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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [mock]  Arthas
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=IM+Fell+French+Canon+SC" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.WB32_container {position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 500px;padding: 10px;background: #fff;border: 2px solid #A9BCF5;box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000;}.WB32_container p {margin: 0;}.WB32_image {border-top: 4px solid #A9BCF5;}.WB32_message {text-align: justify;font: 12px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 5px 20px;color: #AAA29F;background: #fff;border-bottom: 4px solid #A9BCF5;}.WB32_name {text-align: center;font: 30px 'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;color: #4E5876;padding: 0;}.WB32_quote {text-align: center;font: 14px 'IM Fell French Canon SC', serif;color: #7583AE;padding: 10px;border-top: 4px solid #A9BCF5;border-bottom: 4px solid #A9BCF5;}</style><center><div class="WB32_container"><img class="WB32_image" src="https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/2c/5a/c12c5a827f66bedd509a8b4f2de723cf.jpg"><p class="WB32_quote">- Are you thinking of me when you love him? -</p><p class="WB32_message">In the days of his youth, Wolfbane’s father was his mentor. He remembers watching his dad at work, totally focused and almost <i>one</i> with his body, hardly ever calling on the need for his wolf skin or fire ability. There was always something so unspoken and yet <i>dangerous</i> in the shade of those serious, green eyes. When Longclaw stood between newcomers and Tephra, the inhabitants could rest peacefully at night.

    Though he’s older now, the striped palomino son still wants that same confidence and aura. Leaving Tephra altogether (<i>his childhood, his family, his everything</i>) had been the first step in that direction; joining Loess the next. Now he feels that identical rush of excitement as his gilded, blue hooves stir the dust of the battlegrounds beneath him: his first <i>real</i> spar was beginning, <i>he could test himself</i>.

    Not looking to waste his energy right off, Bane had traveled south from his new home through friendly territory yesterday and hunkered down for the night in anticipation for today’s event. Had he flown here directly from Loess he’d be crippling himself off the bat: his wings would be weak if he wanted to actually <i>use</i> them in defense. So for now, as he plods with wide eyes and on a buzzed brain into the chosen area, Wolfbane keeps both downy appendages tucked closely against his sides.

    He heads coastal, lengthening each stride to stretch the muscles along his back. Every so often his eyes are thrown over his shoulder, gauging the distance from where he stood back to the base of the mountains where he’d entered from. Before he can lose shape of the treeline, he stops, turning back so that he can look directly East while keeping the sea at his back. From here, Bane's chances of seeing Arthas approach were plausibly good and so he waits until, at last, the dappled gray King arrives.

    Though taller, Arthas is built in a baroque fashion: heavy chest, back, and rump. By comparison Bane is smaller, a lighter version without so much need for support from his legs. He asses his elder for a moment, nodding and adding in a playful, <b>“I hope you got a good night’s sleep, old man!”</b> to set the mood before his smile falters, and then falls altogether. The usually intrepid shine to his eye hardens, and Wolfbane grows serious.

    He’s not sure where Arthas might move, it’s 50-50 either Left or Right if he chooses to rush the man head-on and at this point, they’ve got about a good four or so yards between them. For now, the winged Loessian can keep his opponent effectively in his sights but he throws the idea of a ground attack away altogether in favor of a sudden burst of action. In a smooth, practised <i>flick</i> his wings fly open and Bane hunches low, knowing that he has precious seconds to get enough lift before Arthas can close that little distance.

    With one flap and a sturdy leap he’s up, still close enough to the ground that should Arthas choose he could possibly land a lower-body hit, but then another gust of his wings pulls him higher and he’s hovering - eyes focused on wherever the gray might have moved. When he feels that his sights are locked on, Bane surges ahead of where Arthas is beneath him and then banks, like moving forward a bit and then suddenly executing a u-turn, so that he can loop around and swoop into a heavy dive. His aim is to pummel the other stallion with a flurry of his hooves - not to crash totally into his new leader - so he lifts just before impact and glides overtop Arthas, legs beating a mad rhythm the whole time as the dappled stallion goes head-first underneath him.

    He could hit anywhere along the topline if he’s lucky, but he’s aiming for a good blow to that crested neck. Bane flaps again once he’s cleared the other horse and then the tug of gravity pulls him down to earth; a quick lift-off like his was taxing and not recommended, but necessary. When his hooves touch down the striped stallion skids to a stop and turns, eyes frantic to find Arthas while the Beach now lies directly behind him.</p><p class="WB32_name">WOLFBANE</p></div></center>

    @[Arthas] sorry for not noticing your 'Away' earlier!!
    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    Arthas - by Wolfbane - 05-23-2018, 01:06 PM
    RE: Arthas - by Arthas - 05-23-2018, 03:42 PM
    RE: Arthas - by Wolfbane - 05-30-2018, 11:58 AM
    RE: Arthas - by Arthas - 06-02-2018, 08:20 PM

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