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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Trait upgrade
    When I had Karaugh die birthing Kaurma I had used my quest hosting trait(2 space) plus transferred from Karaugh her vampire bat shifting(2 space) to Kaurma as Vampire Physiology.  She exhibits fangs, supernatural senses (smell, hearing, sight) and super speed as 3 expressed abilities of vampires.  I'd consider this almost Vampire mimicry.  

    So i am wondering if I could upgrade Vampire Physiology to 4-space trait with the following description:  User will exhibit these features of a vampire- fangs, supernatural physical abilities (speed, strength, attraction), supernatural senses(sight, smell, hearing), compulsion, and regenerative healing.  Extreme weakness to sunlight and fire which would include death in substantial circumstances.  They are undead beings so they cannot reproduce except with others who express Vampire Physiology or Magic.  Powers can be limited by Witchcraft, Magic and those with mental abilities.   

    I would use my quest hosting 2 space trait to acquire this upgrade.

    I am also wondering if by definition compulsion can be defined as: persuading another to do ones bidding by eye contact and vocal or mental instruction.  Once action is completed the affected character has no recollection of doing the assigned task.  Weak against horses with mental abilities and is short in duration(2-3 posts). Requires permission by player.

    If this is approved can the definitions be added to the trait database?  Kaurma would not need a teg update as she already has Vampire Physiology and has no other expressed traits.

    -Semi Active-
    Some I think what she has now IS vampire mimicry with a different name, lol. All these variations are confusing even to us!

    That said - while we have some flexibility with stacking lower prizes to make something bigger, 4 space traits always require a plot, as they're the most powerful. You are welcome to use your 2 space quest hosting trait for a 2-space related trait (e.g. regenerative healing), but it cannot be used to upgrade a 2 space trait into a 4 space trait.

    As for the compulsion definition, the suggested definition you give tips it more into the mind control area. If you want compulsion as a 2 space trait, more restrictions would need to be worked in. We're happy to work with you on tweaking it if you're interested in that being your 2 space hosting trait Smile
    What about taking out regenerative healing and using immortality.  Simplify compulsion to hypnotism definition.  The only reason Id said it'd be a 4 space trait was basically adding 2+2 XD

    Vampire Physiology to 3-space trait with the following description:  User will exhibit these features of a vampire- fangs, supernatural physical abilities (speed, strength, attraction), supernatural senses(sight, smell, hearing), immortality and hypnotism.  Extreme weakness to sunlight and fire which would include death in substantial circumstances.  They are undead beings so they cannot reproduce except with others who express Vampire Physiology or Magic.  Powers can be limited by Witchcraft, Magic and those with mental abilities.   

    Her plot is basically making her into a vampire(from birth that was her plot), though I would like to see her used as a tool for the kingdoms.  When Cal brought up the idea for Loess becoming a hired force, I saw also being able to hire individuals as well.  With her heightened senses she could be a spy, strength- a body guard, hypnosis- for gathering intel, but also these are things she needs to survive being weak to sunlight and fire to the point of combustion- speed.  There are other plot ideas going around of secret service type things and she would be fun to incorporate into those.  This isn't anywhere near a magic ability and I think I provided enough substantial weaknesses to counter her powers for it to be a 3-space trait.

    With compulsion I was referencing Charmspeak and hypnotism's definition but added eye contact with vocal or mental commanding.  It wouldn't be control, just command. Strong willed horses would be more apt to resist full affects of compulsion and of course would require permission to be used.  I don't want to control a character or possess their mind, its more of "I command you to walk 10 ft." Once the character walks 10ft poof done, or if chosen the character can fight the compulsive urge to do as commanded. But I am perfectly fine with using hypnotism in this situation if that's more streamlined Smile

    Hi @[Neo]

    Like we said, you are welcome to your 2 space quest hosting trait for a 2-space related trait (e.g. regenerative healing), but not for an upgrade here. We did take a look at the traits you have/are asking for and have some updates/descriptions for you below. 

    Vampire Physiology really should be Vampire Mimicry, so here's the definition below. Other than the name, I don't *think* it changes anything for you, but I might be wrong because I can't compare things well. If it does mess up what you have now, let us know and we'll try to work with that in a different way, but this will be the trait going forward: 

    Quote:Vampire Mimicry: User can use the abilities of a vampire, including: fangs, bat wings, supernatural senses (smell, hearing, sight), super speed, and enhanced physical attraction. Character may have up to 3 characteristics. If there is a fitting characteristic not listed, feel free to contact an owner or officer. User also experiences extreme weakness when exposed to sunlight and fire.

    And if you decide you want to do Compulsion as your 2-space trait, this would be the description:

    Quote:Compulsion: A type of persuasion which allows the speaker to convince someone else to do whatever When the compulsion wears off, the affected horse will have no recollection of why they did what they were commanded to do. Compulsion is most effective on weak willed and less powerful horses, and less effective on strong willed and powerful horses. If someone is aware of a horses ability, then it will also have a reduced effect.
    Ok sounds good to me!  Since she has Vampire Mimicry can we update her teg to reflect and add compulsion as my hosting trait choice? Just want the database to match so everyone knows her abilities Smile


    I do think that Immortality would be a fitting characteristic also for Vampire Mimicry but what you have looks good.
    -Semi Active-
    @[Neo] post in updates please for the changes, but we do all those. Thanks!

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