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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Desolation comes upon the sky // Volcan


    There is a scent here. One she cannot place, but that drives her mind wild, leaving her breathless and full of psychological arousal. Anger, tears, elatedness - the emotions changed depending on the day, but always the emotions were felt to the highest degree, with a ferocity she only remembers having in her youth. Sometimes, she hopes she will not smell it - but most times, most times she seeks it.

    Today, however, she seeks not the scent - but it's source.

    (Little does she know. Little does she know that this scent is the reason why her mind's eyes has been so voraciously tearing apart the details of her memories of her last birth, why every sip of water tastes like the Falls of old, why she has been gathering children so passionately as if they can fill the hole of a missing child, why she's been up at night praying to the gods that her children are safe - and that her lost child is found.)

    The Nerinian sky is blasted with red and orange and yellow, a sunset, lighting the sky afire as she once had been. Her eyes reflect this light, flashing those same colours, burning in their need to know what has been irking her so badly over the past year. Where her rose tattoo once sat burns, and as she walks, she bends her neck to bite at the spot, irate, full of energy again, but this time, not sure which emotion to funnel it into.

    It's not long before the girl is before her.

    They are on the north-eastern edge of the kingdom, surrounded on three sides by massive cliffs, the sunset illuminating them at every angle. Scorch has tracked her here, and there is no where to run.

    Her eyes are hard - stone - fire. Her ears laid back, posture rigid, breath shallow and tense. There's something in the way the other woman's shoulders are set, in the curve of her spine, in the conformation of her hocks - but Scorch refuses to hope.

    She couldn't have been here, this whole time, under her nose.

    "Who are you?"


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]

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