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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Out with the golden we sew // Hephaestus/Any

    as dreams are to the sleeper, so am I to you
    I've visited before. I had the honor of meeting Solace.

    My ears quirk at this warily-given bit of information - I'd mentioned Solace to him back in the forest, but he hadn't given any indication that he knew this land's Queen. I nod at first, considering his words and their implications - at first a pang of jealousy runs through me, but I recognize that it is directed towards Smoak, and not towards Hephaestus at all. The Friesan, though battered and bruised at his very first breath and ever onward, is softhearted. At the thought, I find myself carefully pressing my nose to his shoulder as we walk, allowing him to lead us through the land. He deserves to feel like a leader - he deserves to be seen differently that he had been at birth.

    "She'll be glad to see you again."

    We do not go far until another ebony figure graces the spring-green hillsides. Briseis, standing amidst a thin copse of trees, gazing at us with the frozen eyes of one caught by surprise - but I smile to see her, adjusting our path so that we will all meet. Although her silence and warily twitching ears could be interpreted as rude, I know better than to think such a thing of the little mustang - she is incredibly new to this land. Sometimes, as I am curled up next to Solace and the twins at night, my mind ranges across to the dreams of all of Hyaline's inhabitants, and hers are rarely calm. I do my best to subdue the night terrors, lending her a quiet's night sleep here and there when I am feeling well rested and able to go without myself.

    "Please, don't go!" I exclaim softly, stepping forward and placing myself in the path she'd just readjusted to. My ink-dipped nose reaches out for her, nuzzling her affectionately. "I've got to be off to see Solace - she needs someone to watch the children while she visits her father in Tephra." I know that these words probably mean little to either of them, but in time, it will. Briseis smells wholly of Hyaline, and I feel that it's safe to assume that, though hardy and travel worn, she's not gone far past our mountain range.

    For now, it's my turn to take a step back, preparing to depart from the group. My eyes go to the wry-nosed stallion next to me, a gentle smile hung across my lips. "Briseis, this is Hephaestus. He is kind hearted - it would be my pleasure for you to get to know each other." With that, I dip my horned head and slip away through the copse of trees towards the northern mountain, where Solace and my's grotto quaintly sits. I wonder as I go, whether the stallion will appreciate what I've said about him - but in truth, I won't ever know. Hopefully, his residency in Hyaline will not be cut short because of my forwardness.

    I like them both - my little black proteges.

    [Image: kag]

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    RE: Out with the golden we sew // Hephaestus/Any - by Kagerus - 05-24-2018, 12:24 PM

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