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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Seeking a thrill - Blue, any
    Wings beat as the filly flew over the trees of Ischia. Already she had memorized the island and everything on it from constant explorations. Eifa now had a map of all the paths, open areas and hidden spots drawn in her head, so she knew her way around well. Even though she enjoyed flying and looking down at her birth home, she couldn’t help a longing feeling from growing within as she caught visual of the lands beyond, out in the distance. She wondered what it was like outside of Ischia, but she hadn’t managed to bring herself to leave just yet. 

    This was where her mother lived, along with her siblings. Well, she assumed they still lived there. The last time she had seen them was when she was no more than, what, a few months old? She couldn’t really remember. Eifa did miss her sister, however. Kove. They got along well, played all the time and all in all enjoyed each other’s company. She missed her mother as well, and wondered how she was fairing along with her siblings. 

    But now that she was practically on her own, she hardly stayed around the other members of the Kingdom, spending most of her time exploring and dreaming of the other lands in Beqanna. Someday she would leave the island and explore the much more vast lands. But not yet. She would wait just a tad longer.

    As she reached one of the shorelines she flew closer to the ground, beating her wings in a quicker pace to steady herself before landing. Her hooves made a soft shuffling sound in the sand, the smell of saltwater drifting by with the wind. For a moment she allowed herself to be calmed by the lovely weather, watching the sun set over the horizon as the water reflected the merge of oranges and pinks of the sky. Memories of her playing with Kove and meeting other foals crossing her mind for a swift moment. She was sure she’d see them again someday, so there was no use in dreaming about the past.

    Don’t linger on the past.
    Stop worrying about the future.
    There’s only now. Live in the moment.

    Eifa smiled to herself and spread her wings once more as excitement beamed within her. She needed to find something to do that would thrill her, possibly make her a little nervous and even frightened, and maybe even get into some trouble. If there were no risks, then she wasn’t really living. Nothing is fun if there weren’t any stakes. 

    With this in mind, she beat her wings, pushing herself off the ground and into the sky once more. She began searching the land from above, keeping an eye out for anything interesting. She’d save any excitement for after dusk; it was simply more thrilling under the cloak of night, when no one watches. So for now, perhaps she could look for someone to speak to, or even attempt playing a little prank on an unsuspecting civilian.

    @[Blue] I hope this works for you! Big Grin
    let that lonely feeling wash away; maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay
    Nerine is, mostly, home. Blue still depends on her mother for sustenance, after all, and Scorch’s home is Nerine. She has responsibilities there, and the rest of their family. The roan filly is the youngest of Scorch’s children, by a large margin, so her Nerinian brothers and sisters are older. There are children her own age, relatives even, and she loves the land of her dam. But Ischia is also special; she was born here, after all, and her father’s family is just as large. Here, too, she is not the youngest sibling; twins Maertin and Qaen are in fact days younger than Blue, and her favorite playmates.

    Today, though, mother and father had gone off to have a “private adult discussion”, and Maertin and Qaen were nowhere to be found, despite Blue’s best efforts. She’d considered returning to her parents and tattling on the boys, for surely Brennen hadn’t approved any wandering away from the island any more than either of her parents would let her do so, but in the end the filly decided to amuse herself instead of getting her half-brothers in trouble. Away from the watchful eye of either parent, she falls to practicing in the water, more daring feats than she is usually allowed.

    The small girl is standing several yards out into the surf, far beyond where the ocean would usually close over her head. In fact, the waves are crashing over her head; but she’s cleared a space several feet wider than herself all around, keeping her safe and dry. There’s a faint frown of concentration on her face, but she becomes distracted by the sight of wings far overhead – quite likely, in Ischia, it might be a relative. The filly lifts her voice to call excitedly, rearing up a little, but she loses her grasp on the sea as she does, and the water she was holding at bay crash down over her head.

    For a moment, that’s all there is – frothing ocean waves and no Blue.

    But a couple of heartbeats later she breaks the surface, spluttering and coughing, but the waves clearly arranged to push her to safety on the beach, leaving the blue roan splayed across the warm sand in a heap of confused limbs.


    live in the moment

    A sigh escaped her lips. Wings raised and fell in fluid motion, eyes admiring the land below. She banked a little to the left to make a large U-turn back in the direction she came from. Eifa had been making circles like this for what felt like hours, but she knew it must not have been that long, for the sun hadn’t moved much in the sky. It was getting close to sunset, and still she hadn’t found anything entertaining to do. Perhaps she had already done everything fun the island had to offer and was just bored of it all. All the more reason to try something new, and perhaps leave Ischia for a bit.

    She flew closer to the beach now, following along the shoreline from above. Gazing down lazily, while stifling a yawn, she lowered herself closer to the sandy ground just a little to get a better look at what was below. There was something on the beach that wasn’t there before. Narrowing her eyes to focus more, she quickly realized it was another horse, lying motionless on the loose sands. 

    Eifa tucked in her wings and made a dive to get to the beach quicker, letting them out to even herself for a safe landing once she got there. Fear gripped at her heart as she saw the wet horse lying still. Her first thought by assessing the scene was that the horse had drowned and was washed up, but one more look at the filly told her the other was alive. Relief washed over her as she saw the filly’s chest rise and fall with each breath, but that didn’t mean everything was fine and dandy. 

    “Are you alright?” She asked worriedly as she approached the stranger, looking her over to make sure she had received no injuries. If the filly had been drowning, it was possible that the waves pulled her dangerously close to the ocean floor, where rocks and other hard objects could be hit and cause injuries. But thankfully she didn’t see anything that suggested she had hit something. The filly only seemed to be winded by what she assumed to have been an unexpected turn of events.


    is it drowning if you can breath underwater?//find a better quote
    The water has taken the wind out of her sails – proverbially. The roan filly lies motionless on the sand, the only movement the rise and fall of her barrel as she inhales and exhales. Overhead white fluffy clouds drift across the last of the blue sky, colors beginning to tinge the edges of the world. She only bothers to stir when she hears hooves in the sand, and then the sound of hooves turns into a worried voice.

    Groaning, (she can already feel bruises forming all over her body where the water crashed down with such wild abandon), the girl rolls up to lie sternally, front legs stretched out in preparation to get back up, and blinks at the stranger out of still-dazed amber eyes. She only becomes excited when an eyeful of the other girl’s dark wings makes her realize this was the flyer who’d distracted her! She nickers in excited greeting and scrambles to her feet, dazed mind and batter body momentarily forgotten.

    “I’m okay!” she chirps, smiling. “I just got distracted,” she says, averting her eyes sheepishly, “and the water got away from me.” The bashfulness doesn’t last long, though, and she steps closer and looks at the black and white mare curiously, slowly extending her own dark muzzle in offered greeting. “I’m Blue. Do you live here?”


    live in the moment

    She stood by the filly’s side, a smile showing when the other finally moved. At first, the filly wore a face of confusion, sitting up and staring at Eifa. The young yearling (almost two now) cocked a brow curiously. Then the filly stood suddenly, her confusion replaced with excitement, eyes gleaming and smile beaming. She said that she was alright, and Eifa figured she must be if she could move like that. But silently she heaved a sigh of relief as she visibly relaxed more. 

    “I’m so glad,” she smiled back along with a light tilt of her head. The filly then proceeded to explain what had happened, and Eifa nodded with understanding. But before she could give another reply, the filly turned a question on her, stepping closer and offering a greeting. Eifa nodded again, smile brightening.

    “Yep!” She replied happily. “I was born and raised here. I’ve never left the island, either.” Her smile faltered and turned into a bit of a lopsided frown. Despite how much she loved her home, it had become rather boring as of late, and now leaving to visit the other lands was the only thing she’s had on her mind. But she quickly shrugged it off and smiled again. “I’m Eifa by the way. What about you? Where are you from?”


    let that lonely feeling wash away; maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay
    “Hi Eifa,” she repeats the other girl’s name with a smile, but she can’t quite keep her bright eyes from roaming the other filly’s wings with obvious curiosity. Her dad has wings, but mom doesn’t, and neither do the twins, her siblings closest in age. Flight is something she thinks would be really cool, but somehow, she thinks that her water powers will never get her to the sky. Brennen, of course, staunchly refuses to attempt to lift his youngest child into the sky with magic, because he insists there are too many risks.

    “I was born here too,” she says with another bright smile, claiming her homeland for what it is; she may not live here all the time, but her mother had brought her to Ischia to be born, giving her this shared history with her sire and her half-siblings. Perhaps that was on purpose, but perhaps it was simply a happy accident. “But I don’t really live here. Mom lives in Nerine, so that’s where I live, most of the time. We’re just here to visit Dad. But Mom wanted to talk to him alone.”

    The undertones of that conversation are lost on Blue, and that is definitely for the best. “Hey, you wanna go to the waterfall? I can move the water and it makes it so easy to get into the cave behind it – maybe something cool is in there.” Event after discovering that dangerous, pounding water could be shunted aside to reveal the cave behind, the filly has been nervous to go beyond the mouth of the cave alone. What if there are ghosts? Or filly-eating bugs? But together, perhaps she will be brave enough.

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