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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  breaking like the waves down on the coastline; ember
    breaking like the waves down on the coastline
    breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

    In the darkness, all stood still.

    She was wrapped within the confined space of darkness. Curled up in the warmth the womb provided for her.

    There was complete serenity within the darkness. A place of safety that even the evilest of things could not touch or harm her.

    All she could hear was the beating of the heart. She became familiar with the sound, echoing in her space of safety. The rush of the thumps and thuds came and went.

    Then there had been a voice, it was so far away. A faint whisper within the darkness. But she grew to know it—grew to love it.

    It was all she knew.

    All she wanted to ever know.

    But then suddenly (one day, whatever time was simply had no meaning to her yet), the heartbeat was no longer the same.

    It was faster. It was furious. It was fighting.

    It was trying to survive.

    Suddenly, the light had swallowed the darkness. There was a push, a pull, and then a shove. Every part of her was being pulled apart from her small, confined space of darkness.

    The light blinded her first. She could not bare to open her eyes and look upon the world she has just been brought into. Her ears flicker, picking up the near and far sounds that fill her ears and send her thoughts racing. She can hear crashing and thrashing, the high-pitched call of strange creatures she would eventually come to know to be seagulls, and the heavy, hoarse breathing of the nearly dead body that lays near her.

    She is drawn to the breathing. The familiarity of the pattern, the deep heaving and exhaling of air is something she knows. Something she knows she must come closer to. It matches the familiar pattern of the beating heart she knew too well.

    Her eyes open weakly, squinting as they try to focus on the world around her for the first time. But she only has eyes for the winged amber champagne sabino mare marked with strange, yet colorful designs. Something within her, an innate feeling, tells her she knows this creature—this thing that has brought her here on this bone-bleached beach. But the heartbeat is fainting, she can hear the creature is trying, but there is not much left in her.

    The girl pushes herself onto her legs. She fails the first time, but instantly the next time she finds her balance. A will to make her way closer to the creature that is dying (a thing she has yet to know, a tragedy and beauty in one). She nudges the mare, pushing her small muzzle and nostrils on the neck of the winged mare. The mare breaths again, speaking for the first time in a soft whisper. Her final breath.



    The waves had crashed around her that day as she never left the side of the dead mare, pushing and pulling her in. Eva twisted and turned, trying to escape the storm that took her away from the winged mare and bone-bleached beach. It took her and molded her into something beautiful, marvelous, and dangerous.

    Her birth was a depiction of hope while her new body was a force that should not be reckon with. The death of her mother was a blessing in disguise—giving life to the very world. A world of waters, oceans, and seas that would be hers.

    The waters around Beqanna had become her domain. She had become a daughter of the sea, and with it came a life of freedom. She became marveled with the beauty of the sea, the fascination of the creatures that lived within, and admiring the strength of the waves when the storms tossed and turned.

    But Eva has grown curious. More than she ever should be without knowing truly what lies beyond the ocean. The land of sand intrigues her, but the ocean is all she has known. She has watched the creatures move and live among the dry land, but she remains within the confined space of safety within the waters. Where nothing could ever hurt her.

    Today was different though.

    Eva moves easily through the water. The waves carry her forward, pushing her closer and closer to the land. A new sense of braveness fills her today. She has somehow mustered up the courage to get closer today. Could she even go on this dry land she has been watching for what seemed forever? She should try at least.

    The cove becomes larger, and she moves quicker. Everything in the distance from the dry land becomes more detailed. Her orange-golden eyes light up with wonder. The filly’s curiosity grows more quickly, and she moves further into the enclosed cove. Her eyes drift across the narrow stretch of sand that glides into the water, barely catching the glassy obsidian pebbles further inland.

    Her eyes quickly flicker away from the shoreline and land upon a creature that she has never seen anything quite like. She watches as the strange fire filly—yes, it was something like her but different in other ways—stands within the water, watching something that swims near her feet. Eva already knows the small fish that circle around the other filly’s hooves—they are creatures she has come to know and love.

    The filly then turns away, Eva rushes forward in the water, closer to the shore. Her golden eyes watch as the fire filly moves further onto the land. “Wait!” The words burst out of her lips unexpectedly. A shocked expression covers her purple features quickly. She couldn’t believe she had just done that.


    character info: here | character reference: here

    @[Ember] Sorry for the long post, I got a bit carried away lol. Also, this is a reply to your post from earlier as you suggested Smile
    Profile | Detailed Bio | Character Reference

    She freezes, her claw-tipped wings still arching high over her back and her front right hoof hovering over the milky white sand below the surface. It's a tense moment—her heart clenches tight in her chest, a sense of panic comes rattling up out of nowhere and she wants to run; wolves, blood, death. Fire. The dragonskinned fully shivers despite the warm water and slowly turns to face the direction the voice came from.

    Much to her surprise, there doesn't seem to be anyone there.

    "Hello?" Ember says gently, carefully scanning the water with her ruby red eyes—that's when she spots the creature. Its head, decidedly female, bobs above the surface and the black roan sniffs at the air curiously. "What are you doing over there?"

    She turns, wading slightly back into the water. "Are you scared? Yah don't gotta be, y'know." Ember grins, wide at first, but then she remembers she has a mouth full of sharp teeth—unlike a lot of other horses she's seen—and bearing them at strangers is highly frowned upon. "Despite what it looks like, I don't bite! I promise!" Well, she doesn't bite without reason but this other girl, for whatever reason, does not seem like she's come looking for a fight. If anything, she looks the way Ember feels. Utterly scared out of her mind.

    "I came here lookin' for my mama, how about you?"

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