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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  everyone I know goes away in the end, Ashhal
    “What have I become, my sweetest friend?
    Everyone I know goes away in the end."

    He is all wrong, and being here is wrong. It chants over and over inside her head, sewing threads of guilt across her heart when she thinks of her sweet, loyal Skellig. She is a disaster, and she always has been. She had deserved everything that happened with Dhumin; she had longed for perfect love and loyalty, and yet she was quick to destroy it after getting it. Time, even though she has lived over a hundred years, has not changed that. So easily she became addicted to this again; alone and clean for countless years, and just a single taste had sent her spiraling.

    She could have ran into anyone from her past, but she had to run into him. The only one that would tempt her, and the only one that wouldn’t try to stop her.

    He knew what made her tick, knew exactly how to touch her to make her push everything else out of her mind. She had been strong for so long but something had made her weak; his lips and teeth against her skin, the low vibration of his voice in her ear. Like a fool, she keeps coming back.

    ”Have I ever been one to play it safe?” She asks him with a tilt of her delicate head, thinking back on her numerous other dangerous exploits; living in Amazonhollow (a land reserved for cruelty, and the obedient girls to sake their lust) in her first home, and the Valley once she came here. She had been born not knowing any other way to live. ”It’s not yours, so don’t worry,” She says with a dry but teasing laugh as he points out her fairly obvious pregnancy,  her teeth briefly grasping the skin at his neck. ”Too bad, because you were such a good father with Cadhla.” She isn’t even sure if their daughter had ever even met him; she knew Ashhal would be uninterested, as most of them were. She likely hadn’t even sought him out after that tryst.

    The weight of his wing across her back sends an involuntary shiver down her spine, and even though her mind screams at her to pull away, her body doesn’t listen. She presses closer, and the way her stark white form melts against his silver skin  is falsely sweet — they both knew the game that they were playing, the same game they had been playing since the day they met. With her warm breath fanning across his neck in the wake of her soft lips, even she knows that the game is far from over.
    you could have it all, my empire of dirt


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    RE: everyone I know goes away in the end, Ashhal - by Ryatah - 11-17-2018, 05:02 PM

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