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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I take what’s mine and then some more || Lepis ||
    Around me, the fog rises thick and warm, obscuring the world. The chatter of my waterfall is the only sound I can hear beyond the mouth of the cave.  Weak autumn sunlight cannot even penetrate the cover of steely clouds, and all of Loess feels suspended in a world with time. A few flakes of snow drift haphazardly from the metallic grey sky, the final remnants of a storm that had covered the kingdom with the first snowfall of the season. I had watched the snow melt as it fell, hidden beneath my bower of branch and stone.

    English ivy twines with pothos overhead, and I watch the snow melt drip from the miniscule white flowers of the spider plant. I had caught scent of Arthas earlier this morning, and rather than face him, I have instead gone into hiding. This cave had been a discovery in the past few weeks, warmed by the spring fed waterfall just over the mouth of it. Accessible by wing (and I had tried on foot a fair few times) it is my preferred place when I do not wish to be found.

    Well, found by anyone that is not the striped stallion.

    If the fog were less dense I might have seen him sooner. Instead I call out as he passes over, a quiet whiny that is followed by my own plummeting from the cliff before my wings spread out. I follow him to more level ground – there is little in these highlands – and land not far from the flaxen haired drake. I tuck my pale wings to my still-slim sides (it will be weeks yet before I can be certain we are expecting).

    I step closer to the white-winged stallion, a softly delighted smile on my dark mouth. Each time I see him I feel the same: like a warmth that is ever-kindled in my chest at his mere thought grows a bit more fiery. Love, and not the kind that I am forced to manufacture. With him here it is easy to forget what had me fleeing to my cave, and I am distracted further by the way his muscles move beneath sapphire and golden skin and the taste of sweat as I place a kiss along his crest.

    It would be easy to slip into the haze, to avoid the resigned set of his shoulders in favor of luring him to more pleasant activities. I nearly do, because the autumn has not yet left us and I have never seen anything more wonderful, but instead I draw back. My head tilts curiously as I attempt to meet his olive green gaze with my own.

    “Do you want to talk about it now?” I ask, removing the responsibility of making the decision from my own plate. I assume it has something to do with the visit from the King of Sylva, and though I’d have liked for the diplomatic visit to have gone well, I have had far too much good luck of late. It was past time for fate to strike a blow at my happiness.

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    RE: I take what’s mine and then some more || Lepis || - by Lepis - 10-29-2018, 01:14 PM

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