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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Oh, these little eyes || Scorch, Drustan, Any

    Guilt runs in her family, it would seem. The bitter taste clung heavily to the tongues belonging to her parents and, now, their daughter had inherited it. With every waking moment she’d delved deep into the darkness of her memory, begging herself to trace that trickle of a laugh back to it’s owner. She wanted so desperately to be able to ease their minds. To assure them that her disappearance was of no fault of their own. Daily still, however, she was met with nothing but a shadow belonging to some unseen figure as it loomed just beyond the grasp of her mind. She could feel his breath hot upon her neck as he chuckled manically, mocking her efforts and congratulating himself on the years he’d stolen from her. Even the magic of her son’s birth had been tainted by the music of his bone-chilling laughter.

    In an effort to calm her nerves she busied herself with her clumsy attempts to clean Drustan. Lovingly she traced the outline of him, committing the smell of his fur to her memory. So, engrossed in her task is she that she hardly registers the approaching scent of her own mother. Her voice falls upon her like a warm blanket and her familiar touch is received with a soft smile. Proudly, Vi stands aside to allow Scorch a full view of her son, her heart warming at the sound of her affectionate greeting. Emotion is thick upon the balded mare as she described the colt to her sightless daughter. He was exactly as Vi had pictured him to be. A blue-eyed twin to Reshi. Perfect and strong she knew he would be a great force upon the land.

    Again, another scent drifts down from the hill a short distance away. Hestoni was near and watching and Vi’s heart swells to be surrounded by such love. He stays back awhile, respectful of the women as they bond with the newborn colt. Once assured that they would not ask him to help, he makes his way towards them cautiously. Vi smiles welcomingly in his direction and listens intently as he speaks to her. He is proud as well, but a nagging voice at the back of her mind fills her with an unexplainable guilt and as he turns to speak to his grandson Vi feels as though he should not love the colt as strongly as he does.

    Her ears turn towards her son, however, before she could allow the thought to overtake her as her son wastes no time in muttering his first words. ”Family.” he says and Vi’s heart swells with pride. Lovingly she nudges him, holding him tightly for an extra moment before pushing him towards the spot to nurse.

    ”Yes, my love,” she agrees. ”This is your family. We will always be here to love and protect you. No matter what, sweet boy.” No matter what.


    lights will guide you home


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    RE: Oh, these little eyes || Scorch, Drustan, Any - by Vi - 05-23-2018, 06:38 PM

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