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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Don't Light My Fire -[Morty]

     He was young and reckless.

    The young colt was tired of his goody two shoes brother always saving his victims, always keeping Drax from reaching his full potential. He was tired of his father restricting him to the island, he wanted out. He did not want to be apart of the bullshit brotherhood, a bunch of testosterone filled brutes trying to impress Brennen. He rolled his eyes at the thought, it was easy for Drax to leave the island, his wings made for a quick escape.

    He scans the land below him and he has only heard of Sylva but he thinks this may be the right kingdom. He lowers his body to the ground, snow is displaced as he does so, he looks around and a whinny escapes his maw echoing in the kingdom. His bay and green body gave away his position, he looks at his hooves, opening his maw he shoots a stream of fire melting the snow around him. I never did like the snow he mutters to himself, the burnt grass now peeking through. 

    Don't Light My Fire
    https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tinos" rel="stylesheet">
    I'm every nightmare you've ever had, I'm your worst dream come true.

    Mortem doesn’t “seek out” many recruits. They all find him, because they all know what they crave (chaos, murder, sex, what have you). On occasion, he will steal with he wants (like Kwartz) or he’ll ask someone to come join his ranks, but for the most part, they all came on their own accord. They come because the clown can give them what they never had, they come because the clown doesn’t stifle who they really are.

    Today is no different, as the fire breather floats down to earth and through the snow-covered trees. Mortem watches, ever the stalker, as the young stallion shoots a long stream of flames from his throat. The clown grins - oh how they knew where they belonged.

    “If you hate the snow, then you’ve found yourself in the wrong place,” He murmurs from the shadows. Where oh where was he hiding? The boy would have to find out. “But if it’s chaos you seek, Fire Child, I’m sure we could work around that.”
    Modicum Mortem


    |Proceed with Caution|

    It was not long before another came out from hiding, a small ebony pony. Drax was barely a year old and he was taller than the pony, but he heard the rumors the red ball on his nose could not be missed. This is the king he thought to himself, and for the first time ever he was full of excitement, his life was full of potential in this kingdom, free to use his fire as he pleases, free to travel where he desires.

    The king speaks, if it is chaos you seek a grin grows on his maw and he dips his head. Snow is no match for the warmth I create, I think this kingdom will do well for me. His gaze finds the ebony stag, I hear this is the kingdom to come to for trouble most run from trouble, but not Drax and these kingdom members are the ballsy bastards he wants to be surrounded with. This is where I am meant to be, I belong here. He was young, but he was mold-able, he was eager to please.

    Don't Light My Fire

    @[Mordicum Mortem]
    https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Tinos" rel="stylesheet">
    I'm every nightmare you've ever had, I'm your worst dream come true.

    “That’s what they all say, Fire Child,” Mortem responds quickly, tapping his hoof. So young, the boy is. So much potential, but could he prove it?

    The clown is known around Beqanna, so it didn’t shock the boy when he reveals himself. Mortem grins at him, sizing him up, seeing what he might be capable of. “Show me what your flames can do. Prove to me, Fire Child, that you are as capable of being in my ranks as you say you are.”
    Modicum Mortem


    |Proceed with Caution|

    thats what they all say the ebony pony says almost as if he couldn't care less if Drax stayed in Sylva. Drax is slightly taken aback by the lack of interest, he thought for sure the king would be impressed with him, but he refuses to allow his emotion show. His gaze remains stone cold as he stares straight on into the kings eyes.

    It is then that the King tempts Drax, he wants Drax to show him what his flames are capable of. A test to see if Drax is worth the time. His eyes narrow in on the pony before his head shifts to a tree just behind the king. He tucks his head in slightly as he takes in a deep breath of air, he takes a moment to gather his thought before aiming and opening his maw. Simultaneously a flame escaped his maw, it shoots out at the tree melting all the snow that lay on it, and melting all the smaller branches. His flame was strong, but it would only grow stronger as he grew older. The bulk of the tree remained in tact but it was scorched, as his flame died down and smoke puffed from his maw he turns to gaze at the king. He does not speak, he allows his flames to speak for him, did he do enough to prove himself?

    Don't Light My Fire

    @[Mordicum Mortem] Idk why i can't ever get this tag to work

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