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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  My Waking Daydream || AuroraElis
    Tephra was just how he remembered it. Heat that surpassed the usual tropical humidity as steam rolled around his ankles. With every step the earth below gave and crunched beneath his weight. He hadn’t lingered in the kingdom for long when he’d escorted Ru and her newborn there. Somehow, he’d escaped without notice in the night as they slept.
    That night haunted him. Beneath the light of a full moon, he’d stood above them as they slept, drinking in her peaceful beauty and his calm innocence. The colt had a way of looking at the bold black that set his muscles shifting beneath his skin. In the whole of his memory, he could never recall a time that a child had looked upon him with anything but fear within their gaze. This colt though…
    It was because of this that he knew he had to leave them. Knowing they were safe did not make his departure easier. Once again, he remembers the soft smile upon Ru’s lips as she slept. Cloaked in midnight, she’d been blissfully unaware of his plans to abandon them. But he knew that it was what had to be done. She was too good for him – and, although she had asked him to stay with them, he knew such things were impossible. He could not subject them to the burden of his existence.
    Draped in night once again, he slunk through the shadows towards the place he’d departed from that night so long ago. He had no hope that he would find her there, but the pull was too strong. He had to know that she was doing well. That they had moved on.
    Break My Shackles To Set Me Free


    Every Single One of us Has the Devil Inside

    It was the nights that were the toughest.  Mother often woke him with night terrors that quaked her body.  Screams filled the air around them and all he could do was watch.  Life was cruel and unfair.  Mother tried hard to not dwell on the past but something deep inside him knew there was darkness there.  Little did he know just how deep it was.

    Often in these nights, he couldn't fall back asleep and went for a walk.  He didn't go far for fear of leaving her alone too long.  He would come to a sit on his hunches in the meager grasses of the volcanic island.  Lifting his face to the dark skies, the small colt followed the patterns the stars made.  Mother said his father was up in those stars and was watching them at night.  He wonders if father sees how she suffers because of his absence- how he struggles just as much.  Her healing powers only worked on superficial wounds, not broken hearts.  

    Mother often spoke of his father.  How he was a good man and how they had lifted each other up from the depths of depression.  He wasn't exactly sure the meaning of the term but it sounded awful.  If only he could do the same for her.

    His travels this night lead him a bit farther than usual.  Within the cloak of night his eyes lazily scans the land but it is his ears that finds something lurking within the shadows.  Red ears flick about to find it's location.  Hooves still and he comes to a stand.  "Who's there? Show yourself!" The young colt demands with a snort.  Small for even his age, being 6 months but looks more like a weanling, he searches the night boldly.  Soon blue eyes find a large figure lingering but soon it turns to leave.  With a determined scrunch of the boys face, he starts forward.  Heading straight for the black creature.  He shouts again, "Stop!" Shockingly the form does just that.

    A few more strides and he comes within 10ft of the large stallion.  The dimming lighting of the stars shows the outline of an face.  One that is strange but not only in an unfamiliar way.  The boy was too young and weak to remember who this was before him, so again he demands answer, "What's your purpose here stranger?!" He is firm in his words and stance.


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    @[Hephaestus] wanted to try him out Smile Aurora will come in later
    The cool night wrapped around him like the soothing embrace of an old friend. The familiarity of the shadowed breeze had served to brush away the memory of his past six months spent alone. Traveling throughout the land he’d only succeeded in gaining more questions that begged to be answered. Dotted across the land he had unwittingly discovered more creatures like himself, outcasts who traced the length of the land in search of answers of their own. Despite the comradery he’d found among them, his mind always returned to thoughts of her.
    Pressing in on him, the pain of his reality chased away the calm he’d been feeling only a brief moment ago. Drawn towards the radiating heat of the volcano, his good eye finds it’s peak and he marveled at the hot, steamy glow that radiated around it. Smoke and steam rise up from it’s mouth to form dark clouds that hover protectively over the land. The powerful beauty of Tephra makes it easy for him to understand why Ru had chosen it to be her home.
    Exhaling, he pulls his gaze away from the towering mountain and urged himself forward. His was a gamble. He had no way of knowing where she’d have chosen to bed down – but her nature was not dissimilar to his own. She’d want to be alone, secluded from prying eyes. All he needed was a passing glance, a reassurance that she was at peace and that she’d found all that she’d been searching for.
    Nearly upon the place where he’d left her, he pauses – realizing all too suddenly that he is not alone. Frozen his big ears swivel towards the sound of clumsy hoof-falls just beyond the line of trees to his left. He is young, Hephaestus determines almost immediately. A fact that is instantly proven true by the ringing of the colt’s youthful voice as it calls out towards the void between them. There is a threatening edge to the young one’s voice that the matured stallion finds slightly amusing, though he does not smile. It would have been easy enough for him to slip back into shadow at the sound of the colt’s rustling approach, but an unseen force holds him there. As the roaned colt breaks through the divider between them, Hephaestus recognizes him instantly and his insides lurched.
    Diavoli. Ru’s son.
    He would have known the colt anywhere and would have defended him without question – even if he didn’t know the impact Hephaestus had on his life. Though, for now, the freisian marveled on how he’d grown since he’d last seen him. Still noticeably smaller than most foals his age, he held himself well and he, obviously, had a bravery that was hard not to admire. He would one day make a very noble protector of his mother.
    Or, at least, Hephaestus hoped.
    The colt’s voice was demanding – searching for an answer that was difficult for Hephaestus to ascertain. Instead, he stepped forward and marveled at his fortune.
    “Where is your mother?” He asked in a calm tone.
    Break My Shackles To Set Me Free


    Every Single One of us, Has the Devil Inside

    Having been accustomed to others walking all over him because of his size, he has developed thick skin and a hardened core.  Where his mother was soft to the ways of the world, Diavoli has seen the downfall to her kindness.  Others using her, then tossing her aside when she is no longer needed.  Even here in their home she dwells on the past and what was.  He sees it in her eyes when she looks to the ocean, the volcano and even the starry skies.  Every inch of this place reminds her of heartache and he wonders why she stays.  Little does he know it is for him.  So he has safety and security.  Something she cannot provide alone.

    His steely eyes look to the dark beast that is now staring down at him.  He hated that, being looked down upon.  It would be the never-ending pitfall of his life, size was not in his genetics unfortunately.  So he cocks his red face to look into that of the wanderers.  Ears flattened to his poll as he demands answers.  Well aware, that if this stallion so chose, could end him right here. He didn't have much to live for anyhow, so with a deep inhale his chest puffs out, readied for what would come next.

    To his surprise, and displeasure, the stallion asks for his mother.  Brows furrow in anger at thoughts, that this stallion could be one of the dark moments of her past, coming back to haunt her.  That deep inhale quickly expels as a deep snort.  Gritting his teeth as dark thoughts consume him, and then he sees red.  Shouts fill the dank night air, "What do you want with her?! Can't you see she has been through enough! Just leave her alone!!" He pauses for breath, his mind exhausting him to then whisper, "She deserves better than this..." than me, he almost says.  He couldn't protect her.  He was weak. 


    Icy blue eyes fall to the rocky earth at his hooves.  The strong stance he held disappearing, as he realizes his failures...


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    @[Hephaestus] welp, that went in a weird direction XD
    It had been a long time since he'd last laid eyes upon the reddened colt. He'd grown strong in the time that he'd been away, and Hephaestus was relieved to see that he was thriving within the shadow of the mountain. Still, his concern mounted as to why the youngling was wandering aimlessly so late at night. Understandably weary of the big black, Hepha realized with a slight pang that Diavoli did not recognize him. And why should he? He was very young when he had departed from them.

    Lowering his massive head to lessen his perceived threat, the friesian bred stallion smiled his crooked smile. He'd never been particularly great with children. They made him nervous and he'd never quite learned how to act around them. But this was her son and he felt a closeness with him.

    "I am an old friend of your mothers," he spoke gently. "I promise that I do not mean her any harm."

    He did not expect Diavoli to believe him, but he held on to the hope that the roaned colt would lead him to her nonetheless. Hephaestus knew that he could not leave Tephra until he knew that she was safe. Diavoli's protectiveness made him nervous and he found himself concerned that some ill will might have befallen her.


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