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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    User Groups - help please!
    Hi all,

    Okay, so I fixed it so you can have editable custom titles for your characters and the user group will still populate with your character's home. However, I have to remove all the old custom user titles that you guys had. Rather that go through every user by myself, can you all let me know which of your characters profiles/profilebit's are wonky? You'll know because your custom user title will currently be displaying in the "home" piece of the profile/profilebit.

    Thank you!
    Are we just supposed to be able to reput the title in or you need a list of all that are doing this? So far all i've looked at are displaying the title is home
    -Semi Active-
    Castile has a wonky one. I'm also trying to find how to remove "Regent of Loess" since that's no longer accurate.
    @Neo not totally sure I understand the question. If the "home" piece of their profile is display their home or nomad, you're good. If it's not, then I need to know please.

    @Aeris, I deleted "regent of Loess". You should be good now and you can add a new title if you want it
    Mine are all good but it took me a while to find the new “custom title” option since I was looking at the old field which still did not allow me to type in - for those with the same problem, it is listed on the left side, just like age, breed, etc

    I did notice that the profile next to a post now shows the home location twice. Maybe the “current home” option is no longer needed?
    All mine have the titles listed in Home: Elvin, Everclear, Pond, Volcan xP

    but only on the actual profile pages.. looks like everything's still listed under the username like usual on posts
    @[Kyra] I was asking if we can fix it or if you HAVE to... I started thru my list and all of them were wonky that I saw, so I may have a bunch of accounts to fix.  I'd love to save you the hassle if possible but if not, I'll make a list
    -Semi Active-
    @Neo - got it, thanks! Sadly I have to (and the other officers are helping!). So just list em out for us please Smile

    Delta, Demi, Deiti, Kolera, Klaudius, Zain, Kromiun~Karat, Kove, Kaurma, Ouija, Cyrus

    These are my main active ones that I saw have it in home.  If I find others I'll put them in updates or something Smile
    These should be updated to here.

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