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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  as calm as the sea - any
    The tall beast of a horse grazed quietly within the field. Autumn was here, and the black stallion was enjoying his time. It was breeding season, and Likah had his fair share of passionate nights. However, none of the mares that had caught his eye recently stayed around. He was either too forward or they just weren't looking for anything serious. Now Likah was completely fine with that, but he longed for an interaction that lasted longer than a night or two. 

    He raised his head from the ground, stamping his hoof a few times before moving at a slow pace, enjoying the warm autumn breeze. It wouldn't be long now before the cold winter months came, and Likah was not looking forward to it. The cold always meant less food, and he often lost a considerable amount of weight over the colder period of the year. For a brute such as him, it meant they were dangerous.

    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    It’s only appropriate that Kensa is the one who comes down into the field to meet the massive playboy. Of course she wont know a thing about him and he won't know a thing about her and that is the beauty of a meeting like this. They might just be kindred spirits or there are at least parallels to be found.

    The chestnut woman travels out of Hyaline with frequency of late, diplomatic meetings here, a motherless child there. Each adventure holds new and exciting possibilities and that is, after all, the spice of life. Kensa is always looking for little pleasures to add dimension to her already kaleidoscope world.

    Stocky but thin from the plague that has its grip on Beqanna, she is still a rough cut kind of beautiful. Her stockinged legs carry her across the field (quiet again, how disappointing) until upon cresting a particular hill her topaz eyes alight on a dark beast roaming through the fading green field. Of course she watches him for a moment, letting herself be impressed by his proportions and abyss dark coloration. She whickers but then descends the slope nimbly so that they may meet on even ground. She has no need to look down on anyone. “Hi there. My name is Kensa. I don’t believe we’ve met.” Of course she knows they haven’t, she’d remember someone like him.

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    Likah allowed himself to saunter towards the chestnut mare, gazing downwards with piercing green eyes. She was thin, nearly sickly looking. He took note of it, remembering the plague that had took hold of the lands. Her coat was a warm splash of color in contrast to his almost cold, dark one. The dark stallion allowed his gaze to roam. She was a gorgeous mare, even if she could be infected by the plague. He let out a soft nicker before responding to her greeting.

    "I don't think we have. Allow me to introduce myself. Likah, the untamed brute." He told Kensa with pride. It was almost a feat to not have been lured into one of the herds that called Beqanna home or to be tied down by a woman, he thought. Though, he could be persuaded by a fiery enough spirit, a divine enough temptress, to stay and be loyal.


    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    She laughs and the sound is clear and melodious, her quick smile is tilted higher in one corner as with mischief. Kensa is an honest thing, beguiling the world with her joyful vivacity rather than the flirtatious duplicity that most women depend on. Likah, the untamed brute. He introduces himself thusly, hence her laughter (amused, never unkind). Many a man would be inclined to consider him untamed. Many a woman as well. Kensa for her part has never entertained the idea of taming anyone at all. She doesn’t ask more of anyone else than she is willing to give herself. “Pleased to meet you, Likah.” She states and flicks her flaxen tresses out of her blazed face, so that she may keep her warm gemstone eyes trained squarely on the proud beast who looks upon her like she is a prize.

    ”And what are you up to today, Likah? Looking to spurn a few would-be stallion tamers in the field?” She looks around them then, around the quiet field as though any minute they would be set upon by potential suitors as by voracious wolves. Her expression says ‘let them come’ before she tucks her chin primly and returns her attention to the dark handsome Likah with a soft snort. ”Perhaps they’re late.” Of course she does not imply that she does not think they would come if given half the chance, but she is here first, pretty and bold, and not a woman who wants to lasso and possess. 

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[Likah] is safe from the plague. For now. (rolled a 2)

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