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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Don't Turn Me Away- {Lepis}


    Lepis was taken hostage in Hyaline for far too long, he knows little of the details on her release but she was released and he has not seen her since. He hopes that she does not hold it against him, though she never was to clingy to him in that manner. 

    There was much that has changed since she left, Arthas has left Loess and gone on to take rule of Sylva. The very kingdom that causes harm to Lepis, he knows that he could never force her to leave Loess, the kingdom she has called home for her whole life. That being said Arthas could not stand living a life without her, the last time they spoke it did not go as he pleased and he was here to attempt one last time to have her all for himself. (Though he already did)

    He walks into Loess, the kingdom that was once his and that will always be a home to him. He allows a whinny to escape his maw, she was always good at picking out his call in Sylva and only hopes she is still able to do so now. He hopes to not cause attention to others, this conversation was not meant for the ears of others. He impatiently waits at the snow covered boarder, his mind racing with thoughts. What if she did not want to come to Sylva? Would he have to let her go for good? Would she come to Sylva and face the demons who once caused harm to her? 

    Dangerous Business

    @[Lepis] ok adjusted :p
    lepis, cleric of loess
    i think i need a devil to help me get things right

    We had not left on good terms, and the memory of the dappled stallion had been a bitter itch in the back of my mind ever since. Two months have passed, and not a day had gone by without thinking of him. He is so kind to me, gentle, forgiving - he even wants just me. That I have lingered on most, our final conversation. The response I had given him was clearly not the one he wanted to hear, but even with a myriad of nights spent thinking rather than sleeping have left me with no other alternative to the scenario.

    The girl he had first met would have thrown herself willingly into his arms, exclaiming passionate love, but I am no longer that carefree girl. I'd been true to myself, and that refrain has become as familiar as the length of my own navy muzzle. I hear it when I catch his scent on the wind, and as I turn to the right, where scent and sound tells me he will be rounding a boulder not two yards from where I stand.

    Greeting him is second nature, and before the echo of my name has left the hillside I have pressed my chest against his shoulder and buried my golden head in the steely iron strands of his mane. His warmth is familiar, and I release a quiet sigh as I lean against him. It's only when I inhale, pressed so tightly to his side, that I recognize the scent of another kingdom on his skin.

    I pull back with a frown, the well-rehearsed apology forgotten as I ask without a trace of emotion in my voice or behind my blue grey eyes: "Sylva?"

    It felt like an eternity waiting for her, he casually swayed waiting and hoping to see her peer out from hiding. But alas she was within sight and a small smile tugged at his lips, it was warming to see that she came back from her captive unharmed...unlike the last time. She greets him as she snuggles in, wrapping her head around him as she has before. He takes in a deep breath, her sweet aroma filling his nares, he can still smell a hint of Hyaline but the stench was almost full gone. The calm moment came to an end when she pulls away, her face was not pleased instead she looks upset with him.


    She asked him, the word echoed through his ears....he knew that she deserved to hear it from her his on mouth but in this very moment he wishes that she would have heard it amongst others in Loess.....He takes a deep breath, he wanted Lepis to come back to Sylva...though he would not force her to....

    Lepis... his tone had hints of shame in it, I am glad to see you are back safely.... he was trying his best to stall the conversation. But it was inevitable, he would need to tell her at some point, this would be the very moment that would make or break there relationship. Anyway....I have to tell you..while you were in Hyaline I, with the help of Loess, took over Sylva. His gaze looks for hers as he steps closer towards her Lepis...I am the ruler of Sylva now. Sylva and Loess are two separate kingdoms still..but we act as one force. We can intermingle between the kingdoms as we please. He pauses to gauge her reaction to the news....yet she still hasn't heard his biggest request.

    And Lepis, there is one more thing. He pauses taking a large breath, an attempt to calm the anxiety flaring inside of him. I know that it is selfish of me to even ask, but I am tired of being away from you..Lepis please come to Sylva with me....be my queen. He falls silent as his heart races faster than ever before. He did not want to lose her, he could not fathom losing her! He needed her to come to Sylva with her, but he could not force her to be queen of the kingom that did its best attempt to destroy her.

    Dangerous Business

    @[Lepis] <3
    As he takes in his deep breath I pull farther away, the furrow of my brow growing deeper. Did he not think Is notice? Or perhaps he had simply thought I would not ask? I cannot tell from his answer, but the reluctance and shame is all too clear, and I begin to wonder if I had been too accusatory. Perhaps he was just visiting the autumnal kingdom?

    My blue ears flick forward as he begins to speak, and the answer he gives me is not at all what I had been expecting. Taken over Sylva? It takes a moment to process, but I realize even as the words leave his dark lips that he is a king again. A king who wants me: it is everything I had ever dreamed of as a girl.

    Then he asks if I would be his queen.

    Isnt it supposed to feel special when dreams come true? Surely I should be elated, all but floating within myself? And yet... It is Sylva, where every horrible thing that can happen to a creature had happen to be. Tortured, tormented, raped and abuse. Even now I cannot look at the fiery foliage in the distance without shuddering, and yet he asks me anyway.

    My expression has shifted from the frown I had worn, and while he talks there has been nothing on my face at all. I had listened without reaction. I must stay true to myself, I know. But do I stay true to my fear? Or to my promises? Arthas wants me there, his queen or not. I belong to him, and so in an instant I know the answer that I need to give him. I’ve already disapppinted him with our last conversation; I can’t do it again, not even if it means returning to the source of my nightmares.

    “I will come and be your queen.” I reply, and there is the slightest upturn of my navy mouth as I say it. It’s not quite enough to be called a smile, but I know that Arthas knows me well enough to not expect one. “But on one condition. I will have the right to banish anyone, at any time.” The clown king is surely gone, but he had been just one of my tormentors.


    As he spoke she did not seem pleased with him, was it the scent of Sylva? The memories of her torment flooding her mind? He never wanted to hurt Lepis, all he wanted was to live a perfect life together, though there relationship has been anything but perfect. His heart beat fast awaiting a response to his request, he truly did not expect her to leave her home, but at the same time he did not know if he could rule without her by his side.

    He exhaled when the silence was broken I will come and be your queen she says, and though her expression remained neutral a smile tugged on his lips. He extends his neck to nuzzle her cheek Thank you he says almost whispering to her. He knew it was brave to leave her kingdom that she was born into, and even braver to be the ruler to the kingdom that mutilated her. Her bravery in this very moment confirmed the queen she will be, a strong independent queen. He does not doubt her strength, nor her will to successfully rule.

    Although the joyous announcement quickly fades when she speaks again, one condition she has his full attention I have the right to banish anyone, at any time. He gazes at her for a few moments, he knew exactly why she was requesting the power. He pondered the thoughts, he did not ask for the name of her assaulter's merely because he would be forced to kill them. Though when she asks to banish others it was in return for her torment. He gives a nod to her You may, aside from Sinner, I have crowned him the champion, should you have a problem with him seek me out. he knew that Sinner was a dark equine (hound?) though he did not suspect him to be one of her attackers, and for that reason he will not allow and easy banishment of him.

    Dangerous Business


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