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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    New beginnings
    The world was changing. He sensed it lurking just beyond the endless fold of his beloved forest. Colored midnight against the deep greens and muddy browns of the surrounding foliage, his stocky figure methodical paved his path. Tall, carefully refined muscle moved just beneath the surface of his skin with each step, the ground shaking underfoot.

    A picture to be seen, his unkempt appearance told the story of his time spent hidden away. Wild brambles and twigs clung to the ratty knots of his mane, tightening their grip with every footfall. Relying heavily upon his telepathy for sight, he moved with an unexpected grace, his mind reaching out to that belonging to the other fores dwellers. Squirrels and raccoons and birds all aided in his sight as milky eyes stared unblinking ahead.

    Pushing through thick branches and low reaching underbrush, he felt the sun's sudden. Intensity upon the shine of his charcoal pelt. Insantaniously, the scent of others of his kind flooded his senses and he imagined the new characters he would encounter.

    He could not explain his sudden urge to depart from his life of solitude. The pull had been primal and unexpected, paired with an implacable unrest within the minds of the surrounding creatures. Though they did not share the same language, fear translated easily in the broken speeches of their mind.

    Head extended upward, he towered above the lowest hanging branch. Sending forth the only sight he had been blessed with, he felt the hum of a nearby conciousness. A tickling, almost. Edging nearer to it, his white stockings upon his legs pulled him forward.

    -a quote goes here-

    The black mare made her way through the Forest. Maybe she was looking for a home or for her daughter. She has no idea as to what she really wants. She had been thinking recently about her own dam to. She turned her attention to the the figure she had spotted and smiled softly. She was one to roam around instead of setting down in one place. She was ready to find that one place and raise a family there. She decided to carefully approach the figure and called out. She stopped the respectable distance away and said "Hello. My name is Rhynne. What is your name?" She did hope that she didn't startle the stallion who stood before her and she was sorry if she did.


    Death is peaceful, Life is harder.

    The scent of another does not take long to reach the sensitivity of his nostrils. Blinded to all else beside the hum of her consciousness, he tilts his head to catch the soft sound of her approach. She was searching for something, much like himself but with an added urgency. Wanting to find her place she too had fled to the comfort of the forest, the restlessness of her thoughts nearly matching his own. It did not take long for her gaze to fall upon him, ragged and unsightly. He saw himself through her eyes and flinched to see his wildness. Her tentativeness was instantly understood, but he was grateful for her bravery.
    Hello Rhynne, he greeted with an unsure smile. Naturally his first instinct was to feed his words directly into her mind, finding his vocal chords rusty and unused to frequent exercise. Attempting to avoid frightening her away he spoke his husky toned words. I am called Romulus.

    © vanilla


    -a quote goes here-

    The black mare took in the stallions appearance. She also noticed that he had a familiar smell to him, maybe he was her brother. She really couldn't tell at the moment. She smiled at him even though she noticed that he was blind. She said "Its a pleasure meeting you Romulus. What brings you to the forest?" She wasn't sure if she should send him a vision of what she looked like to him. Would you like to see the land as I see it? She didn't mean to ask him through her telepathic ability. 


    @[Romulus] sorry for the short reply
    Death is peaceful, Life is harder.

    The air around them felt somehow colder as he awaited Rhynne’s reply. He sensed her eyes upon him and felt the sleepy lull of her thoughts. It was humerous for him to see how wild and unkempt he had emerged. Years of solitude painted a clear picture upon him and he admired her motivation to remain there beside him. She offered to allow him to view the forest through her eyes, unaware that he had already peeked into her perceptions. Asking for permission was not something he had grown accustomed to doing. It was easier to ask for forgiveness. The tickling of her presence within his consciousness sparked his interest and his head jerked upright at the unfamiliarity of it. Smiling mischieviously he returned the gesture, openly invading her mind.
    It seems we have much in common, Rhynne.

    © vanilla


    -a quote goes here-

    The black colored mare sighed n relief when he wasn't spooked by her. She smiled at the stallion before her and opened her mind to him as she found out they shared telepathy. Shall we search for a place out of the weather? She almost bounded with joy of meeting this stallion. She felt like she should try and find her dam or her daughter. She hadn't seen either in such a long time. She turned her attention back to her company and surroundings. 


    @[Romulus] sorry for the wait

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