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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Rings of flowers 'round your eyes and I'll love you, Leilan.

    Your beauty is beyond compare -
    oh, if I could hear but one song from you
    I shall hail thee Queen of Birds...
    For the tiniest of moments, the roan stallion is disappointed - she moves away again, her lingering warmth cooling quickly and making him finally shiver for real. But instead of saying something, like he had expected her to do, she turns her backside and swivels her body next to his in a cuddling position. Her feathers softer than anything he’s ever known, she is an all-new sensation.

    One that he can only love. He’s drawn to her physically as well as mentally, watching her from above, their 2-hand difference in height making her look up and him look down - but he’s so, so very comfortable this way. Her blue contrasts with the light red of his roaned bay coat, standing out in the snow together. Quite a pair they make. She asks about the hold again - like a bee homing in for honey, she can’t seem to let go of it until she knows alla bout it, it seems. And although he’s told the story before, he doesn’t mind repeating it if that means he can entertain her. She’s like a little fairy come to help him take his mind off things.

    He moves his head to brush over her neck gently, untying a small knot in her mane. There, all beter. He perks his ears at her question, and hums. ”A gift to me from the goddess Nike. She is all golden herself, a sight to see. She challenged all of Beqanna to a game, and me and my teammates won the first prize. Gold to attire the three of us, and an elemental aura to surround ourselves with. I believe you experienced mine just now.” he tells her into her ears in a low voice, his neck curled behind hers, and when he’s silent again he continued to groom her mane for a while.

    But she has more questions, and makes him pause to speak more. He chuckles and answers truthfully. ”You are the loveliest girl I’ve met all winter, and just the thing I need right about now.” His voice slightly hoarser than intended, he falls silent as his nose and lips caress her neckline once more. He is very needy right now. Wants to claim her as his own, if but for a moment (or more, in the future). Does he feel love? He doesn’t think so. Attraction, yes. Curiosity, too. A certain want and need combined, it’s not love.

    But it’s all the rest; and probably the best she’ll ever get from him.
    there's something here that doesn't make sense
    let's go and poke it with a stick

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Rings of flowers 'round your eyes and I'll love you, Leilan. - by Leilan - 07-23-2018, 07:01 AM

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