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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'm a little unsteady [Breckin, Any]
    Ardashir did not know of his own lineage or what breed he might have been. He was not even aware of his height most days until faced with someone that he could not stand eye to eye with. He could not know that the reason he was left on the beach that day was because some alien creature that walked on two legs had thought him flawed and on deaths door. The ghost before the scalled stallion had not known his mother’s caress..only the touch of the cold sand. The lines of his ancestors lost to him as that strang ship floated away with his mother calling out his name.

    The stags ears might have shifted back some at those words, “I, and the army that stands at my back.” He rolled his shoulders and lifted that normally relaxed neck higher. Ardashir was no fool he knew that he did not stand alone in defence of Nerine. He was not even alone when it came to protecting who ever may sit on the throne. Sapphire blue eyes watched the golden ticked stag as he walked around and lowered his head with another comment coming a moment after sniffing at Ardashir’s shed. “We all need not be giants to fight those who would come for our home, or our loved ones.” The white ghost had not met this sparkling male before, and the mid sized stallion had not given off a good first impression.

    He took in a long draw of air seeking out a scent to match to the coat. This stallion before the ghost was a stranger in face, and scent. Ardashir was used to newcomers wandering in at this point but, none had the touch of attitude that this stallion did. He studied the friesian ancestored stallion watching body posture, ears, and how he held his tail. He had approached so boldly and now the white ghost returned the favor making his way over ears forward at attention but not aggressive. The roan and gold stallion had been creative with his greeting but, after watching him a little more Ardashir was a bit more confident that he meant no harm for now.

    The stag did not press his form close to this new stallion but he did extend his nose out to take a bit more of his scent in as his silver voice took on a bit more iron, “What brings you to Nerine stranger? Threats? Or, do you seek to meet up with those loved ones you spoke of?” There was none of the normal squealing or flamboyant posturing between the two of them that might have been normal in other stallions just yet. Ardashir was a silent creature most days though so any outburst might have seemed explosive. “You seem to know my name. But, I have not been so graced with yours just yet.” The white male had pulled his head back at this point but, had not given up his position of personal bubble invasion.   
    The blue in an ocean of gray..

    @[Leilan] it was somewhat effective.
    You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.

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    RE: I'm a little unsteady [Breckin, Any] - by Ardashir - 09-23-2018, 02:59 PM

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