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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And the tracks I tread are cold, so cold; Peregrine Jude
    to capture a predator, you can't remain the prey

     Befitting the confusion of the winged-mare, so too is there confusion amidst the red filly with the talons. It is a bizarre thing she sees before her, a round creature that looks to be like herself: like her deceased mother; but it possesses not clawed feet, just hooves and upon its shoulders there is no smooth back… rather there are large wings branching from the shoulders. 

    From above she can see the slivers of light dancing on the pale perlino-pink skin, and how it highlights to swollen curves and weighted body. For a moment she deviates to stare behind herself, to look at her back and shoulders- nosing where the the wings might’ve been had she possessed them and she finds only the residual taste of iron and salt on her tongue.

    The thud is sudden, and in the darkness her body simply drops to the ground: not stepping away or leaping from the branches; but rather, passing through them as they were real.

    Uneasy and quiet, she lowers her head and slides the newborn ears back: walking in a way that ungraceful and without poise, more akin to a drunken moose than some beautiful predatory creature. The splayed toes curls and her talons leaves marks upon the earth as she stops a foot or so from Jude and allows the tiny nostrils to sniff and huff with the scent of the air between them- studying and watching.

    Curiosity is set in her mind and with tentative pace she reaches out her frail neck: stretching and bringing the soft nose to Jude as if to invite her into a greeting. Whatever it is, the gesture is primal and she only imitates it as it is born from memories that besiege her, ones so old and tired that they are not her own; but the whole of her species, and as such she waits until the mare returns the gesture before drawing back and lifting a leg.

    Spindly and covered in fur there is a moment where patches of leathery skin break through: bones and joints seemingly more avian than equine. Wordless and unable to know, she clatters the razor-sharp and daggerline talons and grasps at nothing… simply looked between her own and Jude’s legs. With a desire to understand she steps forward again, sniffing leg and peering at the mare’s hooves with a singular claw reaching out to tap the keratin surface.

    She blinks, and steps back.

    “Murrr.” the sound is muffled, strained and little more than babble; but it is the beginning and as such she continues with broken syllable and speech. “Murrr kaaaar yeeeee.” it’s something, and in that moment it is completed.

    Peering at the much larger mare she widens the pale blue eyes and their silver rings, watching and striving to understand. 

    you have to become equal in every way


    @[peregrine jude]
    PVP: On
    Minor Injury, and Some Mutilation Permitted.

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    RE: And the tracks I tread are cold, so cold; Peregrine Jude - by Myrkari - 11-03-2018, 11:11 PM

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