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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pharate - waiting to emerge

    Beqanna is angry.

    For a half-dozen centuries zer children have bickered back and forth, and ze has finally had enough.

    Beqanna gathers them to zerself one midwinter day.

    They assemble in a semi-circle around their MotherFather, each looking subdued and rather shy. None of them look apologetic despite their crimes, and so Beqanna takes it upon zerself to punish them, to ensure that they know of their crimes.

    “I have allowed you governance of your own worlds, but you have disappointed me. What right do you have to discriminate?” Here ze looks to Desert, Valley, and Dale. “And you three – why do you think yourselves responsible for draining my magic from those who seek your shelter?” Beqanna’s flinty gaze settles on Falls, Gates, and Chamber. “And all of you –dividing yourselves? What are light and dark but two halves of a whole? I am ashamed”

    “I take back the magics I have given you. I take them all back.” Ze does so, pulling back the magic into the earth. Each of zer children will feel it, god and equine alike. They will feel a ripple in their spirits, an intangible something pulled out of them in all directions at once. They will not feel its absence because it has only relocated, drawn back into Beqanna’s heart.

    “You may have them back in time, but this time the division of power will be fair. You are siblings, and it is time that you act like it.”

    With one cool breath, ze strips Amazon of her tattoos. “Your followers make an oath, but they do not swear to the right gods. Take this, and raise him. His growth will reflect my pleasure with you.” A cub appears at the feet of Amazon, a jaguar that winds itself between her legs. Tundra is next, and his scars grow less distinct as Beqanna tells him: “Do not forget your origins. I will bring your ruins to light that your people might remember the past. They are but stones for now – they will change if you improve.

    Beqanna turns to the rest of them, and with a deep inhalation strips them of their power. “You have forgotten me. I will change the lives of your people to ensure that you do not forget again.” Beqanna is the earth and the sky and the water, and one by one ze alters the kingdoms. Some remain the same, others shift minutely. To Chamber and Valley ze gives a single seed, telling them to “plant it, and ensure that it grows strong.” To Gates, Falls, Desert, Dale she gifts zer waters. “Place these where you will, and protect them. Do not allow them to become dry, or suffer my displeasure.”

    And then, in a swirl of stars, Beqanna is gone and zer children return to the worlds they occupy, each to speak in dreams with the leader of their followers. They appear as the most awe-inspiring dream, each as individual as the horse they appear to.

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    Gates appears to Fiasko and Mast: “I have given you a spring beside your Mother Tree, but have taken all magic from the tree itself. Keep the earth around it clean, and in time it will sprout a garden filled with the most wonderful fruits. Drinkers of the water will be compelled to speak the truth, and eating the fruit that grow will grant traits. I return to your members all magics that I have taken away. Kings and Queens who eat from the garden will be immortal for as long as you sit the throne. Two horses might eat the fruit and gains wings, and the leader of your army will grow a horn after eating.. Your peace leader may receive empathy from their consumption, and their second-in command invisibility. Petition me, and I might grant something more.” And then they are gone.

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    In summary -

    -King/Queen allowed immortality as long as they rule - non-genetic
    -King/Queen allowed one trait that is in line with the kingdom (ie Tundra ice manipulation, Desert's sand shifting, etc)

    -Wings to maximum 2 horses to have "airforce" - non-genetic (allow license to make wings cooler, like butterfly wings, etc)
    -Horns to leader of the army - non-genetic (any horn is acceptable)

    -Empathy to leader of the peace caste - non-genetic
    -Invisibility to second highest member of the peace caste - non-genetic

    All of these traits can be given without approval, except for the one king/queen trait that is not immortality. This trait must be approved by administration, and is contingent upon ruling. Kingdom granted traits will not be marked in the database, to show they are both non-genetic and disappear once that horse has ceased to serve in that kingdom. You may add them to your profile with the caveat that they're kingdom granted. Traits are granted by the magical entity's alliance with the king/queen, who has sworn to protect the magical entity while it's in its fledgling state. Because your kingdom's magical entity is still an infant it will take 6 months (2 RL years) for the trait to come to full fruition. If your queen/king possesses magic they may grant the trait themselves. All other kingdom granted traits are now completely gone (see directly below).

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    Beqanna will be roaming the Meadow for several weeks. If zer grandchildren feel too defenseless without the magics that zer children have now taken from them, perhaps they might seek zer out. Be warned, Beqanna is benevolent but not overly generous.

    Ty fairy
    She’s sleeping when it calls to her.

    The voice rings out inside of her, unknown and yet, familiar - comforting. Safe.

    She answers it without question, following it as it draws her towards the Mother Tree. There it speaks to her again, telling her of the new magics that now belong to them. She is stunned, but hopeful. This will mean much for their tiny kingdom - this could mean growth.

    She waits until the Gates is done, and nods her thanks. Then, she turns to look at Mast with a smile on her face. They have work to do.

    (OOC: Just wanted to at least acknowledge this)

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