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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I can't repair the damage done, [{Wishbone}]
    haze like a fever
    i fell like a dreamer for sweet tea and lemonade; it clings to my t-shirt it’s loud and it lingers, designed to suffocate. i light up to find what i’ve known all this time, there’s some beauty here yet
    The sound of wings against air tells her that he has chosen the sky for his path and, when her head turns to spot his tongue playfully poking between his lips, she lets out a laugh so loud and carefree it should reach his golden ears high in the sky. Jealousy presses cold, bitter fingers against her throat for a brief moment — she’s spent her childhood watching her father pinwheel in Tephra’s wind scrubbed skies and Wolfbane test the strength of his feathered appendages. The brisk chill of the seawater cleans her mind from these gritty thoughts, though,  and soon her jealousy is forgotten.

    He’s teasing her, moments before she dives into the darkness just as she had dove into the high waves. Their banter is as familiar as the trails of Tephra, but the atmosphere it provides is different from their childhood. It tastes smooth in her mouth, smoke and honey mingling with gunpowder and chocolate. Wishbone aims a low kick at his chest as he walks behind her, putting enough weight behind it that it might burn for a moment but easily fade away into nothingness. “Shut the fuck up, Bane.” Despite the severity of her words, there’s a laugh in her throat and in the look she tosses over her shoulder.

    It’s all worth it for his reaction.

    At first, she nearly laughs — his olive eyes are wide, the glowing blue twinkling in their depths, while his fanged mouth hangs open like a flytrap. But she is caught off guard — for the second time in the span of their reunion — by the expression hiding beneath the surprise on his face. And the way the light hits his body nearly unbalances her as well, which should be worth mentioning.

    If the blue on his golden skin hadn’t been obvious before, it is now, highlighted by the underground stars. So too does the glow point out the definition of muscle along his body, sinewy cords that Wishbone hadn’t noticed in their youth. The contrasting darkness pulls attention toward his angles (just as it does hers), shadowing the wonder in his face into something more seductive (though such a word wouldn’t dare trespass her mind at this point in time).

    Wishbone swallows hard and her heart seems to jump into her throat when he walks closer to her. She’s drowning, drowning, drowning, drow — “Tell me what I’ve missed, this past year.” Memories of the past year drag her from the depths of her submersion, a buoy to rescue her from the sea of him. “I… uh…” Damn, he’s caught her off-guard again, pinning her to a scuffed, chipped wall with his intense olive eyes. She swallows again, forcing her quivering mind to steel itself against her sudden bewilderment.

    Before she can prepare either herself or him, her mouth opens to spill her news in sliding, quickening words. “I’m going to be queen of Nerine.” Chilly realization swarms the sunset of her eyes and she closes her mouth with a snap as her lungs exhale. But just as quickly as her mouth closes, it opens again. “Oh, shit.” She’s scrambling, feeling so entirely like the first time she stepped on ice with her legs sprawling under her body and ending with her ass in the snow. “That wasn’t supposed to come out that way.” There was going to be more, an explanation, a calm way of saying it, something more than what it ends up being.

    This is totally not cool. Her ears pull themselves into the mass of her tangled, wet mane, a look of disappointment cloaking her face. What will he think? Will he be happy for her, for being able to break away from Tephra’s grasp and make a name for herself? They’ve always talked about it — her to run away into discovery and reckless adventure, him to run away from the wrath of his father and the disappointment of his childhood — but now that it is happening, Wishbone wonders if he will shy away from it. Will he storm away, bent on simmering in the heat of jealousy?

    Her mind — still recovering from the trauma of drowning and the sudden outburst of her news — goes with this last option and she pivots suddenly, racing to block the dark entrance of the glowing cavern. The shadow of his body blocks the blue light from her face, casting her in darkness. “Please don’t leave me.” A whisper, too loud in the quiet of the cavern, that is coated in guilt and appeal. She’s out of character, completely thrown off-balance by the significance of him, and her insides coil away from this fact… from this fear.

    But her gaze holds his strongly, amber eyes touching upon olive eyes.
    credit to eliza of adoxography.

    @[Wolfbane] i started this as one thing and it ended as something completely different, oops <33

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    RE: I can't repair the damage done, [{Wishbone}] - by Wishbone - 06-05-2018, 08:40 PM

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