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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    like the dawn, you broke the dark - kag

    "I won't make it that far tonight," Solace replies, enjoying the distraction of her wife's company and the much-needed cascade of laughter which follows. "But maybe Tuesday," she adds with a kiss once she has caught her breath again, unaware that the fairies would be calling on them to do nearly that before the week was out. 

    The ache between her legs intensifies, demanding more of her attention, and Solace turns away from the cove towards a stand of pale birch trees. Birth was becoming a well-practiced ritual for her, but still, excitement tinted with anxiety courses through her veins heightening every sensation. 

    Sand turns to winter grass below her hooves, and Solace sinks to the earth, her legs folding neatly below her. Her wings flutter again, letting the cool air cross her sweat soaked skin and she waits for her sixth child. Her breath comes quicker as she pushes, urging the foal into the world.

    After that it is quick, she would remember this birth as the easiest,  and soon their son is beside them. Solace feels Kagerus move in the dark, and she opens her eyes to twist her neck back and over her body to see him. 

    Her heart swells, she is still amazed by the delicacy of each child's tiny face, and she adjusts to bring him alongside herself. Gently she helps Kagerus clean him, marveling at the purity of his white pelt as she does. "Hello, little prince," she huffs, placing the same blessing on his brow she had her other children before looking back to Kagerus. A sheen of blue light dances along her skin and her eyes shine just as brightly as she does. 

    "What shall we call him?"  

        we're reeling through an endless fall
    we are the ever-living ghost of what once was

    @[laura] @[Kagerus]


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    RE: like the dawn, you broke the dark - kag - by Solace - 11-27-2018, 05:48 PM

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