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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [challenge] F R E A K S H O W
    Jesper, I hear you like sticking your nose in my kingdom’s business. So, I challenge you. Fight me, boy, let’s see what you’ve got. 

    Modicum Mortem
    Esperia Pony
    No traits, clown nose 

    If I win you come with me for ONE BQ year (2 RL months). If I lose, you can keep your freedom (for now). Who knows, you might like the new Sylva.


    |Proceed with Caution|

    just a heads up, you need to include the name of the challenged horse in the title of your post Smile
    Bronze-tipped lobes hear the call all the way from the island. The clown was challenging him and, Jesper would answer. He had already squared things away with his King and, he had bid farewell to his sister. He felt his affairs were in order, no matter what should come of this venture.

    Muscled haunches push onyx steed into an easy jog to traverse the underbrush of Ischia until unshod keratin finds the warm, white sands of her shore. Jet-black stallion aligns himself with the mainland and, jumps right into the frigid ocean. Limbs pull and thrust chassis through the winter waters until hooves find the floor. Once on solid ground, quad pillars splay to balance form as he shakes to rid excess moisture from his still relatively short fur. Darn the tropical climate he calls home. It certainly does not experience the same weather the mainland experiences. Alas, the energy he recently expended to swim across combated the winter chill. Jesper picks up his light trot once more and, continues across the banks of the River, the plains of Loess and, southwest until he steps onto the bald plain of the battlefield. 

    Light blue gaze easily locates the wild-haired, raven form that belongs to Modicum Mortem. The weak winter sun glistens just enough to light the pony's defective nose. Stepping into an animated march, Jesper stride confidently towards the Sylvan dictator. Crest arches and tufted lobes flatten to poll as he pulls to a halt in front of the pony. He offers no bow of respect and, no smile or, sign of softening. Loud snort escapes salmon-lined nostrils before curt tone - perhaps the first time ever - coats the words that escape vocal chords.

    "Sylva is not your kingdom, clown. It belongs to Beqanna. You know what, I refuse to stoop to your level. I will not play your game. I accept your terms. I will be your prisoner for ONE Beqanna year."

    With that, desert-bred steed turns northward to the perpetually autumnal forest as, he very well knew the way.

    If this is not acceptable to the Officials, here are Jesper's stats:

    Anglo-Arabian Hybrid
    No Traits

    If battling is required, traditional format of 2 attack posts each, 2 dodge posts each, okay?

    @[Modicum Mortem] @[Officials]
    @[kahzie] bah I know!!! By the time I noticed it the post was already loading and I couldn’t edit it to fix it :/ is there any way to edit the title??

    |Proceed with Caution|

    As Kahzie pointed out this is technically a default to Jesper since Modicum Mortem didn’t put Jesper’s name in the post title but Splash if you’d like to go ahead and have Jesper serve time as a captive for development, it’s up to you if you want to shorten the time (for instance to 1 RL month instead of 2).

    Also Splash just so you know in the future, the minimum length for challenges is 3 posts each plus a closing defense post.
    Thanks @[devin]! Sorry for the mistake. Rushing to post on my breaks obviously does me no good xD
    @[devin] & @[kahzie], Thank you so much! I will remember that format for challenges going forward. I, too, read the rules after posting (rookie mistake; mental note to always reread the rules) and, realized that I could not edit. I also wanted to wait for a reply before I posted again.

    Jesper accepts Morty's sentence of imprisonment in Sylva with the revised terms of six Beqanna months (1 RL month). I am sure Sylva can conjure enough fun in that time <3

    Is this acceptable, @[Modicum Mortem]?
    Sounds good to me! Smile

    |Proceed with Caution|

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