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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    looking for heaven found the devil in me; any
    He is growing less innocent and less enamoured of the world. Most days his outlook is more abysmal by the moment. Perhaps because there is something of the abyss in the boy since that is where he came from. That was before his mother plucked him out of the shadow and nothingness and wrapped him in embryonic layers of newness - new flesh, new life, new everything. 

    But what if a bit of that shadow and nothingness remained? The original stuff cannot be unmade or ignored. Things that come from abysses and are named after such cannot be all sunshine and daisies, can they? He doesn’t think so as he passes from grin to glower and back to grin again. However this last grin is more impish and that somehow suits the boy.

    “Quite.” he counters easily. Mother said it pays to be observant and he’d been a quick study under her tutelage. Father on the other hand er... hoof, would rather he remain as sweet and oblivious as the day he was born. But Abysm knows he won’t stay that way forever. Not when the darker aspects of life and dreams call to him. Beckon even, with arms full of monsters and darkness that seem sweeter than any parent’s embrace could ever be.

    His brain crows in disgust. He is no milksop clinging to the mother’s flank that needs to hide his face in the stringy folds of her tail. One, he did not think Kagerus would tolerate such antics from a son of hers. Two, a child of the abyss never hides - he is the thing that others hide from. 

    “Hardly. Even if I was, she’s too busy ruling her kingdom and loving in her lover to pay much attention to me.” there is a sour bite to his words. A hardness if time that means he found the question offensive despite the evident condescension. This putrid elder might be off-putting but Abysm simply curls his upper lip up in a mix of a sneer and a smile. 

    “She has little to no time for me so I’m left to my own devices.” There is a glitter in his eyes that bespeaks to the hardness forming like a lump in his little soul. He could conjure up a quick daydream of the painted mare that is his mother to show the hideous (but oh so beautiful!) stallion.

    @[Rodrik] sorry this took so long and isn’t much but I left it open for Rodrik if he’d like to see or experience a dream from Abysm? Maybe something that would clue Rodrik in to the fact that Ab is Kag’s son?
    i would do anything for love,
    but i won’t do that 

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: looking for heaven found the devil in me; any - by abysm - 06-25-2018, 08:35 AM

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