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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Blood is Thicker Than Water //Any\\
    Blood is Thicker than Water

    The kingdom is bustling with life.  Those wishing only to live with the freedom of choice, crisscross throughout the tropical lands.  They hold no obligation to be here other than they wish to, and he is glad they have found a place they have that freedom.  

    It isn't often that one slips through unnoticed.  More often than not they are met with kindness and curiosity on what brings them to the island.  Sometimes it is just the scenery, others have just returned to the place they had once called home.  He is glad for each of them as they make Tephra what it is, a family.  

    Magnus has proven to be a great steward of Tephras vision, often inviting others to visit.  In time perhaps he will know each of them better, the ones who choose to stay.  Today though he meanders about a lush meadow.  The persistent rains of fall, feed the flora here where all other lands have begun to dry.  The emerald tips of his body blend smoothly with the land, a casual flick of his tail shows his content. The sun is slow to rise these days, casting long shadows as its awakens from its slumber.  He snorts when the smog begins to thicken and invade his lungs.  Soon the sun will be seated in the sky and the fog will lift to unveil a wonderful and bright world... 

    Anyone is welcome to come upon him.  I imagine it is dawn and he is alone in the meadow.
    Umani is standing alone watching the sun rise when she spots Kromium off in the distance. Umani slowly walks towards him and looks over at him. She stands by him and feels the wind blow through her thick winter coat. She watches the sun rise while standing next to him. Her tail swishing softly and gets tangled in his.

    She blushes softly and turns her head away embarrassed. She tries to get her tail untangled from his but feeling his warmth radiating off of him makes her smile. She really hasn’t had the feeling of another horse near her in a very long time. She takes a deep sigh of relief and comfort.

    Umani quickly glances over to him and sees that he’s looking at her. She immediately looks down and away, “I’m so sorry. I’m Umani by the way,” she says to the stallion. “It sure is gorgeous here.”

    Blood is Thicker than Water

    Krom does not know flautery.  The only interest he has ever had for others was in their well being and nothing more.  So as he stands with his face to the breaking daylight, he doesn't think of the reasons the mare stops beside him other than she wishes for company.  He smiles when she turns to look at him, an apology leaving her lips.  He is quick to place her name within his memory and nods in greeting.  "Hello Umani.  I am Kromium..." his tone is light as the mare settles beside him.  "It is lovely isn't it..." he looks back to the sun rise, "I grew up on an island just west of here.  The weather is much the same but the air is so much more crisp there."  His thoughts go to the island, "It has white sandy beaches and groves of palm trees.  And at night, the sea glows a luminescent blue."  He often wonders what has become of the land and its followers.

    "What brings you here today Umani?"  Giving a slight tilt to his head he regards her kindly... 

    Umani smiles softly, "I'm just trying to find a safe place to live. I also just am trying to find other horses to socialize with and hopefully build a family with," she explains. "How have you been in the chaos?" She asks him as she imagines what his land before was like.

    Her lips curl up into a smile and her ears relax against her head as she pictures the beach and the sea. "That sounds amazing," she says. "I really haven't had much of a home as of right now, especially with the plague." The thought of the plague gives her shivers.

    Blood is Thicker than Water

    She seems kind and everything a stallion seeking a family could hope for.  There is a passion about the way she speaks of such things. Family. Home.  It makes him think even more about the island in which he grew up on.  Turning his head slightly, he views her more fully as she speaks of all she hopes to find.  He smiles just then, Tephra was one of the safest territories in Beqanna, so he assures her of this, "Tephra will make a lovely home for you then."

    She is quick to ask him of the chaos and how he has fared.  It is only a simple nod of the head that he gives.  He would not burden her with his worries.  But he fears for those not within the safety of a sanctuary such as Tephra.  His gaze reverts to the horizon to the northwest.  Finding the speck of land within the vast waves of the sea.  His voice is kind but somber, "My sisters and I have remained here within the safety of our lands.  But I guess there is a time to sacrifice one's safety for that of others." He turns to look at her once more, "I must go to Ischia to help any who may need it... Perhaps we will meet again when I return." A kind smile finds his lips before he moves towards the lava rock shores.

    @[Umani] Since timelines have this thread pre-turn over and plague I think it's best we start over when he returns from Ischia...? Wink

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