals from the other side...
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    As my head is lowered to the creek, the stallion cracks a joke and leaves me floundering to find any type of response. Joking is so not up my alley - Noori and Trekk are far from tricksters or even lighthearted, and my time spent in any other company has either been short or unpleasant. So sue me if I take a little while longer to drink, cause god knows I have no idea how to respond.

    Eventually, I lift my head to meet my familiar's gaze, deciding to take the serious route - like I ever choose a different one. "The light's pretty, but the horn is deadly. So fuck off," I deadpan, emotionless. The words themselves are perhaps too strong for this situation, but it's clear by my lack of change of body language and the way my eyes don't really have a spark in them that I'm not looking for a fight. Just a conversation where the things I can't help about myself aren't belittled to such trifling things.

    "Uhh... That's a weird question." I ruffle my feathers against the autumn wind and cock a brow at the red stallion, confused as to what on earth his angle is. "I mean, I don't even know your name. But he's a good guy, I like him well enough..." I pull a face, one that says I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I might as well come at it from the way you are if it'll make you go away or something. "What are your parents like?"

    @[Leilan] lmao, Kori is SO BAD at socializing.

    The silver-maned stallion barely withholds a chuckle at the comment about the horn being deadly. ”Depends on the user. You don’t strike me as the type,” he comments. If we’re takingthe serious route, then let’s. He debates his next move for a moment, but seeing how Trekori acts like he’s being bitten by a flea everytime Leilan opens his mouth, he decides to wait on the Trekk answer.

    A, the colt is observant enough, given time. For a stranger, a weird question indeed. He also demands between the lines, that Leilan tell him his name. As an afterthought he wants to know what his parents are like. The roaning male winks at his scrawny companion. ”My mother’s a bitch, but she’s okay. Has way too many kids walking this land though. Father’s rather sweet I guess. Bit like my sisters. I was asking because I hope she’s doing well, not being left alone by your daddy Trekk. Though I suppose she wouldn’t have named you after him if she was. Call me Uncle Trickster, if you like. But Leilan or Lei will also do.”

    It’s a long-ass speech for an introduction, but who cares. He looks at the tensed boy and clicks his tongue. ”Did anyone ever tell you, you take life way too seriously?”
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.


    i'm freezing, it's not winter yet
    but my fingers and toes
    are shivering beneath these sheets
    and i feel so alone
    i don't want to die, i want to sleep

    Well, if I don't strike him as the type, it'll make for a nice surprise when he awakens, shishkabobed to my horn for breakfast... grrr. I let the comment slide, the purple shade of my eyes literally darkening to a complete black. My dragon eyes do not change colour often, as my mood is generally the same across the boards, but today - well, congrats to this bastard for prying that out of me.

    My ears perk up at what he has to say next, the sour mood lifting a little as confusion pervades my senses. This guy seriously has a backwards way of getting to the point, gods help him. But at long last, when his drawling speech comes to a close, I finally put all the pieces together.

    Ahh, yes, Uncle Leilan. Not that I've ever heard his exact name per say, but mom always made it clear that she had a shit ton of siblings. This must be one of them. And jack ass kinda one, but "family is family!!"... right.

    "Well Uncle, I'd rather take life seriously than treat it like it's a joke." I chuckle softly. "But don't worry about Noori, if anyone's going to ruin their relationship, it's going to be her, not Trekk." I toss my blackened eyes to the skies, feeling twitchy, like it's time to get out of here before more estranged family members show up.

    "Anyway, you should probably know that Scorch is alive again. She's over in Nerine, would probably appreciate a visit from her kid considering she's back from the dead and all."

    "It was nice meeting you, I guess..."

    Without much more to say, I roll my eyes at the stallion, unfold my wings, and take off.


    Leilan frowns at the continued brisk answers his nephew gives him. ”Take it too seriously for too long and you’ll end up dying from the stress, kiddo. Give yourself a break now or then.” is his concluded advise. Trekori does not seem to want to hear whatever the roaned stallion answers though, and the older one shrugs when the winged one gives him an instruction to find Scorch and leaves. He’s not quite sure if he’s follow through on that one immediately yet, although, in winter the meadow is probably boring; most horses staying where they are. Which means the best chance of finding someone - if they’re not moving around, at least he gets to find them at home. He’d rather find out where Noori is though - tell her to keep an eye on this one. He’s not the courageous or joyous type that would have fit his age.

    Trekori leaving leaves him with a bunch more questions than he had before coming home - Scorch is back from the dead? Noori is the one who would ruin the relationship? And how did she manage to produce such a depressed-looking and -sounding kid? He takes a few steps in the direction Kori left; but since he cannot follow even if he really wanted to, he’s grounded in his place in more than one way. Musing over the conversation he’s just had.

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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