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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the earth, the earth, the earth is on fire; lilitha

    Fire came screaming out of her throat for the first time, igniting the world around her as she thrashed in the throes of a nightmare. She dreamed of murder, of a dark voice whispering in her head, calling her forth, demanding in a whisper that built and grew in intensity and volume until it was shouting in her head, KILL! She dreamed his death, the golden one with the seal upon his chest, and she screamed as the plague unleashed itself on the world. She screamed, and set the world on fire.

    The heat and the smell of burning woke her from her awful nightmare into a whole new one. The ground shook as everything rearranged itself, the world bending to the gods’ will and their new needs. Protecting the people, giving them somewhere safe from the nightmare come true. Come to the safe places, they beckoned.

    But Singe was trapped in a circle of flame that burned higher, brighter, hotter with every moment, with every panicked scream that escaped her throat. It closed in on her, scorching the hair on her legs when she shied too close, making her clamp her wings against her sides and scream again, her cry echoing into the darkness of the forest, fire blazing into the sky as she tilted her head back to at least not let the fire spread. It caught in the boughs of a nearby tree, sparks flashing and raining down as the branch caught fire and the flames licked higher, devouring the tree and moving on to the next.
    A young girl’s screams were hardly out of place in the midst of yet another apocalypse. And they were about due, really; too many years without some kind of disaster made Lilitha restless, suspicious, got her spooking at shadows, metaphorically speaking at least. In a way the plague was almost reassuring. It reminded her of the truth - there was nothing safe in this world, and everything could end in a moment.

    Out of place or not, she ran to answer, fire flaring to alertness inside her until it was flickering along her skin, simmering right beneath the surface in case it was needed. But the closer she got, the more she smelled smoke and burning, and it quickly became clear MORE fire wasn’t the solution. Thankfully, she was good at putting them out too.

    She reached out with her fire and pulled the flames into herself, snuffed them out and got the blaze under control. The girl’s panic had her screaming again, and more flames shot out of her mouth. Oh. Oh goodness, well that explained--yep. Okay. Lilitha let her fire burn as she screamed, but snuffed it out anywhere it caught in the surrounding foliage. And when the scream died down, she crooned, “heyyy, it’s okay. It’s alright. I’ve got you. C’mere, love, it’s gonna be okay.”

    She stepped closer, approaching with careful footsteps, head tilted just a little, ducking down to be a little less scary. The little girl’s green eyes were wide with fear, and Lilitha could hardly blame her. She was a bit of a fearsome sight these days, huge and towering and broad, covered in scars. “It’s okay, little love,” she crooned, reaching out her muzzle and whuffing softly, quiet little sounds of reassurance. “C’mere, baby, I won’t hurt you.”

    The girl fidgeted nervously, but took a cautious step closer, and Lilitha whickered soft encouragement. “That’s it, baby. You’re alright now.” Smoke still drifted up from the smoldering piles of debris, the sharp scent of burning still lingering in the air, and the little one shook with nerves and waffled a moment longer, indecisive, before launching herself at Lilitha and curling up against her broad chest.

    “That’s it, love, I’ve got you.”

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