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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  and in my dreams i've kissed your lips a thousand times // Any
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    Without Solace by my side, the world seems emptier. Despite the fact that the majority of Hyalinians have found their way to the new heart of The Sanctuary - that being the Cove - it's luster diminishes with my beautiful wife to highlight the best parts of the new landscape.

    That being said, I have done my fair share of exploring. After making my way through a cleft between two of the many mountains lining the west coast of this land, I was shocked to find a heaven of sorts: not one in the typical sense to be sure, but one nonetheless. Beneath my hooves, what must have been millions of shards of obsidian lay; they caught the light in a breathtaking way, not reflecting it but absorbing it and turning its energies inward. Each step felt like what I imagine walking on water to be, shifting and sliding, uncertain and yet real.

    Suffice to say, when I met up with Solace that night in our dreams, we had plenty of new ideas to play with.

    The distance isn't as hard as it rightly should be, I'll admit. More often than not we spend the nights physically together, what with the flight over the bay between the two kingdoms being practically nothing; and when Hyaline is too pressing or she feels too tired, we are together in our dreams. The connection isn't as strong as it would be were we together, but I am never without the sensation of her soul next to mine; and oh, how hers warms me. I smile to think of it; but the smile fades as I crane my head south-west, wondering how she is doing.

    If she has caught the plague.
    If she is taking care of herself.
    If she will come home tonight, or the next night, or the next.

    A shiver runs through me, and I shake off the fruitless thoughts. I have been quarantined to safe zones until this sickness passes, such that I might better serve The Sanctuary; but this banishment of sorts from my true home is painful, even if I do not let on as much when before our subjects.

    Sighing quietly, I cast my gaze around for Panthera but do not find her. She must be in Hyaline with the jaguar she talks about sometimes, not Svedka but someone she calls Ryan. Feeling doubly alone now, I meander around the southern lake nestled between the Cove's mountains, hills, and forests, trying to pretend like it comes even close to Hyaline's heart.

    [Image: kag]
    do you ever wonder...
    ...do you ever dream?

    Since arriving in the cove, the black and white steed made it a point to memorize every geographical facet of the new sanctuary. He thought it the most productive use of his time while everyone arrived. Not to mention, the task kept his mind off of his beloved mother and sister. Solace and Valdis chose to stay behind in Beqanna. He could see Solace, as a shepherd among those who were lost and, his twin must be bravely tracking down family. He could not be sure where the remainer of his siblings are; however, he hopes they are together and safe. There is no use in dwelling on the what ifs. He chose to stay here, with Kagerus. She would surely be a fierce guardian but, he could heal. Though, like every gift, his had limits. He could not heal himself. He had to keep himself safe, in order to help everyone else. If they worked together, mother and son could keep the plague at bay.

    His inner musings led Velk to decide to seek Kagerus. The black and white feels confident that he completed his self-assigned task to satisfaction. To whose satisfaction, he could not be sure but, he feels validated. Now, he would take the initiative to seek his Queen and, help in any way he could. After all, his initiative shows that he is eager and willing to learn; that he cares deeply for the welfare and future of Hyaline's residents; that he intends to invest himself completely to the vision his parents have worked so hard to paint; and, that he values Kagerus' example as his mother and champion. Male tosses his poll which causes sapphire blue tresses to shift slightly as they flop down thickly muscled neck. Soft blue gaze peers beneath veil of royal blue as toned hindquarters bunch and engage to push steed into a balanced trot. Young stag follows the scent trail his widened nares have identified as his antlered, mahogany overo mother.

    Before long, her familiar form comes into focus. Two-beat jog settles into a halt before Velk lifts his young poll and a lightness floods his blue orbs. Whiskered muzzle jitters in excitement; recognition, and then, he approaches his matriarch in an animated walk. A soft nicker emits as he stretches his plush nose out to take a deep inhale of her comforting perfume. Whiskers meld into her crest and mane as Velk breathes in. At last, he breaks the silence with his mature voice, tone gentle and soft. "Kag, how are you?" He could only imagine how worried she was, how stressed. He sighs against her cheek before turning cranium and gaze so that is parallel to hers. Velk allows his blue gaze to rest in the same direction as hers, on the same tranquil landscape. He waits patiently for her response and, listens closely. "I have studied and memorized every square hoof of Silver Cove. I could not help but think that I should be doing more. Would you have something in mind?"


    @[Kagerus], basically, Velk wants to prepare himself/continue his training. I was hoping Kag had a task to prove himself or, maybe a training lesson (diplomatic or sparring). <3
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    I am not left to my thoughts for long; as my hooves exchange thuds for clops on my ceaseless journey round the southern lake - more of a pond, really - the sound of another approaching wafts to my ears. This new stimulus immediate revives me from my somber mood, as in truth, the melancholy had been coming mostly from loneliness; I welcome the idea of some companionship during these times. Even though the majority of Hyalinians had made the exodus to the Cove, it still feels empty sometimes - but we are all mourning the loss of our home, and for many, that means seeking privacy. I must respect that.

    That being said, I cannot deny the joy I feel at the possibility of interacting with another of my species. Pivoting with perked ears and rolling, eager eyes, a smile bursts forth on to my lips when I spot who it is that approaches. A toss of my antlered head welcomes my son closer, my legs moving only a couple paces forward until he is pulling up next to me from his jaunty trot. I take a moment to admire the stallion before me as his weight settles, eyeing the definition of his musculature and the height that he has grown to; a trait he inherited from his father, Castile. I am nigh on a hand shorter than he these days; but I struggle to feel the difference, as when he presses his muzzle to my cheek, I cannot think of him as anything except the child I was lucky enough to help raise.

    "I am doing as well as I can, son." The words are painfully honest, what parental filter I may have once applied to my words disintegrated in light of Velk's newfound maturity, and of course the vulgar nature of the plague. The world we live in these days demands brutal honesty, even between loved ones. Sighing quietly, I lean my head into his touch, closing my eyes and forgetting myself for a moment. After a moment, the black and white sighs, too, and withdraws to consider the southern lake with me.

    "I hope you are doing well, too."

    I am aware of the fact that both of us have been quarantined to the Cove, making us both stowaways in a world of beplagued misfits. Although his eyes have turned away, mine slide subtly over in my skull to watch the stallion; he, too, must be feeling the pressure of our duties here. And yet when he speaks again, it is in reference to the fact that he feels he has not done enough: a symptom of restlessness, of captivity, of fear. I nod my head gently at first, considering his words; then, I inhale, preparing my thoughts.

    "I have a few things in mind, Velk... I think that kingdom visits may soon be in order, though reports from the outside have yet to confirm any significant settlement in any of the quadrants save here, in the East. We can teleport to the safe land via dream when the time comes." Out on the lake, a fish jumps. "But, I have been itching for something to do, too. This plague leaves me restless. What would you say to a challenge? It would be good to keep ourselves in fighting shape, in the case of threat."

    [Image: kag]
    do you ever wonder...
    ...do you ever dream?

    I am doing as well as I can, son. The words strike Velk with the brutal honesty he expected. After all, her soul mate is away, her children are abroad, their beloved home is threatened and, Beqanna is a state of shock and termoil. The two-toned steed would not expect his mother to be holding up any better. His eyelids close, his long lashes brushing his cheekbone, as he embraces the brief moment that him and Kagerus are touching. Her warmth comforts him enough to usher a sigh.

    Sapphire gaze scans the horizon until her voice pulls him back to the present. I hope you are doing well, too, she offers. He organizes his response and, musters the calmest tone possible. "I am managing. Mostly, I feel restless. It makes me uneasy to be so isolated; so unaware of the goings-on." Cupped accoustic, closest to Kagerus, rotates towards the bay to catch her subtle, but audible, inhale. The two-toned stallion anticipates more words and pulls his gaze from the horizon. As his mother's voice continues, sapphire orbs meet hers. Her words lure him in and, he finds himself growing eager with anticipation.

    Ah yes, kingdom visits would certainly be a productive way of introducing ourselves, the East and, learning the status of the land they visit. Of course, it must be safe in order to do so. Or, as Kagerus offers, she could dream teleport another with her. Traveling by her magic was unsettling the first couple of times as Velk became overly conscious of the lack of time needed to travel. Also, the lack of energy expended (on his part) left him feeling as though he had cheated the system. It certainly is by-far the safest way to go and, he could manage the lapse in time better now. Then, she proposes a challenge between them. At first, he did not know what to say. He is honored and intimidated at the same time. His ears flick back and forth in a nervous quiver as she finishes speaking. Velk takes the time to mull it over a few seconds more so that he can gather his thoughts before responding. "I think that is a very constructive use of our time and energy. As this will be my first spar, I would appreciate any advice you can offer." His nostrils flutter with excitement as he squares his stance and draws in a breath of fresh air.


    1. I am sorry for the delay. Obviously, i dont mind a slow thread because it took me 4 weeks to get this up. Also, I know they are traveling to other lands but I did have this reply started already and, I would LOVE to duel with you/Kag.
    2. Will we stay here in the safety of the cove or, head to Challenges?
    3. Kag is welcome to go first unless you don't want to.
    4. Typical length (3 attacks each, right?) or, would you like to make modify? I am open to anything really!
    5. Thank you for bearing with me <3
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    I am managing. The words cause my heart to constrict a little; though I am experiencing the stress of this new, plague-ridden Beqanna, some naive part of me had believed that perhaps my children have managed to avoid its curses. And while it is true that Velk is yet healthy, the fact that he is still emotionally burdened by these goings-on makes my heart ache. While I did not witness his birth nor did I raise him since then, I met and immediately grew to love Velk and his sister Valdis when they were but weanlings; they are as much my own as any of the others, and when they are in pain, so too am I.

    Luckily, I have a solution to his restlessness, and when I voice it, he reacts positively - almost moreso than I dared to expect, given his latest assessment that things were only as all right as they could be. Encouraged by his enthusiasm, I easily come up with a few pointers for him, recalling my time during the Alliance with such a gauzy nostalgia that I can barely believe that such happy, worry-free times were ever real.

    "Well, my biggest advice is to be slow and precise. Rushing things will often get you tripped up, or you will miss your mark - and while it may seem like your opponent will automatically have the upper hand due to your caution, that is almost never the case, unless you are facing a very experienced warrior." I smile a little ruefully at this, remembering how I had done the exact opposite of this during my final Alliance battle, against Brennen; his title, age, and legendary air in the field of battle utterly unsettled me, and caused me to lose that battle. Had I taken the advice I give now to Velk, I suspect that things may have turned out differently.

    "Otherwise, the rest is rather simple. Know your opponent - which I should hope that you do - learn to immediately gauge their weaknesses and their strengths, know your own too and how to utilize them such that you function at your peak efficiency, and use any traits you have. Even if you have none pertinent to battle, you still stand a fare chance; the faeries do not judge the battles in terms of who comes out with the most wounds, but on a whole variety of criteria. So do not think yourself immediately disqualified on the basis of traits."

    Figuring that that is about all I have to say, I reach and press my nose into Velk's side. "I will see you soon to battle, son. Fare thee well."


    1. I love your words and I will wait eternities to get to read them!! Life happens, I totally understand <3
    2. I think we will stay here.
    3. Kag really does not want to go first if that is okay :|
    4. I would like to modify, otherwise we may never actually finish this duel lmao.
    5. Of course <3 I am going to post a challenge for him now, in a new thread.
    [Image: kag]

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